最新仁爱版八年级上册 Unit 4 Our world Topic 3 Section B导学案.doc

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1、最新教学资料仁爱版英语 Unit 4 Our world Topic 3 Section B导学案Knowledge aims: 1. 能根据音标正确朗读出下列单词:pizza, website, reporter。 2. 能在老师的引导下分清/w/, /v/之间的区别,并能正确地发这两个音;明白升、降调的作用,能正确地读出句子的升、降调以及连读和重音。 3. 能正确拼写并运用单词表中的单词, 如:website, 并能根据音标写出pizza, reporter等单词。 4. 能正确使用“be sure +that”结构。 5. 能够用“be sure +that”结构来谈论确定与不确定的话题

2、。Skill aims:1. 能听懂谈论人们使用因特网获得信息的话题。2. 能正确地表达自己使用因特网所做的事情、并能够用“be sure +that”结构来谈论确定与不确定的话题。 3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,能清楚模仿录音读含有/w/, /v/的单词,能根据谈话内容的需要读出句子的重音、语调等。 4. 能用书面形式描述自己如何利用因特网购物、学习等,并能够用“be sure +that”结构写出句子来表达确定与不确定。Emotional aims:能体会英语学习的乐趣,懂得在学习中遇到困难时可以通过网上查资料的形式自己解决问题。二、学习重点(Key points): 1. 学习“be

3、sure +that”结构。2. 复习/w/, /v/的正确发音以及句子的升调、降调、连读和重音。三、学习难点(Difficult points):/w/, /v/的正确发音。四、学习策略(Learning strategies):1. 利用因特网在网上查找/w/, /v/之间的区别,可以帮助你在课堂上学习/w/, /v/的发音规则。 2. 在课堂上多用“be sure +that” 结构来谈论问题,这样你可以很快掌握这个结构。一、自学自疑(一)、词汇过关I.看第137页P99的单词,试拼读,并小组内相互拼读。II.熟记并默写。1.火星 2.比萨饼 3.网站,网址 4.记者 (二)、阅读教材一

4、. 写出下面动词的过去式。1. see- 2.look- 3.study- 4.visit - 5. say - 6.put - 7.watch - 8. heard- (三)、 在文中划出下列短语并翻译1. on the Internet 2.last night 3.Thats great 4. look like 5. look at 6.lots of 7. put into 8. some day 9.in the future (四)、在文中找到下列句子并翻译总结1.Guess what!译: 。 常用于口语,用来引起别人对其说话内容的注意。2.It looked like a b

5、ig red plate of pizza.译: 。 多个形容词同事修饰一个名词时,这些形容词的位置有它们和被修饰名词的关系的密切程度来决定。一般情况下关系最密切的靠被修饰词最近,但也有规律可循。一般排列顺序为(限定词,如冠词、名词所有格、物主代词、指示代词和表示数量的名词等)+观点+形状+年龄或新旧+颜色+来源+材料或种类。3.Im sure you can find lots of information on the Internet now. 译: be sure +that引导的从句,that可以省略。意为“确信.”。当表示不确定时,用be not sure + whether/if

6、引导的反问,意为“不确定是否.”拓展:be sure of 确信,有把握。 be sure to do 用于祈使句时,意为“务必,一定”。4. Will people have computers in their bodies some day?译: 。Some day (有时写为someday)意为“总有一天;有朝一日”。用于将来时,而one day可以是将来时,也可是过去时。5. A reporter said that scientists could put little computer right into our heads.译: 。 right在此句中为副词:直接地,修饰前边

7、的动词put。Right 还可作形容词:对的,正确的;右边的;合适的。另外,还可以作名词:右边;权利。如:on the right在右边;The right to education受教育的权利。 二、自疑我想问:将预习中不能理解的短语和句子写下来,等待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。_ 家长签字_预习等级_组长签字_三、自主探究活动一:Listen,read and say do 1c活动二:Listen and do (2)活动三:Work alone四、自测(一)用括号中单词的适当形式填空。1. Miss Zhao works for a newspaper. She is a (repor

8、t).2. I (visit) my favorite music website online yesterday.3. The old man is a famous (science).4. I often read some (interest) books on the Internet.5. Playing sports is good for our (body).(二)单项选择。( )1. What do you think of the idea? I know little about it. So Im not sure this is a good idea. A. t

9、hat B. if C. why D. how( )2. What is your sister doing now? She is putting some books the bag. Now the bag is almost full (快满的). A. on B. into C. onto D. from( )3. Wang Xin studies hard. Im he will pass the exam. A. right B. true C. sure D. lucky( )4. what! I got a letter from my old friend Li Ping.

10、 He moved to Shanghai three years ago. Sounds great. A. Think B. Listen C. Look D. Guess( )5. Is that your cat? No, its my hat. But it like a cat.(三)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。Know, information, help, have, life, use, give, good, example, friendThe Internet makes our life nicer, easier and more colorful, and it

11、 also becomes parts of young peoples 1 . Most of them get useful 2 from the Internet. They use the Internet 3 them in their studies. But many students dont use it in a 4 way. Some play games too much, and some visit websites (网站) they should not visit.Its important for students 5 the Internet in a g

12、ood way. Now we have a textbook. It uses many 6 to teach students some good ways to use the Internet. It 7 useful advice, such as to read news or find helpful information on the Internet to study.Some students also make 8 on the Internet. But if you want to 9 a face-to-face(面对面的) meeting with your o

13、nline friends, let your parents 10 and then meet in a safe place.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 5、 自结我想说:学了section B, 我的收获有(从短语结构、重点句型、语法等方面总结) 1.本课本课以谈论互联网在生活中的作用为话题,学习如何表达“确定与不确定”的功能句型。所涉及的重点词汇和短语有website, 等;需要掌握并熟练运用的句型有Im not sure if that is a good idea. 等。通过本课的学习,我能说出的英语句子及用英语谈论的事情有 。2.通过本课的练习与

14、测试,我觉得自己在 (词汇、句型、语法等)方面掌握得很好,在 方面还有些不足,我将通过 来加强这方面的训练。6、 课后作业。(一)选出下列每组单词中的划线字母发音或每组句子中的语调与其他三个选项不同的一项。( )1.A.what B.water C.write D.wear( )2.A.wish B.visit C.violin D.voice( )3.A.win B.war C.wet D.five( )4.A.Good morning, Miss Wang. B.Excuse me, may I have your name? C.Im sure I can do it. D.Did yo

15、u have a good time last time ?( )5.A.What does Mars look like? B.May I ask you a question? C.Your name,please? D.Are you Mr.White?(2) 根据中文意思完成下列句子。 1.你猜怎么着!我今天见到哈利了。 !I saw Harry today. 2.我确信我会做到的。 I can make it. 3.请把这些铅笔放进文具盒里。 Please these pencils the pencil-box. 4.我哥哥经常上他喜欢的电影网站。 My brother often

16、 his favorite . 5.我不确定是否有时间去玩。Im I have time to go out for fun. (三)阅读下面短文,选择方框中所给单词或短语并用其恰当形式填空。help, way, harm, part, bad, visit, grow, use, chat with, listen to We live in the “computer age”. The use of computer and the Internet has become a of our life. The Internet is an important tool for us to

17、 do many things, like searching on different topics, friends face to face, checking news and e-mails, music and so on. With the of the Internet, you can get lots of useful information for your study and work. We cannot think of doing any of our activities without the Internet and computers. However,

18、 every coin has two sides. For example, some students play games on the Internet too much. It does great to their health and study. And there are also too many things on the Internet. Some websites are not good for children to . The most important thing is to use computers and the Internet in a right . It is clear that the Internet is becoming more and more useful and the use of computers is . We should take the advantage (优点)of the Internet and make our life mor beautiful. 最新精品英语资料


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