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1、J I S Z*8803 91 4933b08 O502612 L JIS V i JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD Viscosity of liquid - Methods of measurement JIS Z 8 8 0 3 - 1 9 9 1 UDC 532.137 Translated and Published by Japanese Standards Association Printed in Japan 24 S Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under lice

2、nse with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 22:37:43 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S Z*8803 91 4933b08 0502b13 3 in the event of any doubt arising, the original Standard in Japanese is to be final authori

3、ty. c /.- I Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 22:37:43 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S Z*8803 91 = 4933608 0502b14 5 W I UDC 53

4、2.137 JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD J I S Viscosity of liquid-Methods of measurement Z 8803-1991 1. Scope This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies the methods for measurement of the viscosity and kinematic viscosity of liquids in the mining and general industries. Remarks 1. In this Standard, capi

5、llary tube viscometers and falling ball viscometers are applied to Newtonian liquids, and rotational viscometers of the coaxial double cylinder type, single cylinder type, and cone-flat plate type are applied to Newtonian liquids and non-Newtonian liquids. 2. The standards cited in this Standard are

6、 as follows: JIS B 1501-Steel Balls for Ball Bearings JIS Z 8809-Standard Liquids for Calibrating Viscometers 3. The units and numerical values given in in this Standard are based on the traditional units and are appended for informative reference. 2. Definition The definitions of main terms used in

7、 this Standard shall be as follows: (i) Newtonian liquid proportional to its slip stress (shear stress). A liquid whose slip velocity (shear velocity) is (2) non-Newtonian liquid A liquid whose slip velocity (shear velocity) is not proportional to its slip stress (shear stress). Remarks: A specimen

8、liquid which shows the same viscosity value regardless of the size of its slip velocity or slip stress at the same temperature and pressure is a Newtonian liquid, but a specimen consisting of a non-Newtonian liquid shows different viscosity values according to the size of its slip velocity or slip s

9、tress. (3) viscosity Where there is a slip velocity in a liquid, the internal resistance of the liquid shown by the size of the stress produced per unit area in the direction of velocity in the surface perpen- dicular to the said slip velocity. The dimension of viscosity is given by the following: (

10、mass) (length) x (time) Remarks: The ratio between the slip stress acting on a non- Newtonian liquid and the slip velocity is termed apparent viscosity. Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale,

11、 03/12/2007 22:37:43 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- , J I S ZaBB03 91 I 4333608 0502635 7 W 2 Z 8803-1991 e (4) kinematic viscosity by its density in the same condition of the liquid. The quotient of the viscosity of a liquid divided Its dimension is given

12、by the following: (lengthI2 (time) (5) flow curve and slip stress. A curve showing the relation between the slip velocity 3. Units The units used shall be as follows: (1) The unit of viscosity is originally Pascal second (Yaes), but usually milli-Pascal second (mPa- s ) is used. Remarks: a The conve

13、ntional unit is poise (P), and there are the following relations : 10-3 Pa-s=l rnPa.s=10-2 P = l CP (2) The unit of kinematic viscosity is originally square meter per second (m2/s), but usually square millimeter per second (mm2/s) is used. Remarks: The conventional unit is stokes (St), and there are

14、 the following relations : (3) The relation between viscosity and kinematic viscosity is as follows: Kinematic viscosity expressed in square millimeters per second - - Viscosity expressed in milli-Pascals per second Density expressed in grams per cubic centimeter This relation is based on the same t

15、emperature and the same pressure. Relations similar to the above are also applied to the kinematic energy expressed in other units. 4. Standard liquids for viscosity measurement The standard liquids used for viscosity measurement shall be as follows: (1) Where viscosity is measured by a comparison m

16、easuring method, the viscometer shall be calibrated using standard liquids of known viscosity or kinematic viscosity, Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 22:37:43 MDTNo reproduc

17、tion or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S Z*8803 91 4933608 0502bLb 9 3 Z 8803-1991 Table 1. Viscosity and kinematic viscosity of distilled water Temper- ature OC O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 ao a5 90 95 100 Viscosity mPa. s cP 1.792 1.519 1.307 1.138 0.890 2

18、 1.002 0.797 3 0.719 1 0.652 7 0.596 1 0.547 1 0.504 4 0.467 O 0.433 9 0.404 6 0.378 5 0.355 1 0.334 1 0.315 O 0.297 a 0.282 i Cinematic viscosity mm*/c cSt) 1.792 1.519 1.307 1.139 1.004 0.892 8 0.800 8 0.723 4 0.657 8 0.602 O 0.553 7 0.511 7 0.475 O 0.442 5 0.413 8 0.388 3 0.365 4 0.344 9 0.326 3

19、0.309 6 0.294 4 Remarks: The values in this Table are specified on the basis of the viscosity value of 1.002 mPa-s cP at 20.OO0C. (2) As the standard liquids for viscosity, use shall be made of distilled water at respective temperatures as shown in Table 1 and the standard liquids for viscometer cal

20、ibration as specified in JIS Z 8809. (3) As other kinds of standard liquids for viscosity, use may be made of liquids whose viscosity or kinetic viscosity values have been determined by absolute measuring methods or liquids whose viscosity values have been determined by comparison measuring method b

21、y use of distilled water. 5. Viscosity measuring method by capillary tube viscometer 5.1 Features and measuring principle 5.1.1 Features The features of viscosity measuring methods by capillary tube viscometers are as follows: (i) Viscosity can be measured with a relatively high precision. (2) Kinem

22、atic viscosity can be directly determined without measuring the density of the specimen. (3) Measurement can be made with a relatively small amount of specimen. Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for

23、 Resale, 03/12/2007 22:37:43 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S Z*BB03 91 4933b08 0502637 O = 4 Z 8803-1991 5.1.2 Measuring principle The measuring principle of viscosity measuring methods by capillary tube viscometers is as follows : (1) In capillary tub

24、e viscometers, the viscosity of a specimen is determined by passing the specimen in laminar flow condition in a capillary tube of uniform inner diameter and measuring the time taken for a given volume of specimen to flow through, and the viscosity is obtained from the following formula (i). “= 100it

25、r4ght - . 10om ( 1 ) P 8(Z+nr) V 8n(Z+nr) t where, 7 1 : viscosity of specimen (mPa*s)cP) v : kinematic viscosity ( mm2 / s ) cSt P : density of specimen (g/cmS) it : circumference/ diameter ratio I : radius of capillary tube (cm) g : acceleration of gravity (cm/s2) h : mean effective liquid column

26、height (cm) t : time for specimen of volume V to flow through (SI z : length of capillary tube (cm) v : volume of specimen flowing through in time t (volume of time measuring bulb) (cm3) m9 n : constants Inform ative Reference : Formula (i) differs from the original principle formula and the first a

27、nd second terms of the right side are respectively multiplied by coefficient 100. Remarks 1. In formula (i), the second term of the right side is termed the correction term for kinetic energy, and nr is termed the correction for the tube end. V The mean effective liquid column height h means the dif

28、ference in liquid level when the mean f l o w t of specimen of volume v has become equal to the flow in the capillary tube. 2. (2) If the construction and dimensions of the capillary tube viscometer are decided, in formula (i), Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license w

29、ith JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 22:37:43 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S Z*8803 71 4733688 0502b18 2 Unit: mm 5 Z 8803-1991 take constant values, and formula ( i ) can be rewritten as follows : ( 2

30、 ) 3l-z v=c,t-Cz P t where, CI : viscometer constant (mm2/s2)cSt/s) cz : viscometer coefficient (mm2)cSt*s) Therefore, if the values of c! and G are preliminarily determined experimentarily using standard liquids of known viscosity, the viscosity of any specimen can be obtained by measuring the time

31、 for a given volume of specimen to flow through. 5.2 Kinds of capillary tube viscometers 5.2.1 Cannon-Fenske viscometer The Cannon-Fenske viscometer is designed to determine the viscosity by introducing a aven volume of specimen into the viscometer and measuring the teme for the specimen in the time

32、 measuring bulb C (the volume between mark lines E and F) to flow down through the capillary tube R, and for the purpose of reducing the error by inclination (refer to 5.6.3) , it is so constructed that the centers of time measuring bulb C and specimen reservoir bulb A fall on the central axis of tu

33、be N. Fig. 1 shows the shape indicating its principle, and Table 2 shows examples of the dimensions of its respective parts. Fig. 1. Shape of Cannon-Fenske viscometer Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie N

34、ot for Resale, 03/12/2007 22:37:43 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- 6 Z 8803-1991 Table 2. Examples of dimensions of respective parts of Cannon-Fenske viscometer Normal measuring Volume of range bulb D bulb C mmqs cst Approx. 0 . 5 to 2 Approx. 0.3 Approx. 3

35、Approx. 3 Approx. 2 Approx. 0 . 8 to 4 Approx. 0.4 Approx. 3 Approx. 3 to 15 Approx. 0.6 Approx. 4 Approx. 20 to 100 Approx. 1 . 0 Approx. 1 . 5 Approx. 100 to Approx. 2.4 Approx. 500 to Approx. 4.2 Approx. 5 Approx. 4 Approx. 4000 to 500 2500 20000 Remarks: Where a viscometer of other dimensions th

36、an this example are required, the approximate inner diameter of the capillary tube may be determined using formula (i). the second term of the right side of formula (1) is neglected and assumption is made as Z+nr+l because generally tzrl holds good, That is, if y4 81Vv 100nght is obtained from formu

37、la (1). Consequently, r (cm) may be obtained by substituting a suitable valve of length (cm) of capillary tube, the volume (cm3 of the time measuring bulb, and the mean effective liquid column height (cm) for.1, V , h, substituting the minimum viscosity value (mm2/s)cSt in the viscosity measuring ra

38、nge for v , and taking t as 200(). In this case, (i) (2) Considering the remainder error (refer to 5.6.4), the The length I of capillary tube must satisfy 22 these standard liquids must have kinematic viscosity values known with a higher precision than that required for viscosity measurement). Where

39、 the viscometer constant and viscometer coefficient are de- termined by using standard liquids of known viscosity, use two standard liquids whose kinematic viscosity values differ by about 3 to 5 times, and by the method of operation specified in 5.4, measure the outflowing times (or inflowing times

40、) for the respective standard liquids, and after making respective corrections specified in 5.6 if required, calculate according to. the following formulas (5) and (6). Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie

41、 Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 22:37:43 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S Z*8803 91 4933608 0502b26 L 13 Z 8803-1991 where, cI : viscometer constant (mm2/s2)cSt/s cz : viscometer coefficient (mm2) cst s ) VI : kinematic viscosity of standard liquid 1 ( mm2

42、/ s) cS t vz : kinematic viscosity of standard liquid 2 (mm2/ s ) cSt I ti: Outflowing (or inflowing) time for standard liquid 1 ( s ) f : Outflowing (or inflowing) time for standard liquid 2 ( s ) Further , where the correction quantity for kinetic energy is negligibly small , the viscometer consta

43、nt may preliminarily be decided from the following formula (7). Cl =2!L ( 7 ) tl Remarks 1. The case where the correction quantity for kinetic energy is negligibly small means such a case that the ratio e of the second term to the first term in formula (i) or (2) becomes a value satisfying the preci

44、sion required for viscosity. measurement. This ratio e may be calculated by giving the conditions l+nr+Z and m = l and using either of the following formulas obtained from the relations of formula (i) or (2): mV2 0.0001- V Z z2r4ghtZ r4ht2 e= or 100mv,4 vz e= 8nlc1tZ kit In the case of a Cannon-Fens

45、ke viscometer as shown in Table 2 or an Ubbelohde viscometer as shown in Table 4, Table 5 shows such downflowing times as make the values of e fall within 0.001 (the error caused by neglecting the kinetic energy correction being 0.1 %) or within 0.01 (the above error being 1 %). 2. When deciding the

46、 constant cl and coefficient cz of a viscometer requiring kinetic energy correction , refer to 5.6.5. Copyright Japanese Standards Association Provided by IHS under license with JSALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/12/2007 22:37:43 MDTNo reproduction or networki

47、ng permitted without license from IHS -,-,- J I S Z*803 91 4933608 O502627 3 m 14 Z 8803-1991 Table 5. Relations between kinetic energy correction and downflowing time Measuring range Viscometer Error caused by neglecting cons tant kinetic energy correction mm2/scSt mm2/s2cSt/s Within 0.1 % Within 1

48、 % Approx. 0 . 5 to 0.002 Approx. 740 s min. Approx. 240 s min. O. 004 Approx. 650 s min. Approx. 200 s min. Approx. 0 . 8 to Approx. 3 to 15 O. 015 Approx. 330 s min. Approx. 100 s min. 2 4 Cannon-Fenske viscometer I I I I 1 0.001 I Approx. 660 s min. Approx. 210 s min. I Approx. 0 . 3 to I Ubbelohde J . Approx. 0.6 to 0.003 Approx. 540 s min. Approx. 170 s min. Approx. 2 to 10 0.01 Approx. 420 s min. Approx. 130 s min. viscometer 3 5.6 Errors and corrections 5


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