The Differences of Chinese and English Culture and Translation 英语专业毕业论文1.doc

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1、The Differences of Chinese and English Culture and Translation目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-5正文6-22答辩委员会表决意见23答辩过程记录表24一、 课题(论文)提纲0.引言1. 英汉文化差异的主要表现 1.1 风俗习惯不同1.2 历史背景不同1.3 所处环境不同1.4 宗教信仰不同2文化差异下的翻译策略 2.1 直译法2.2 意译法2.3 转译法2.4 增译法2.5 省译法3. 文化差异对英汉翻译的影响4文化差异对翻译的影响的应对策略5. 结束语二、内容摘要文化是指人类社会历史过程中所创造的物质财富和精


3、3刘润清.语言与文化M.语教学与研究出版社.19894 何跃奇.英汉互译中文化信息的传递M.边疆经济与文化.20075 于建平.文化差异对英汉翻译中词义和词义理解的影响M.中国翻译.2000. 6 张培基.英汉翻译教程M.上海外语教育出版社.1983.The Differences of Chinese and English Culture and Translation Abstract: Culture refers to the material wealth and the spiritual wealth created in human history. Culture incl

4、udes religion, custom, history, art and so on. Every nations living habits, knowledge, philosophy, values and morality are different, all of this lead to the differences in culture. So it makes the people appearing different opinions in the same thing. As of intercultural communication, translation

5、is one of the main methods and is tightly related to culture. Translation activities reflects the communication between different cultures and reveals the translatability in cultural differences. The differences between English and Chinese cultures are reflected mainly in religious cultural backgrou

6、nd, value orientation and customs habits. Translation techniques such as literal translation, free translation, translation, amplification and omission translation can be applied when the cultural differences need reserving or can not be identified in translation.Keywords: cultural; differences; tra

7、nslation0. Introduction:Culture contains many aspects. Language can even reflect a distinguishing place or nation among culture. That is to say language can show this cultural deposits. The Chinese culture has extensive knowledge and is greatly different from the western countries. Its not a easy ta

8、sk for translator to fully display the greatness of culture in translation practice. Because the culture of Chinese and western has the certain difference which leads to some phenomena that the same object has different meaning in different language and both of them appear misunderstand at last .The

9、refore ,when we translate ,we must accomplish and right understand differences of English culture and Chinese culture ,or it will influence a right translation .If there is nothing wrong with the content of translation,it will give you a good feast. The cultural background of English language and Ch

10、inese language has great difference,letter is the same but some words have sense implicits. Normally, writer expresses their real emotion that contains usually sense implicts. So when we translate, we must pay attention to it .1. The main performance of the English and Chinese cultural differences1.

11、1 Different customsThe English customs and Chinese customs have many different aspects. Especially reflecting in some festivals. In China, such as the Spring Festival, Mid-autumn Festival and Dragon Boat Festival,in this three festivals the families can both have dinner and chat with each other .And

12、 some men that travel in a place far away from home or country can both think fondly of their own home and families .But in western, it seems that this kind of s,s also great difference .Chinese and British are both raise pet. But it has great contradiction that how they treat their pet .In Chineses

13、 eyes pig is usually very dirty animal .Its use usually are estible by people when growing up. But in Britain or other western countries ,people can treat pig as pet,because they think pigs are very lovely. Even sometimes when they describe someone who is very lovely, they will say him like a pig. B

14、ut in Chinese peoples opinion, the behavior can not be understood. However, the view appears to be turn good in recently years. With the improvement of living standard, more and more Chinese families keep pets and grow flowers at home ,most of them will regard dog as their pet. For they thought that

15、 dogs can look after the home for them and dogs are faithfulness. But the status of dogs still remains low. Chinese people usually use dogs to describe sb who is fawn on others and listen to others or they will say words like “evil associates” .“Brutal and cold blooded”. But English people look on d

16、ogs as their friends. Because they considered that dogs can make sense of personalities .In English phrases, most words referred to dogs arent negative .For instance ,if they want to express someone lucky ,they will say“You are a lucky dog ”. And “love me ,love my dogs” is another instance.Thus it c

17、an be seen, in English peoples opinions, dogs are equal to people in status.Differences in customs lead to huge reactions when different countries people treat the same things .So that they will translate one sentence into greatly different sentence. 1.2 Different historical backgrounds Five thousan

18、ds years of historical literature of China possess dense natural character and special literature feature. The historical stories in the article can be considered as invaluable treasure in natural literature. In all ages, people of a lot of knowledge are all over the world, the historical stories mu

19、st relate to them to some degree. Such as “show off ones proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the Master Callzenter. Everyone knows what Lu Ban did.” Showing off ones proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the Master Callzenter is showing ones bad abilities. But few of westerners can understand th

20、e meaning. Besides, these allusions of real meaning, such as “Bite the hand that feeds you”etc. these stories cant also be grasped by westerners . As a result, when we translate these allusions of history, we must translate really implicit the sense meaning among the allusions, otherwise your transl

21、ation fails.1.3 Different environmentThe different living environment in different countries makes the same thing may have different opinions,such as something in a kind of language culture will have abundent cultural connotation ,it will give humans good imagery . However,in another language cultur

22、e may seems very poor ,has no significance,so the differences arising therefrom.Such as cows is the symbol of industry in Chinese eyes, because the sense that the cow gives humans is in the fields of hard-working everyday,and have not any complaints.People often say such words when at work “We will

23、have the spirit like the cows.”Undoubtedly,in European countries,they mustnt understand it .China is a large agricultural nation,in antiquity,the farming is accomplished by cows,so people praise its,but they may not feel how inportance of cattle for humans.Different geographical environment also can

24、 cause culture differences. “East wind warm ”it is positive in the Han peoples consciousness. But the British people disagree, owing to different geography places, “east wind”in British people mind it means cold. If we have meet this condition ,should pay more attention to the translation.The seafar

25、ing of England is very famous in the history, so its culture cant without the sea,but the Chinese lived in mainland, naturally cant without land. “Spend money like water”, in English, metaphor someone waste of money ,just like water,but Chinese explanation is miserly .One use water describe, another

26、 is use soil.Consequently,the different geographical environment bring them when they explained one thing will use different things to describe. Only really understand these cultures back of the languages, we will be translate more precise. 1.4 Different religious beliefsChina is a belief Buddhism n

27、ation. Buddhism in China has for more than one thousand years history, people believe that the Buddha hold everything. We can often see, when people meet any trouble or family have any ills, they will go to the temple to pray for the buddhist incense, to imprecate bless of the jinee. When the things

28、 going well, they will go to temple promose again.Visible,the image of Buddha are deeply in the minds of the Chinese people. “Dont usually like to cram as incense”,in western eyes idioms,they might not understand,therefore may cause certain difficulty at translation,because they didnt understand wha

29、t the Buddha in what.And like Taoism, Nuwa, Pangu and so on, these idioms in western culture did not exist. Especially some of Chinas fairy tales, foreigners could not imagine,because these concepts in their ideology has in no form. Similarly, in Europe countries most people has embrance Christianit

30、y, they think god is dominates all. Especially the words “Oh, my god!” The sentence is usually boasting. Even some simple modal particles, they will put god to use. Another example, when one person died, they will use this phrase “go to heaven”, because they believe heaven is god has creating for th

31、e people who died, it maybe the place which can give them happy time.2. The translation strategies under the cultural differences Translation is not merely that languages nominal conversion, it also includes both cultures mutually penetrate and mutually compatible. Mr Bi Qing hold the view that the

32、nature of culture translation is up to the identity of knowledge, the same structure principle of semantic system,and the identical principle of the forms of human beings thoughts. But the relativity of same structure and the blurs of languages decide the relativity of culture translation. Therefore

33、, the translators are supposed to adopt the necessary tactics of translate, to transmite the cultural information in the field of high limit.2.1 Literal translation Literal translation refers to the part of translation not only express the content of original text, but also remain the form of origin

34、al text, such as the analogies and the features of nationality used in the text, which makes for readers to share the same deep impression with the original text. Literal translation ,however, is not in a mechanical way or translated resolutely.For example: “In some automated plants ,electronic comp

35、uters control the entire production line. ”Translate into the literal translation.So we can make a conclusion from this: people can get the same conclusion when they observe same natural phenomenons and objects, then conclusion were expressed out by the language. Like this kind of information, is un

36、derstood with ease through literal translation. Under the prerequisite of retaining the image of original idoms.Literal translation also expresses the original meaning precisely. Western idoms are blended into Chinese, which not only enrich Chinese, but also can have a good knowledge of its particul

37、ar idoms. Thus, although there is certain difference between English culture and Chinese culture. Peoples thought still has a lot of commom grounds, to some extent, reaching the phenimenon of being passable together.There are also a few similar idoms in English and Chinese speak, this is because som

38、etimes people may have the same deep impression when dealing with problems. Then, the literal meaning, image meaning, and indistinct meaning of these idoms will have something in common with each other, making the final expression information the same. Then, they can translate each other right now.2

39、For example: Strike while the iron is hot.This is a good example. Like this kind of translation, not only keep the original meaning of the text, style, and the features of nationality, but also make a better understanding to readers. It is a good method not to lose. 2.2 Free translationFree translat

40、ion refers not to stand upon the form of expression, images, features of nationality of original text, and the translation is used to pass on out the meaning of the original text, it including sentence structure, the use of sending a word and method of rhetoric.However, free translation doesnt mean

41、to delete the content of original text at will, or embellishment. The translator must make a penetration to study the original text thoroughly. Making a comprehensive study and a thorough mastery to catch the important points, which plays a rucial function. Sometimes analogies in the original text c

42、an not be accepted by readers. If necessary, another analogy should be exchanged to express the original meaning. This is also a form of a expression of free translation.For example:Little fish does not eat big fish.In free translation way to translate.Of course, some idoms can not reverse their ori

43、ginal meaning because of the influence of cultural factors. In this circumstances, wed better replace another object that people are familiar with for the original object in the text.For instance, when someone looks very anxious, we can say that he is anxious as the ant on the hot pot, which is well

44、 known to all in chinese. But if we translate this sentence according to the meaning of its literal, people of Europe and America district may have great difficulty to understand. So that we can substiute a cat for an ant in translate. Translate into : “ A cat on hot bricks”.Compared with the ant on

45、 the cooking-pot, the meaning that they want to express is the same, just has different objects, which makes for better understanding for readers. 2.3 TranslationTranslationis to say that, under many situations, the part of speech needs to be changed, the concept needs the conversation. Only in this

46、 way can make the translation more smooth and natural.For example : “The economic indexes showed the 20-year or so reform has been a success.”The “success ”in the original sentence is a noun ,but it turns into an adjective after being translated.This kind of translation makes the meaning to be expre

47、ssed more visualize and clear-cut.2.4 AmplificationIt means to make the translation expression more complete, and more understandable,appropriate to supplement the connotative, or the missing words or information. Using this method is the premise of:First, although the original has not expression,bu

48、t has implicit in it, it can be deduced from the text to supplement the content, and if not to supplement, it will be appear imcomplete. Second, although the text has no implied, but the hidden text messages to supplement necessary supplement and interpretation, such no supplements and interpretation, readers will occur in the understanding of the difficulties, and even misunderstanding. Everyone read his own culture may not be very tricky, but if the change of his family, that is a different matter. “Two heads a


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