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1、Lesson 139 Is that you, John?,Hold on please. Just a moment please. Sorry, he is not in. Can I take a massage?,Could / Can/ May speak to John Smith please?,New words,extra overseas engineering company line,额外的 海外的 工程 公司 线路,extra time. extra money.,Listen and answer.,Isnt Graham Turner speaking to Jo

2、hn Smith?,What does Graham Turner ask John Smith do tell Mary?,What time did he say he would be at their house?,Yes, he is .,He asks John Smith to tell Mary they will be late for dinner this evening.,He said he would be there at six .,Why does he say hell be late?,Because the boss wants him to do so

3、me extra work.,When will he finish?,He doesnt know when he will finish.,Listen and answer.,What doesnt John Smith understand?,He doesnt understand what Graham Turner is talking about.,Is he John Smith, the engineer?,Yes, he is.,Is he from the Overseas Engineering Company?,No, he isnt. he is from the

4、 telephone company.,What does Graham Turners wife want to know?,She wants to know if Mary needs any help.,Is that you, John? Yes, speaking.,Tell Mary well be late for dinner this evening. Im afraid I dont understand.,that,that,Hasnt Mary told you? She invited Charlotte and me to dinner this evening.

5、 I said I would be at your house at six oclock, but the boss wants me to do some extra work.,Hasnt he arrived yet?,I will be at your house at six oclock.,I dont know when Ill finish. Oh, by the way, my wife wants to know If Mary needs any help.,Does Mary needs any help?,whether,I dont know what you

6、are taking about.,That is John Smith, isnt it? You are John Smith, the engineer, arent you? You work for the Overseas Engineering Company, dont you? Im John Smith the telephone engineer and Im repairing your telephone line.,宾语从句,由that引导的从句,(that)可以省略 知道know、希望hope、相信believe等动词, 前面一般现在时,后面任何时态; if/wh

7、ether(是否)引导, 如果后面是选择疑问句用whether; 特殊疑问词what/why/where, 疑问句变成陈述句语序。,1.My mother said, “ I am going to the shop”. My mother said (that )she was going to the shop. 2.The policeman said, “You are driving too fast”. The policeman said I was driving too fast. 3.Mary said, “They will get married next week”.

8、 Mary said they would get married next week. 4.Sophie says, “ I am a new teacher”. Sophie says she is a new teacher.,“If “引导的条件状语从句,如果我赢得很多钱,我会为你买件貂皮大衣。,If I win a lot of money, Ill buy you a mink coat.,如果我们有很多钱,我们会去周游世界。,If we have a lot of money, well travel round the world.,如果我们花了那些钱,我们又会变穷了。,If

9、we spend that money, well be poor again.,如果我坐飞机,就可以快些到北京。,If you by plane, you can go to Beijing faster.,1.His mother asked, “ Are you tired , Mary? ” His mother asked Mary if she was tired. 2.His teacher asked, “Does Tom always do his homework?” His teacher asked if Tom always do his homework. 3.Hi

10、s mother asked, “Why are you tired, Mary?” His mother asked Mary why she was tired. 4.His teacher asked, “When did Tom do his homework?” His teacher asked when Tom did his homework.,He wants to know if / why/ when,He wants to know when you will finish work.,He wants to know why you are late for scho

11、ol.,He wants to know what you are doing.,He wants to know if you are busy.,tired,Are you tired?,What does he want to know?,He wants to know if you are tired.,Tell him if you are tired.,What are you tired?,What does he want to know?,He wants to know why you are tired.,Tell him why you are tired.,read

12、ing,What are you reading?,What does he want to know?,He wants to know what you are reading.,Tell him what you are reading.,do his homework,Does Tom always do his homework?,What does he want to know?,He wants to know if Tom always does his homework.,Tell him if Tom always does his homework.,When does

13、 Tom do his homework?,What does he want to know?,He wants to know if Tom always does his homework.,Tell him when Tom does his homework.,I wonder / do you want to go home,I wonder if you want to go home.,Do you need help? / My wife wonder,My wife wonders if you need help,What are you doing?/ I want t

14、o know,I want to know what you are doing.,Where are you going tomorrow?/ I dont know,I dont know where you are going tomorrow.,I want to know if you are late.,Tell me if you are late.,I want to know why you are late.,Tell me why you are late.,I want to know if you are writing.,Tell me if you are wri

15、ting.,I want to know what you are writing.,Tell me what you are writing.,I want to know if Tom got up early.,Tell me if Tom got up early.,I want to know when Tom got up.,Tell me when Tom got up.,I want to know if Tom had a bath yesterday.,Tell me if Tom and a bath yesterday.,I want to know when Tom a had bath.,Tell me when Tom had a bath.,


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