AATCC Test Method 195-2010 Liquid Moisture Management Properties of Textile Fabrics.pdf

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1、Liquid Moisture Management Properties of TextileFabrics Developed in 2009 by AATCC Commit- tee RA63; reaffirmed 2010. 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method is for the mea- surement, evaluation and classification of liquid moisture management properties of textile fabrics. The test method pro- du

2、ces objective measurements of liquid moisture management properties of knit- ted, woven and nonwoven textile fabrics. 1.2 The results obtained with this test method are based on water resistance, water repellency and water absorption characteristics of the fabric structure, in- cludingthefabricsgeom

3、etricand internal structure and the wicking charac- teristics of its fibers and yarns. 2. Principle 2.1 The liquid moisture management properties of a textile are evaluated by placing a fabric specimen between two horizontal (upper and lower) electrical sensors each with seven concentric pins. A pre

4、determined amount of test solution that aids the measurement of electrical conductivity changes are dropped onto the center of the upward-facing test spec- imen surface. The test solution is free to move in three directions: radial spreading on the top surface, movement through the specimen from top

5、 surface to the bottom surface, and radial spreading on the bot- tom surface of the specimen. During the test, changes in electrical resistance of specimen are measured and recorded. 2.2 The electrical resistance readings areusedtocalculatefabricliquid moisture content changes that quantifY dynamic

6、liquid moisture transport behav- iorsinmultipledirectionsofthe specimen. The summary of the measured results are used to grade the liquid mois- ture management properties of a fabric by using predetermined indices. 3. Terminology 3.1 absorption rate - (ART) (top sur- face) and (ARB)(bottom surface),

7、 n.- the average speed of liquid moisture ab- sorption for the top and bottom surfaces of the specimen during the initial change of water content during a test. 3.2 accumulativeone-way transport capability - (R), n.-thedifference be- tween the area of the liquid moisture con- tent curves of the top

8、and bottom surfaces of a specimen with respect to time. 3.3 bottom surface - (B), n.-fortest- ing purposes, the side of the specimen placed down against the lower electrical sensor which is the side of the fabric that would be the outer exposed surface of a garment when it is worn or product when it

9、 is used. 3.4maximumwettedradius- (MWRT) and (MWRB) (mm), n.-the greatest ring radius measured on the top and bottom surfaces. 3.5 moisturemanagement,n.-for liquid moisture management testing, the engineered or inherent transport of aque- ous liquids such as perspiration or water (relates to comfort

10、) and includes both liq- uid and vapor forms of water. 3.6 overall(liquid)moistureman- agementcapability(OMMC),n.-an index of the overall capability of a fabric to transport liquid moisture as calculated by combining three measured attributes of performance: the liquid moisture ab- sorptionrateon th

11、ebottomsurface (ARB)the one way liquid transport capa- bility (R), and the maximum liquid mois- ture spreading speed on the bottom sur- face (SSB) 3.7 spreading speed, (88j),n.-theac- cumulated rate of surface wetting from the center ofthe specimen where the test solution is dropped to the maximum w

12、et- ted radius. 3.8 top surface - (T), n.-fortesting purposes,the side of a specimen that, when the specimen is placed on the lower electrical sensor, is facing the upper sen- sor. This is the side of the fabric that would come in contact with the skin when a garment is worn or when a prod- uct is u

13、sed. 3.9 total watercontent- (U)(%), n.-thesum of the percent water content ofthe top and bottom surfaces. NOTE:Totalwatercontentmea- surementsmaybemoreaccurately termed,“totalsurface watercontent“ particularly in the case of fabric with cellulosic content. Total water content implies that all water

14、 in the specimen is being measured which may be the case with some manufactured fabrics. How- ever,whentestingcellulosicfibers, moisture trapped in the interior of the fiber (for example, in the lumen of cotton fibers)willnot beincludedwitha specimensdetectedsurfaceliquid moisture. 3.10 wetting time

15、 - (WTT) (top sur- face) and (WTu) (bottom surface), n.- the time in seconds when the top and bot- tom surfaces of the specimen begin to be wetted after the test is started. 4. Safely Precautions NOTE: These safety precautions are for information purposes only. The pre- cautions are ancillary to the

16、 testing pro- cedures and are not intended to be all- inclusive. It is the users responsibility to use safe and proper techniques in han- dling materials in this test method. Manu- facturers MUST be consulted for specific details such as material safety data sheets and other manufacturersrecommenda-

17、 tions.All OSHAstandardsand rules must also be consulted and followed. 4.1 Good laboratory practices should be followed. Wear safety glasses in all laboratory areas. 5. Uses and Limitations 5.1 This test method focuses on liquid moisture transport in the flat state. The test method may be applicable

18、 to the evaluation of fabrics in garments or tex- tile products as they would be exposed to liquid moisture (e.g. perspiration) present on the surface of human skin. It does not measure gaseous moisture transport prop- erties (e.g. water vapor transmission) or tactile properties that also influence

19、hu- man perceptions of comfort. 5.2 Becausehumanperceptionsof comfort are influenced by multiple liquid movement properties, as well as ergo- nomic (garment fit) factors, the use of a single unit of measurement from this test method or any other test method could be misleading as explained in the AA

20、TCC/ ASTM InternationalMoisture Manage- ment Technical Supplement as Related to Textile Apparel, Linens and Soft Goods (see 13.1). Consequently, this test method alone will not give an overall rating ofthe comfort of a garment or textile product. Overall performanceschemes, such as the Grading Graph

21、 in 9.2.1, should be de- veloped when trying to correlate a combi- nation of absorption, wicking, liquid and vapor movement that can be related to the environment and preferences of fit and style in which the textile product is to be used and worn. 5.3 This method may not be applicable to coated, la

22、minated, or complex fabric constructions.Caution should be used whenanalyzingfabrics with repellent surface finishes. This method may not be applicable to specimens exhibiting high overall absorbent capacity such as terry cloth or other thick knitted and woven fabrics. Thicker or highly absorbent fa

23、b- rics may not allow for proper liquid mois- ture movement to be analyzed using the test solution volume. 5.4 This test method does not measure drying performance directly. Drying per- formance is inferred based on the area of liquid moisture spreading. 5.5 The wetting times measured in this method

24、 may be related to absorbency as measured by AATCC Test Method 79, Absorbency of Textiles (see 13.1). 5.6 The maximum wetted radius de- fined in 3.4 above should not be used to infer maximum spread areas. As this test- ing apparatus employs the use of concen- tric circular rings for measuring wetted

25、 radius, for specimens that exhibit non- circular, elliptical or amoeboidspread patterns, the radius may be misrepre- sented. For example, fabrics with a linear symmetry such as ribbed knits or fabrics with repellent finishes may exhibit irreg- ular spreading patterns. 6. Apparatus and Materials 6.1

26、MoistureManagementTester (MMT) (see 13.2,Figures 1and 2). 6.2 Computer with MMT software in- stalled. 6.3 Distilled water. 6.4 Sodium chloride solution (0.9% NaCI). Fig. 2-Across-sectional side view of the equipment 6.5 Conductivity meter. 6.6 White AATCC Textile Blotting Pa- per (see 13.1) or soft

27、paper towels. 7.Test Specimens 7.1 Before cutting specimens, launder the sample(s) according to the conditions selected from the AATCC Monograph “Standardization of Home Laundry Test Conditions“ (see 13.1) or as agreed be- tween parties. It may be suitable to test a material unlaundered or after rep

28、eated launderings. Removal of sizing and/or finishes may affect the liquid moisture management properties of a fabric. 7.2 Cut five 8 x 8 cm specimens, taken diagonally across the width of a sample, to ensure that different sets of length and width yarns are in each specimen or from different sites

29、on a product. 7.3 Place thespecimenson a flat smooth, horizontal surface without ten- sion before testing, to condition them to moisture equilibrium in an environment controlled at 211C(702F) and 65 2% RH as recommended by ASTM D 1776, Standard Practice for Condition- ing and Testing Textiles (see 1

30、3.4). 8. Procedure 8.1 Prepare the test solution by dissolv- ing 9 g sodium chloride (USP Grade) in 1L of distilled water and adjust its elec- trical conductivity to 160.2 milli Sie- mens (mS) at 25C (77F) by adding sodium chloride or distilled water as necessary. The test solution is used to provid

31、e a conductive medium for the instrumentssensorsanddoesnot duplicate perspiration. 8.2 Follow the manufacturers instruc- tions for starting the instrument, addition of the test solution, and the computer softwares set up to collect test data. 8.3 Raise the upper sensor to its locked position and pla

32、ce a paper towel on the lower sensor. Press the “Pump“ button for 1-2 min until the amount (0.22 cc) of test solution is drawn from the container and drips onto the paper towel and no air bubbles are present inside the tubing. Re- move the paper towel. 8.4 Place the conditioned test specimen on the

33、lower sensor with the specimens top surface up (see 3.8). Release the up- per sensor until it freely rests on the test specimen and shut the door of the tester. Confirm that the “Pump-On Time“ is set at 20 s to assure the predetermined amount (0.22 cc) of test solution is dis- pensed. For each speci

34、men, the percent (%) water content point on the graph should be 0.0 at the start of each test to avoiderroneoustestresults.Set the “Measure Time“ for 120 s and start the test. At the end of the 120 s test time, the software will automatically stop the test and calculate all of the indices. 8.5 Raise

35、 the upper sensor and remove the tested specimen. 8.6 Before inserting the next specimen, keep the upper sensor in its locked posi- tion. Dry between the rings of pins on bothupperandlowersensorsusing White AATCC Blotting Paper or a soft paper towel cut into narrow (0.5 cm) strips. Wait 1 min, or lo

36、nger, to ensure there is no residual test solution present on the sensors, otherwise any leftover moisture will cause an erroneous start (see 8.4). If salt deposits are observed on the sensors after drying, use distilled wa- ter to remove. 8.7 Load a new specimen on top of the lower sensor with the

37、fabric top surface up and repeat steps 8.4-8.6. 8.8 When testing has been completed for the day, use distilled water to clean and purge the pump and tubing. 9. Evaluation Measurement Units, Grading, and Classification 9.1 Measurement units - For each sam- ple tested, compile the average values for e

38、ach measurement unit as follows: Wetting Time - WTT(top surface) and WTB(bottom surface), Absorption Rate - ART (top surface) and ARB(bottom surface), MaximumWetted Radius -MWRT (top surface) and MWRB(bottom sur- face), Spreading Speed - SST(top surface) and SSB(bottom surface), Accumulative One-way

39、 Transport Ca- pability - (R), and Overall(liquid)MoistureManage- ment Capability (OMMC). 9.1.1 Formulae used to calculate the units of measurement shown in 9.1 are given in Appendix A. 9.2 Grading - Using the average values from 9.1 and Table I, grade the tested sample(s).Thegradingdevelopedis base

40、d on a study referencedin 13.2 whichclassifiesmaterialmoving moisture from the back to the face with higher values. 9.2.1TableII-GradingSummary Table can be used to summarize and illustrate the liquid moisture management properties of the tested sample(s). 9.2.2 Tables I and II are examples of gradi

41、ng schemes. Other schemes may be developed. 10. Report 10.1 Record the average and standard deviationsofthe measurementslistedin9.1. 10.2 Using the averages, grade the sampleaccordingtoTableIand summarize using Table II. 10.3 Report the average, standard devi- ation and grade for each sample or the agreed upon measurements.


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