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1、,全权限数字式电子控制器,全权数字式电子控制器(Full Authority Digital Electronic Controller, FADEC) 是负责起动、运转、关车的控制,监控与指示,数据提取。还记录存贮APU每次启动的参数和故障信息。 FADEC的核心是一台微处理器,其内部有四块印刷电路板:微处理器板,数模转换板,输入/输出滤波板和电源板。具有可靠性高、维护方便的特点。 FADEC安装在飞机后货舱舱门的旁边,它是一个ARINC3/8的短盒,盒子后面的电接头J3,连接APU和飞机电气系统,用于APU的参数采集,以及控制、指示;前面板上有一个数字显示器、一个显示按钮和一个电插头(J1

2、),当按下显示按钮,数字显示器会显示FADEC记录的12条滚动故障信息,前面板上的电插头J1用来和便携式计算机相联结,以提取FADEC内存贮的更多的信息。,航空发动机全权限数字式电子控制(FADEC),A FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) is a system consisting of a digital computer, called an Electronic Engine Control (EEC), and its related accessories that control all aspects of aircra

3、ft engine performance. FADEC = Full Authority Digital Engine Control, or FADEC = Full Authority Digital Electronics Control,控 制 1. 启动控制 FADEC接到启动指令,即向点火激励器发出指令点火,同时发出指令使启动燃油活门打开,APU点火加速,当FADEC 监测到APU转速达到50%N,同时EGT 有50F温升时,便控制主燃油电磁活门打开,并给主燃油伺服活门一个100mA的电信号,使活门全开,使APU加速增快;55%N时,FADEC关断点火激励器电源,停止点火;70%

4、N时,关断启动电磁活门,APU由主活门供油加速到98%,这时FADEC由加速控制转为速度控制,通过加给主燃油伺服活门上的0100mA的电信号,控制供油量,使APU平稳加速到100%N,并保持恒定。 2.运转与加载控制 APU正常运转、加载时,FADEC监控APU的排气温度( EGT) 和转速(SPD)的变化,根据外界大气温度(OAT)、外界大气压力(OAP),经内部计算,控制加到主燃油伺服活门上的电信号的大小(0-100mA),控制供油量,使APU恒速。使用APU引气时,FADEC根据EGT变化,输出一个0100mA的电信号加给引气伺服活门,控制引气活门的开度,从而最大限度地使用引气。,3.

5、关车控制 FADEC关车控制有自动关车控制和人工关车控制两种。当FADEC探测到超转(105%N)、低转(97%N)、滑油温度高、滑油压力低、两个转速传感器全部失效、两个热电偶全部失效、EGT超温等故障信息时,经计算确认,启动自动关车程序,控制APU关车;当FADEC接到正常关车指令或是APU火警手柄拉出时,控制关断主燃油活门,并按人工关车程序关车。 监控与指示 FADEC通过各种传感器监控APU的EGT、SPD,以及维护、失效故障等信息,经计算比较后,输出到P5板的仪表和指示灯。 信息记录及存贮 FADEC记录12套APU启动关车运转参数(SPD、EGT、OAT、OAP、FF等),12条滚动

6、信息和100条故障信息,存贮在其内部的NVM(静态存贮器)内,掉电信息不会丢失。 (1) 在FADEC 面板上通过按压故障显示按钮,面板上的数字显示器会显示FADEC记录的12条滚动故障信息代码。12次历史(HIST)循环将以每46秒一个循环的速率自动转动,在完成当前的历史信息后显示“END“。 一个循环若没有故障/维护信息,将显示“OK“字头。在一些少于12次启动循环的情况下,将显示“N/A“。,(2) 用手提电脑通过专用电缆和FADEC面板上的电插头J1相连接,利用汉密尔顿胜特兰公司的专用软件(该公司提供的特种工具Sundstrand P/N AGE70013 or TM90354就是一台

7、装有专用软件的笔记本计算机),可以下载NVM中存贮的所有信息,还可以在线观察APU启动、运转、关车的各种动态参数。 这些APU数据包括:APU启动次数、APU工作时间、APU序号、FADEC型号/序号、EGT、SPD、APU燃油流量、APU进气压力、APU进气温度、存在故障的FADEC代码、维护信息等。 FADEC的维护 FADEC有上电自检功能,若其本身有故障,前面板上的数字显示器窗口将会显示故障代码“ECU“或黑屏。 当更换FADEC或发动机后,FADEC将记录并储存新的发动机序号(发动机上装有识别组件,向FADEC提供发动机序号),并抹去所有滚动信息。储存在NVM中的其他信息将被储存并能

8、通过专用电脑下载。当FADEC通电后,发动机序号被存入FADEC的记忆体(NVM)中。,EECFADEC 功能:用数字信号控制相关阀门,进行稳态与瞬态智能控制,不再采用液压、机械液压或气压装置,燃油系统只剩下泵、控制阀、独立的切断开关以及最少量的必要的附加装置以防在电子系统失效时保证发动机的安全。,EECFADEC,控制系统 EEC FADEC,发动机电子控制系统,EGT和转速是主要控制参数,Function,True FADECs have no form of manual override available, placing full authority over the operat

9、ing parameters of the engine in the hands of the computer. If a total FADEC failure occurs, the engine fails. If the engine is controlled electronically but allows for manual override, it is considered solely an Electronic Engine Control (EEC). When standing alone, the EEC makes all of the decisions

10、 until the pilot wishes to intervene. FADEC works by receiving multiple input variables of the current flight condition including, throttle position, engine temperatures, engine pressures and many others. The inputs are received by the EEC and analyzed up to 100 times per second. Engine operating pa

11、rameters such as fuel flow, stator vane position, position, and others are computed from this data and applied as appropriate. The FADECs basic purpose is to provide optimum engine efficiency for a given flight condition. FADEC also allows the manufacturer to program engine limitations and receive e

12、ngine health and maintenance reports. For example, to avoid exceeding a certain engine temperature, the FADEC can be programmed to automatically take the necessary measures without pilot intervention.,航空发动机先进控制概念及最新进展,FADEC概况 FADEC利用数字式电子控制系统的极限能力来完成系统所规定的全部任务,是高性能飞机发动机以及一体化控制必然采取的控制形式,是该领域的发展方向和研制重

13、点。 FADEC系统包括燃油泵系统,主燃油、加力燃油计量装置,放气活门控制,变几何位置作动,叶尖间隙主动控制,传感器,专用电源发电机以及电子控制器等完整的控制系统。,FADEC的优点,(1)提高发动机性能。FADEC的计算能力强、精度高,能够在整个飞行范围发挥发动机的最佳性能;能够改善发动机的启动和过渡特性;能够改善发动机安全保护。FADEC的数值计算和逻辑判断能力可在更合理的范围选择控制规律;容易实现发动机控制方案的变动,通过修改软件就可以寻找最佳控制性能。 (2) 降低燃油消耗量。由于FADEC可实现发动机的最佳控制,因此,发动机控制器更换时,可减少乃至不需要调整运转,加之慢车转速的闭环控

14、制、引气最佳化,结合自动油门等措施,能够减少燃油消耗。 (3) 提高可靠性。由于采用余度技术、故障诊断、恢复功能,而且减少了超温、超转、过应力等情况,使发动机的可靠性提高。 (4) 降低成本。由于包括自测试、诊断、记忆等功能,可实施计算机辅助故障诊断,给维护带来方便。加上更换控制装置不需要调整运转,使发动机维修成本降低。 (5) 易于实现发动机状态监控,易于实现与飞机控制的一体化。,Basic components of FADEC,Two Electronic Control Units (ECUs) Health Status Annunciator (HSA) FADEC Sensor

15、set (1) Speed Sensor Assembly (SSA) (4) Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT) (4) Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) (2) Manifold Air Pressure (MAP) (2) Manifold Air Temperature (MAT) (2) Fuel Pressure Sensors (1) Throttle Position Switch (WOT),System continuously monitors and controls ignition timing, fuel in

16、jection timing, and fuel-to-air ratio mixture Therefore, a FADEC equipped engine does not require magnetos and eliminates the need for manual fuel/air mixture control.,History,The goal of any engine control system is to allow the engine to perform at maximum efficiency for a given condition. The com

17、plexity of this task is proportional to the complexity of the engine. Originally, engine control systems comprised simple mechanical linkages controlled by the pilot. By moving throttle levers directly connected to the engine, the could control flow, power output, and many other engine parameters. F

18、ollowing means of engine control came the introduction of engine control. Analog electronic control varies an electrical signal to communicate the desired engine settings. The system was an evident improvement over mechanical control but had its drawbacks including common electronic noise interferen

19、ce. This system was pioneered in the 1960s and first introduced as a component of the Olympus 593 Engine. Following analog electronic control, the clear path was digital electronic control. Later in the 1970s and experimented with the first experimental FADEC, first flown on an fitted with a highly

20、modified left engine. The experiments led to and being the first military and civil engines respectively fitted with FADEC and later the as the first commercial “dual FADEC“ engine.,随着航空技术现代化的不断发展,对飞机动力的发展提出了更高的要求,发动机控制系统也已由原来的机械、液压控制发展为数字式电子控制系统直至全权限数控系统。 国外在20世纪70年代就开展航空发动机数字电子控制的研究,80年代这项技术逐步进人应用

21、阶段。目前90年代国外新研制的航空发动机几乎全部使用了数字式电子控制系统, 我国开展这项工作起步并不晚,也始于20世纪70年代,但进展一直较缓慢。为了加快这项工作进度, 80年代中试飞院用一架歼8II改装为FADEC控制系统试验机,并开展了相应的飞行试验研究。国内于90年代开始发动机数字式控制系统的研制。,我国航空发动机实现数控跨越,科学时报2004.5.27 由成都航空仪表公司研制的某型FADAC试飞成功。这种电子控制器是为贵航发动机设计所的某航空发动机(wp13)系统配套研制的。 在中国飞行试验研究院进行的系统验证试飞过程中,作为核心控制部件的该电子控制器配合数控系统顺利完成了所有规定科目

22、试飞考核。该系统成功实现了发动机由机械电气控制到数字计算机控制的转变,同时对提高发动机作战性能、提高发动机工作安全性和可靠性、减小飞行员操作强度等有显著的效果,使我国发动机的控制技术达到更高的水平。,614 所,航空动力控制系统研究所(无锡614所)成立于1975年. 航发控制系统设计、研究、试验、制造、修理、服务的科研机构。FADEC研究shi主要专业。 六一四所科技队伍实力雄厚,人员结构以中青年为主体,本科以上181名,25名博硕士;研究员19名,其中享受“政府特殊津贴”的14人,高工53人。 是中航唯一的FADEC重点实验室,实验室中有先进的系统研究、环境试验、数字仿真和物理实验设备。目

23、前,已具备进行FADEC总体设计、软件开发、硬件设计、可靠性设计、仿真技术等方面的研究能力,已为我国研制出多种型号的FADE C系统,并在余度设计、建模与验模技术、数据采集与监控技术、故障检测技术、CAD/CAM设计等方面取得了重大突破,获得了多项部级和国家级成果。 六一四研究所依托长期从事发动机研究的技术基础,加强科技开发和科研成果转化,现有52个科技项目及多项技术获科研成果奖,有一批科技成果已转化为民用高科技产品。,This system was pioneered in the 1960s and first introduced as a component of the 593 En

24、gine.,The analog electronic control system was pioneered in the 1960s and first introduced as a component of the Olympus 593 Engine. 英国防务新闻2003年10月由FADEC国际公司研制和生产的第一个全权数字电子发动机控制装置FADEC3已装在GE90-115B发动机上完成了取证工作。,中部的白色盒子就是FADEC,F404-GE-IN20,罗罗公司发展先进大型发动机用FADEC设备 美国航空周刊与航天技术2004年6月7日刊报道 目前,罗罗公司正在发展一种可改善

25、功能、提高处理速度同时降低成本的先进大型发动机用FADEC系统。罗罗公司正自筹资金与古德里奇(Goodrich)公司一起发展这种称为推进控制与监视装置(PCMU)的新设备。同时,该公司还在美国海军的“先进鹰眼”计划下,发展一种相似的T56发动机控制系统。这两个计划将协同发展。 罗罗公司的目标是为其整个大型发动机系列(包括AE2100涡桨发动机、AE3007涡扇发动机的军用型和AE1007倾转旋翼发动机)发展一套通用的FADEC硬件(不过是单独的硬件)。该计划的目标是建立一个集发动机控制和监视能力于一身的双通道单个箱体的FADEC设备。罗罗公司目前的FADEC是20世纪80年代的单通道设备,没有

26、监视发动机的能力。该推进控制和监视设备的目标是: 使处理器速度比现有的FADEC提高12倍; 与目前具有只读记忆和错误代码储存能力的FADEC相比,记忆能力提高3264倍 发展一种全功能的发动机和推进器监视能力; 从单通道的双箱体结构转变为双通道的单箱体设计; 采用图形到代码的系统,该系统可根据流程图生成用ADA和C+语言编写的软件。 这种方法大大提高了软件效率,当改型发动机时,可降低发展新控制系统的成本和缩短研制时间。,该计划从2003年年初开始,第一步是对罗罗公司的现有发动机包括TAY611、遄达500和RTM322的FADEC硬件进行认真研究。这样,新的FADEC将具有与遄达500发动机

27、FADEC相同的处理器。 罗罗公司发展这种新设备的方法是制造和试验硬件样机、获得硬件的特殊要求,然后进行初始和关键的设计审查。初始硬件的概念设计于2003年2月结束,第一台设备于11月研制出来用于试验。然后完成了硬件/软件的综合,2004年1月和2月,进行了一个实时的发动机模拟校验。 在45天的时间里,罗罗公司用一种只能控制速度和功率的功能有限的样机系统分别运行了一台AE2100、一台AE3007和一台AE1107发动机。 罗罗公司将继续进行PCMU和“先进鹰眼”的工作。后者从4月开始,初始设计评审在8月进行,关键设计评审在2005年2月进行,首台发动机试验将在2005年10月开始。PCUM的

28、初始设计评审将在10月份进行,关键设计评审将在2005年4月进行。(中国航空信息中心 胡晓煜),Low Voltage Harness Figures 3-2 and 3-1 in FADEC manual,Connects all essential components of FADEC Fuel Injector Coils and all sensors (except SSA, Fuel Pressure, Manifold Pressure) are hardwired to the low voltage harness All information from sensors

29、will flow to the Electronic Control Units for data processing and analysis,Electronic Control Unit (ECU) 3-7 to 3-9 in FADEC manual,“Brain” of the Engine Control System ECU divided into an upper and lower portion Lower portion contains the Electronic Circuit Board that processes all data Upper porti

30、on contains the ignition coils for the spark plugs (each ECU has (4) coils),ECU contd,The electronic circuit board (lower portion) of each ECU contains (2) independent microprocessor controllers which serve as control channels (1) control channel is assigned to operate a single engine cylinder (thus

31、 one ECU per pair of cylinders) ECU #1 controls opposing cylinders 1& 2ECU #2 controls opposing cylinders 3 & 4,ECU contd,Control channel will receive the sensor inputs and monitor any changes Control channel will use these inputs to precisely trim the fuel to air ratio going into each cylinder Ther

32、efore, the control channels allow each cylinder to be individually leaned or enriched,ECU contd,If one control channel fails within an ECU the other control channel can operate its assigned cylinder as well as the opposing cylinder as backup control for fuel injection and ignition timing All critica

33、l sensors are redundant with one sensor from each type connected to a control channel in different ECUs Synthetic software default values are also used should both sensors of a redundant pair failtherefore, FADEC will always have a value to work off of so it can inject an average amount of fuel to t

34、he cylinder,Health Status Annunciator (HSA),HSA contd,Consists of (5) lights on panel and WOT HSA provides information regarding the status of the FADEC system We have the 2-light system display referenced in the manual plus additional indicators as seen on the HSA HSA will not give you a warning or

35、 caution light for OIL temp/pressure or ALT FAIL,HSA lights,FADEC WARN: Engine Failure may be imminent, more than (1) cylinder is affectedland ASAP FADEC CAUTION: 99.99% of installed components are working. No immediate action is reqd. Most common example is a bad EGT sensorall sensors are redundant

36、 ANYTIME YOU GET A WARNING OR CAUTION REFER TO VM1000this is a window into what FADEC sees,HSA lights contd,PPWR FAIL: Primary Battery is not being charged, will be accompanied by EBAT FAILyou will start draining both batteries and have at least 60 minutes to land. Your secondary battery will only p

37、ower FADEC, AI, and Turn Coordinator EBAT FAIL: Backup Battery not being charged, everything can run from Primary Power Source/Battery,HSA Lights contd,FUEL PUMP: illuminates when Fuel Boost Pump Mode Switch is in ON or OFF. If this light is illuminated it means that you are manually controlling the

38、 fuel pump or that the fuel pressure is out of the 20-40 psi range. Illuminates for electric driven fuel pump as well as engine driven pump WOT: below HSA panel. Illuminates when Throttle Position Switch (TPS) is contacted (full throttle), signal sent to ECU that max power is reqd which causes FADEC

39、 to set fuel to air ratio for Best Power,FADEC Ignition System,Consists of high voltage harness and spark plugs (2 plugs per cylinder) Employs a waste spark ignition system- plugs fire once on compression and once on exhaust. this keeps plugs clean ECU#1 fires top and bottom spark plugs for cylinder

40、s 1 & 2 ECU#2 fires top and bottom spark plugs for cylinders 3 & 4,Power Supplies,Primary Power Source (PPS)- 14v 60amp alternator and 12v 25Ah Lead Acid type battery (located aft baggage compartment) Secondary Power Source (SPS)- 12v 7Ah Lead Acid type battery PPS and SPS have separate set of break

41、ers and the power supply circuits are separated Battery condition monitor will illuminate HSA with PPWR FAIL or EBAT FAIL to alert pilot of possible power supply loss,Power Supplies contd,FADEC operates off of primary power source with alternator indefinitely Alternator fails- FADEC will use primary

42、 battery until 12v then will cycle between using PPS and SPS every volt (FADEC always looking for best power source) until batteries are drained FADEC can operate on SPS (aka backup or emergency battery) for at least 1 hour SPS is only to supply power to FADEC (AI and TC will also work) and can not

43、be used for starting,FADEC System Redundancy,Power Supplies (PPS and SPS) If a control channel (CC) has a fault, the other CC within the same ECU is capable of operating its assigned cylinder as well as the other cylinder experiencing the fault All sensors are redundant with one sensor from each pai

44、r connected to channels in different ECUs. Synthetic software defaults are used in case of sensor failure,REVIEW,FADEC utilize a set of redundant sensors linked to the respective ECU ECU then uses data to analyze and control the ignition timing, fuel injection timing and fuel to air ratio for each c

45、ylinder FADEC is powered by 3 sources: alternator, primary battery, emergency batteryFADEC needs only 1 power source to operate Reduces a pilots “busy work” 15% more fuel efficiency than correct and accurate conventional mixture control,Low Voltage Harness,FADEC的最新研究进展,目前的发动机控制系统是集中式余度FADEC,所有的控制规律处

46、理和计算、余度管理以及输入/输出信号的滤波和处理都经由FADEC进行,控制系统中最重的是引线和接头。 未来的FADEC将采用分布式控制系统,与集中式FADEC相比,引线数、接头数和重量分别由2214kg、112kg和134kg减少到320kg、80kg和50kg。 在分布式控制系统中,灵巧装置通过一条余度的高速数字数据总线和FADEC通信。灵巧装置可以是一个传感器,或一个作动器,或是兼有传感和作动功能的装置。每个灵巧装置有自己的处理元件,可以执行所要求的当地功能。为使温升和功耗最小,还将采用变速和变流量泵。 除了降低发动机控制系统的复杂性和重量之外,分布式控制系统的优点还有:由于采用通用模块和

47、标准接口,缩短了研制周期和降低了成本(60%);通过对每个灵巧装置进行自检和诊断,降低了维修成本;采用新的元件级技术,对中央处理计算机的改动最小甚至无需改动,设计和升级的灵活性大;FADEC可以远离发动机安装,进一步降低重量,改善可靠性和控制系统的总和。 分布式控制系统的关键技术有:分布式控制系统的总体结构和运行模式;余度多路传输光纤总线;多余度数字处x理机和并行处理技术;耐高温的灵巧传感器和作动器;重量轻的变速、变流量电动燃油泵;发动机状态监视和管理系统。 (1)灵巧传感器和作动器。传感器和作动器占发动机控制系统重量的相当大一部分。所有的传感器和作动器都需要某种形式的补偿,即它们自己的控制系



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