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1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE MEXYHAPOHbl CTAHAAPT IS0 6196-7 First edition Premiere Edition llepeoe MsaaHue 1992-02-l 5 Micrographics - Vocabulary - Part 07: Computer micrographics Micrographic - Vocabulaire - Partie 07: Micrographic informatique MHKporpaHR - CIlOBapb TefNUlHHOB - %CT

2、b 07: MaWHHafI MMKPOrPac#wIR Reference number Numkro de reference HoMep CCblllKU IS0 6196-7 : 1992 (E/F/R) MC0 6196-7 : 1992 (A/P) Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/19/2007

3、 01:12:33 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 6166-7 : 1662 (E/F/RI MC0 6166-7 : 1662 (A/P) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing In

4、ternational Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaiso

5、n with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication

6、as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard IS0 6196-7 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 171, Micrographics and optical memories for document and image recording, storage and use. IS0 6196 consists of the follow

7、ing parts, under the general title Micrographics - Vocabulary: - Part 01: General terms - Part 02: Image positions and methods of recording - Part 03: Film processing - Part 04: Materials and packaging - Part 05: Quality of images, legibility, inspection - Part 06: Equipment - Part 07: Computer micr

8、ographics - Part 06: Use Annex A of this part of IS0 6196 is for information only. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publis

9、her.lDroits de reproduction r6serv6s. Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut 6tre reproduite ni utilis6e sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun pro these have been included at the request of IS0 Technical Committee TC 171 and are published under the responsibility of the member body for Ger

10、many (DIN). However, only the terms and definitions given in the official languages can be considered as IS0 terms and definitions. La presente pat-tie de IISO 6196 presente, en anglais, en francais et en russe, un ensemble de termes et de definitions ayant trait a des notions choisies dans le domai

11、ne de la micrographic et definit les relations pouvant exister entre ces differentes notions. La presente partie de IISO 6196 concerne les termes relatifs a la micrographic infor- matique. Elle a pour objet de faciliter les Bchanges internationaux dans ce domaine. NOTE - En supplement aux termes don

12、nes dans les trois langues officielles de IISO, la prksente partie de IISO 6196 donne dans lannexe A les termes Equivalents en langue alle- mande; ces terrnes ont BtB inclus OHM 6blnll SKJlK)W?Hbl n0 npocbde Texwwe- CKOrO KOMMTSTS MCO/TK 171 M rIy6nMKyDTCfI llOfl OTBSTCTSSHHOCTb KohwTeTa-weHa repMaH

13、MM (AL4H). OAHSKO, TO,-lbKO TSPMMHbl H OnpSSJlS- HMR Ha OClMSllbHblX R3blKSX MOl-)T PSCCMS- T,M6STbCR KSK TePMHHbl W OnpSflS,lSHMR ,CO. 1.2 Principles and rules followed Principes dhtablissement et rt$gles suivies llpHHqb+n bl b4 npaeHna nocipoeHHs cnosapJI 1.2.1 Definition of an entry DBfinition de

14、 Iarticle OnpeneneHne cTaTbw The vocabulary consists of a number of Le corps du Vocabulaire est constitue par Cnoaapb COCTOWT 3 pqa cTaTeM. Tep- entries. The term entry is to be under- un certain nombre d/articles. Le terme arti- MMH CTaTbR AOIWKeH IlOHMMaTbCR Cne- stood to have the following meanin

15、g. cle doit etre entendu dans le sens suivant. A)QOUIM 06pa30M. entry: A set of essential elements con- article: Ensemble, generalement rep in addition, a set may include examples, notes or illustrations to facilitate the understanding of the concept. NOTE - Terms such as vocabulary, concept, term a

16、nd definition are used in this international Standard with the mean- ings given in IS0 1097 : 1990, Terminology - Vocabulary. 1.2.2 Organization of an entry Each entry contains the essential elements as defined in 1.2.1 and if necessary some additional items; thus it may contain for each language at

17、 most the following items in the follow- ing order: a) an index number (common for all languages) ; b) the term or the generally pre- ferred term in the language (the absence of a generally accepted term for the concept in the language is in- dicated by a row of dots) ; c) the preferred term in-a pa

18、rticular country (identified in accordance with IS0 3166 : 1999, Codes for the representation of names of coun tries); d) the abbreviation for the term; e). permitted synonymous term or terms ; f) the text of the definition (see 1.2.4) ; g) one or more examples with the heading “Example(s)“; h) one

19、or more notes specifying particular cases in the field of ap- plication of the concepts, with the heading “NOTE(S)“; i) a picture, a diagram or a table (these may be common to several entries). Items a) to e) in the list above are printed in bold typeface. Item d) in the list above, and in some entr

20、ies one or more of the items b), c) and e), is (are) in each case followed by a qualifier. synonymek) et une definition dune notion exprimee par cekr) termek) ; pour faciliter la comprehension de la definition, cet ensemble peut ainsi, il peut com- prendre au maximum, pour chaque langue et dans Iord

21、re, les elements suivants : a) indice de classement (commun a toutes les langues) ; b) le terme, ou le terme prefere en general dans la langue (Iabsence de terme consacre ou a conseiller pour exprimer une notion dans la langue est indiquee par une serie de points de sus- pension) ; c) le terme prefe

22、re dans un certain pays (identifie conformement a IISO 3166 : 1988, Code pour la rep d) Iabreviation pouvant etre employee a la place du terme; e) le terme ou les termes synonymek) admis; f) le texte de la definition (voir 1.2.4): g) un ou plusieurs exemple(s) pre- cede(s) du titre ( Exemple(s) 1) ;

23、 h) une ou plusieurs note(s) precisant certaines particularites dapplication de la notion, precedeek) du titre KNOTEIS),: i) un schema ou un tableau (pouvant etre commun B plusieurs articles). Les elements a) a e) de la liste ci-dessus sont Bcrits en caracteres gras. Lelement d) et, dans certains ar

24、ticles, un ou plusieurs des elements b), c) et e) est (sent) suivik) de mentions 3TOT Ha6op Moxer 6blTb raxxe flononHeu npHMepa- MH, npHMeraHnaMH HnH HnnrocrpauHaMH, o6nerqaroquMu noHuMaHue AaHHoro no- HFlTuFl. nPMMEqAHklE 2 TaKHeTepMkIHbl KaKcnosapb, nonaTKe, Tephwi u onpqqenewe ucnonb3yrcTcfl B HX

25、TORl,eM hk)HapOAHOM CTaHAapTe B flO- HHMaHHM, AaHHOM B MC0 1087 : 1990, k=,lMUHO- nozua - Cnoflapb. CocTae cTaTbH KaxAaa CTaTbR COflepXuT o6fl3aTenbHble WeMeHTbl, yKa3aHHble B npuBeAeHHOM B 1.2.1 onpeAeneHHH, a B HeKoTopblx cny- HBRX u HeO6fl3BTenbHble 3neMeHTbl; Ta- KMM 06pa30M, Ha KaxoM B3blKe B H

26、ee MO- ryr BOtirH s nopaAKe Hx neperHcneHHH cneAyDuHe 3neMeHrbi : a) KnBCCuCjJuKBuOHHblu UHAeKC (06- 6) TepMuH unu Hau6onee npeAnoWH- TenbHblu TepMuH Ha AaHHOM R3blKe (OTCyTCTBue 06lltenpuHflTOrO UnU peKO- MeHAyeMOrO TepMuHa Anfl BblpaXeHuR TOrO Unu UHOrO lTOHRTuR Ha #lHHOM R3blKe 0603HaHaeTCB MHOrO

27、TOWBM); B) TepMUH, npeflnoquTaeMblR B Ka- Kou-nu6o OAHOU CTpaHe (0603HaqeH- HOU B COOTBeTCTBuu C MC0 3166 : 1988, Kodbl anu npedcmaeneHuu HaseaHuii CmpaH); r) coKpaqeHue, KoTopoe MoxeT yno- Tpe6nRTbCR BMeCTO TepMuHa; A) e) TeKCT 0npeAeneHuH (CM. 1.2.4); X) O#lH unu HeCKOnbKO HpuMepOB, KOTOpblM npefl

28、urecrayer yKa3aHue ,npUMep(bl)“; 3) OAHO unu HeCKOnbKO lTpuMeWHuu, yTOAHRlOUX OCO6eHHOCTu HpuMeHe- HUH /JaHHOrO HOHRTUR; MM Hpe u) pucyno, cxeMa unu TaGnuua, ho- TOpble MOryT OTHOCuTbCR K pe3nu+ HblM CTeTbRM. SneMeHTbl C a) A0 A) rlpuBBfleHHOr0 BblWe neperHfl neqararorcu xupHblM urpuCt)oM. Copyright

29、 International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/19/2007 01:12:33 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 6166-7 : 1662 (E/F/RI MC0 6196-7 : 1962 (A/PI A qual

30、ifier is printed in normal typeface in parentheses after the term or abbrevi- ation and indicates : - a directive for the use of the term, such as “deprecated term”, “deprecated in this sense” or “strongly deprecated”; - a particular field of application for the term, as defined: - the grammatical f

31、orm of the term or the like, such as “noun”, “adjective”, “verb” or “abbrevi- ation”. 1.2.3 Classification of an entry A two-digit serial number is assigned to each part of this International Standard, beginning with 01 for general terms. Each entry is assigned a serial index number, the first two d

32、igits being those of the part. In any future revision or amendment of this International Standard, entries shall be systematically renumbered and consequently their index numbers modified. 1.2.4 Selection of terms and wording of definitions The selection of terms and the wording of definitions have,

33、 as far as possible, followed established usage. 1.2.5 Multiple meanings When a given term has several different meanings, a separate entry is given for each meaning to facilitate translation into other languages. 1.2.6 Abbreviations As indicated in 1.2.2, abbreviations in current use are given for

34、some terms. They may be used only if this will not lead to any ambiguity or lack of clarity. places entre parentheses et servant B indi- quer : - des prescriptions demploi telles we ( terme deconseille 11, ( terme deconseille dans ce sensn ou (terme a proscrire 1) ; - un domaine dapplication particu

35、- lier du terme, tel quil est defini; - des indications grammaticales ou analogues, telles que ( substantif ), (adjectif ), ctverbe, ou (abreviation D. Classification des articles Chaque partie de la presente Norme inter- nationale recoit un numero dordre a deux chiffres, en commencant par 01 pour l

36、es termes generaux. Chaque article est rep - KOHKpeTHOh 06nacTu UCllOnb30BB- HUB TepMuHa B TOM 3HBqeHUU, KOTOpOe cneyeTu3eroonpefleneHm; - rpaMMaTurecKux unu noAo6Hblx MM KaTerOpufi, TaKUX KaK ,CyeCTBU- Tenbtioe“, ,npunaraTenbHoe”, ,rnaron” unu ,coKpaureHue”. KnaccHQHKaqtIfl crareR KaxAaB qacTb HacT

37、owero MexAyHapofl- HOrO CTBHABpTa HOCUT AByX3HWHblfi l-lo- pRAKOBblfi HOMep, llpU 3TOM ClaCTU, nOCBRl4eHHOti 06 TepMUHaM, llpkl- CBOeH HOMep 01. KaKAan CTaTbR 0603HaraeTCR UHAeKCOM, nepBble ABe uMpbl KOTOpOrO yKa3blBatOT Ha rlOpRflKOBblfi HOMep qaCTu. npU nepech4oTpe unu U3MeHeHuU Ha- cTower0 MexAyH

38、apoAHoro CTakiAapTa CTaTbu 6ygy CUCTeMaTUqeCKu nepeHyMe- POBaHbl u B COOTBeTCTBuu C BTUM 6yAeT U3- MeHeHa ux HyMepalqm Bbl6op TepMHHOB H nOCTpoeHHe 0npeAenetiuii OTO6paHHble TepMUHbl u UX OrlpeJJene- HUR COOTBeTCTByKIT, HaCKOnbKO 3T0 803. MOXHO, Cyl4eCTByKIUleti rlpBKTuKe. MHOr03HZWHOCTb HnH nOJlHCe

39、MHR Ecnu TepMuH UMeeT HeCKOnbKO 3HB4e- HUti TO KBXAOe U3 HUX B blAenReTCR B OT- AenbHylO CTaTblO C 4enbtC 06nerreHufl nepesona cnosapfi Ha Apyrue fl3blKu. 3 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001

40、Not for Resale, 04/19/2007 01:12:33 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- IS0 6166-7 : 1992 (E/F/RI MC0 6196-7 : 1662 (A/P/P) They are not used in the texts of the definitions, examples or notes in this International Standard. 1.2.7 Use of parentheses In some term

41、s a word or words printed in bold typeface is (are) placed in par- entheses. These words are part of the complete term, but they may be omit- ted when use of the abridged term in a technical context does not introduce ambiguity. In the text of another defi- nition, example or note in this Inter- nat

42、ional Standard, such a term is used only in its complete form. Directives for the use of the term, its particular field of application or its grammatical form are not part of the term and are printed in normal typeface. 1.2.8 Use of the terms printed in italic typeface in definitions and use of aste

43、risks A term printed in italic typeface in a definition, an example or a note, has the meaning given to it in another entry, either of this part or another part of IS0 6196. However, the term is only printed in italic typeface the first time that it occurs in each entry. Other grammatical forms of t

44、he term, for example plurals of nouns and parti- ciples of verbs, are printed in the same way as the basic form. The basic forms of all such terms are listed in the index at the end of the part. When two such terms defined in separ- ate entries directly follow each other (or are separated only by a

45、punctuation sign), an asterisk separates the terms. The words or terms which are printed in normal typeface are to be understood as defined in current dictionaries or authoritative technical vocabularies in the language concerned. ou ambiguite ne peut en resulter. Elles ne sont pas employees dans le

46、 corps des defi- nitions des exemples ou des notes de la presente Norme internationale. Emploi des parentheses Dans cet-tains termes, un ou plusieurs mot(s) BcritIs) en caracteres gras est (sent) place(s) entre parentheses. Ces mots font partie integrante du terme complet, mais peuvent cependant 6tr

47、e omis lorsque le terme ainsi abrege peut etre employit (n) . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . C CAR Abk.) , . . , . . . . . . . . . , i . . r COM (Abk.) . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . COM:AufzeichnungsgerBt (II). . . i . . COPit (n). 07.06 Umwandlung (Digitalisierung) ff) (van Mikrofilm

48、bildern) . . . . . . . 07.25 v Vector-COM-Aufzeichnungsger;it (n) 07.07 18 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO Licensee=NASA Technical Standards 1/9972545001 Not for Resale, 04/19/2007 01:12:33 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted wit

49、hout license from IHS -,-,- IS0 8166-7 : 1692 (E/F/R) MC0 6196-7 : 1992 (A/P) UDC/CDU/YAK 778.14 : 681.31 : 001.4 Descriptors : micrographics, computer applications, vocabulary. / Descripteurs: micrographic, application de Iinformatique, vocabulaire. / Aecxpk4nropbi: hwKporpacfl, h4awwioe npMMeHeHMe, cnosapb. Price based on 18 pages/ Prix bask


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