Rhetoric and translation means In English Advertisement 英语专业毕业论文-.docx

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1、Rhetoric and translation means In English AdvertisementThe ultimate goal of advertising is to sell goods. To achieve this goal, advertising copywriters often use metaphor, personification, pun, rhyme and other figures of speech to enhance the expression of the language effect. Because the difference

2、s between English and Chinese, the rhetoric can be used literal translation, free translation, intended to make law for flexible processing. At the same time stressed that this involves not only the English translation of advertising rhetoric linguistics, sociology of knowledge, the translator shoul

3、d also be familiar with the product knowledge, understand the business psychology and marketing strategy, with a rich imagination and artistic inspiration, can make the translation words beautiful, vivid, catchy, to achieve the purpose of selling goods.Key words English ads Rhetoric Translation1、Int

4、roduction:Economic globalization and international commodity markets today, advertising has become the business, enterprise and consumers access to product information, investment and consumption decisions important sources of information strategy. Were in an era of popular ads. Advertising flurry,

5、as the world is full of a camel, take peoples vision, and the response in peoples ears.Advertise from the Latin adverfure, meaning the initial attention and induced, attractive. Later evolved into get attention”, “let people know something. In the international background, the ads have been simple f

6、rom the past advertised develop into a marketing, communications, linguistics, sociology, psychology, aesthetics and other disciplines closely with the publicity.The ultimate goal of advertising is to sell goods. To achieve this goal, we must increase the use of auditory, visual effects face a varie

7、ty of means of communication to expand information to enhance the product image. Ads typically written by the title, the text, slogan, trademark, Illustration of five parts, of which three belong to the former language (verbal) part of the last two non-Language (non-verbal) section.Ads typically can

8、 be divided into three categories commercial, social class, public class. In China, “Advertising Law” mentioned in the ads, is the product operators or service providers bear the costs, and through certain media, directly or indirectly to introduce himself to sell products or services provided by co

9、mmercial advertising.Enjoy the father of modern advertising, the Albert Lasker ads concentrated to salesmanship in print. AMA (American Marketing Association) for the advertisement is defined as Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in na

10、ture about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.This article focuses on the function of advertising in English and Chinese language features some of the common rhetoric and translation.3、The function of Rhetoric and Translation:Rhetoric from the two thousand y

11、ears ago in ancient Greece,is the study of language arts and a science. Rhetoric is the art of using language, it should be based on communication content, language environment, proper selection of linguistic means and forms of expression and so on. Rhetoric is one of Rhetoric, including the negativ

12、e rhetoric and positive rhetoric. The former refers to the word sentence line with the general rules of grammar and logic, in order to clear, smooth, flat uniform, steady close to standard” and avoid adverse effects. The latter refers to active use of the occasion with a variety of conditions of exp

13、ression, doing all the languages of all the possibilities, so that said image showing a written, specific and experiential, that is trying to strengthen the use of appropriate rhetorical devices Language effect. English Speech (figures of speech) and Chinese rhetoric are both “positive rhetoric of a

14、 variety of formats, such as metaphor, metonymy, etc. Language is the dissemination of information, exchange ideas, coordinate actions tool. English and Chinese peoples are constantly researching and improving the art of using language of this nation, each gradually formed a set of specific rhetoric

15、al devices. Speech in English and Chinese rhetoric has both similarities and differences. Most of Speech in English can be found in the Chinese rhetorical corresponding or similar means, like light as a feather 轻如鸿毛;as hard as a rock 坚如磐石,etc. However, the English and Chinese history, geography, tra

16、ditions and customs, living environment, aesthetics, ways of thinking and cultural awareness of the differences in the description of the same object, to express the same concept, often based on the language habits of the nation choose to use different speech. Because the word form in English and Ch

17、inese, inflection, sentence structure and word order and other aspects of differences and collocation range of different dialects and rhythms, even the nature of speech similar to the structure and scope there are also differences, such differences As rhetorical devices to create difficulties in Tra

18、nslation. Mr. Feng Qinghua from the perspective of translation to be translated into figures of speech, difficult translation, not translated into three categories, that these three types of Figures of Speech” should take appropriate and closest to the original approach to the original tenor, form,

19、Rhetorical effect defined as in the seamlessly communicated to the President to go. Mr. Feng Qinghua pointed out the rhetoric of the three translation methods, that is, literal translation, free translation, offset law.1、Literal translation:Of speech that could be translated, as literally, that reta

20、ins the original sentence structure and rhetorical efforts to reproduce the form, content and style, from the semantic to the style used in the target language the closest and most natural reproduction of the source of such language information. Frequently fall into this category is usually used, ma

21、ke an issue of semantics, the English language has a corresponding figure of speech, such as simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, metonymy, irony, rhetorical questions asked, parallelism and so on.2、Free translation:If there are difficult to translate the rhetoric, as much as possible proce

22、ssing. Such a case the general features of the use of their language of speech, such as dual, onomatopoeia, feet rhyme, pun, repeated and so on. Because English grammar, speech, language or cultural differences, such rhetoric makes literal translation, if blunt obscure. To make the message translati

23、on natural, appropriate, readable, and sometimes had to abandon the original form of speech, to paraphrase, to convey its exact meaning. Even if the find similar rhetoric, but also carefully processed to enhance the translation effect of expression.3、Offset law:For the translation of speech cannot b

24、e as much as possible remedies. This range is generally in the text, pronunciation, vocabulary, word structure, word of the reduction, meaning replacement, word order, etc. fuss of speech, such as alliteration, the United side, palindromes, inserts the word, parody And so on. Can not be communicated

25、 to the original text in translation can be used to the different characteristics of such rhetorical strategies the contents of important non-translated for those that can not be changed through the grid, with emphasis, with footnotes and other help for it; of those efforts and circumstances of the

26、original thought No significant relationship between the development of speech, simply dont translated, only a brief description, so that people do not understand the original insight to the beauty of the original rhetoric.Mr. Tan Weiguo also made English and Chinese translation of advertising rheto

27、ric of the three methods, namely, translation, free translation, live translation; also proposed three principles of translation, that is “true, concise, expressive.3、the English case of advertising rhetoricEnglish ad, ad writer to advertise their products to interesting features, vivid description

28、of the feelings after the consumer products, often using a variety of rhetorical devices to enhance the expression of the language effect, strengthening the impression of consumer products And ultimately achieve product promotion, marketing purposes. The following describes the major English figure

29、of speech commonly used in advertising and translation.1、SimileSimile and Metaphor body said two different things similar relation between the English, or as generally like to connect to, commonly use in Chinese, like , like” and other words. If a business is one of Japans Sakura Bank advertisements

30、 in the body of Today, it is like a thriving sakura. to promote and introduce the more boring become interesting, can be literally translated as 今天,这家银行就如一棵繁茂的樱花树。so naturally to appropriate the image of the tree and the combined banks business development, authentic to preserve the” exotic, so that

31、 advertising language fresh image.Again, the U.S. Consulate production of a cigarette ad Cool as a mountain stream . Cool as fresh Consulate. mint agent added to the cigarettes, after smoking is cool and refreshing, can be literally translated as 凉如高山溪流, 爽似Consulate 香烟will certainly make chain smoke

32、rs suddenly felt relaxed and happy, to make consumer sense of dry mouth. The ad successfully achieved the purpose of promotional products and persuasive. For example, beverage advertising Moms depend on Kool-Aid like kids depend on moms. (妈咪依赖果乐Kool-Aid,就像孩子依赖妈咪); Glasses ad Feather water. Light as

33、a feather. (Feather water 眼镜, 轻如鸿毛); Shoes ad As soft as Mothers hands. (像母亲的手一样柔软)2、MetaphorVehicle body and the metaphor that the consistency between the relations.,Instead of a thing will have some common features or some other thing internal relations, but the latter usually do not appear, also

34、known as the metaphor no like or as. Implying that many of the verb to be to connect body and Metaphor.In the English ads,the ads writer often develop Imagination to implying the good by a pretty thing to enhance the beauty of the language. Such as the Swiss EBEL watch ads,“EBEL, the architects of t

35、ime(EBEL手表,时间的缔造者)。Only a few words to reflect the perfect quality of the watch. Selling alcohol advertising,“Sophisticated, sweet-to-drink Pink Lady.”(高级、可口的粉红佳人),This ads uses metaphorical rhetoric, coupled with the effects of their product labeling to enhance the beauty of language, stimulate the

36、 consumers shopping desires. Like the anther ad of insure company “Youre better off under the Umbrella”,the umbrella to metaphor the insure company,Better off with more comfortable, more happiness, meaning,To enable consumers to understand that Consumers realize that buy the insurance, travel freely

37、 and safely. This ad to a good product publicity.3、PersonificationOr biological materials intended for human use to describe as a person, giving the persons feelings or behavior, so the image is more vivid, sharp prominent. Personification approach used in advertisements of product to give life, so

38、that consumers feel at home in order to stimulate their desire to buy. If a bag repair services are provided in an ad Wherever it hurts, well heal it. (不管它哪里疼痛,我们都会使它愈合),The use of personification approach, There is a wine advertisement We are proud of the birthplaces of our children, the grapes of

39、Almaden. (我们为孩子们的成长、地人情味、亲切感油然而生。)Another example is a flower companys advertising Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart. Personification of the flower, expressing best wishes to each other, very human touch. The ads can be literally translated as 英特拂劳拉的鲜花倾诉衷肠。Can also be translated as “Interfl

40、ora 鲜花是发自内心的表达”。Similar examples are “The world smiles with Readers Digest.”(读者文摘为世人带来欢笑)and so on.4、PunEnglish pun and Chinese pun, is the use of certain terms of semantic or voice to make it in a particular environment has a dual meaning. English pun into homophonic pun (谐音双关) and homographic pun

41、(语义双关), The former use of homograph words, the pronunciation, same spelling but different in meaning, or pronounced the same but the spelling, meaning a different word; the latter is used to achievePolysemy pun effect. English advertisements use subtle pun funny, interesting, can stimulate readers t

42、o think, to deepen the impression products, very promotional roleSuch as Shes the nimblest girl around. Nimble is the way she goes. Nimble is the bread she eats. Light, Delicious, Nimble, this is a bread ad, bread brand Nimble. Nimble word appears four times, impressive, sometimes referred to as sma

43、rt, agile, sometimes referred to as the bread brand, interesting, priming people to think of eating Nimble bread, it has become nimble and wisdom. 翻译时应灵活处理,可译为“她是周围最轻捷聪慧的女子。轻捷是她的举止特点。Nimble 是她食用的面包。松软味美,Nimble。United States, Moore “brand cigarette advertising Im More satisfied, which More pun, not o

44、nly promote the product brand, but also play a persuasive role. Commonly translated as I am more satisfied, although I believe that this translation is simple and only half the translated meaning of advertising, loss pun intended. Differences between the English and Chinese, are often not translated

45、 pun literally meaning, can only paraphrase。I believe that the translation of puns, the translator should be flexible, keeping wit pun, it is not a reservation, do let go, so patients can be translated as 摩尔令我更满意。Another example of public service ads promote safe driving Better late than the late. (

46、迟到总比丧命好),Parody of English Idioms Better late than never. (Better late than never) the structure, while late ingenious pun on the word meaning: late means late , the late refers to the dead.5、Rhetorical question There are three cases, the question and answer, ask yourself did not answer and negative

47、 questions. Advertisements in English, asked the question whether the general body in the title or first sentence. Such as: The Economist?“Isnt that a peculiar name for a journal that also discusses America, Britain, Europe, science & tec hnology, world politics, books plus arts, current affairs alo

48、ng with business, finance and economics?” “经济学家?” “这不是一家杂志的专用名称吗?它讨论美国、英国、欧洲、科学技术、世界政治、书籍、艺术、时事还有商业、财政和经济。”Ad use of questions, a question and answer, spoken language is very strong, very lively, and clever to convey the broad content of the magazine. Another example is black hair shampoo ad Are you

49、 going gray too early? (您的乌发过早变白了吗?)。The tone of concern to consumers willing to accept, thus triggering interest in the product.Car ads Wouldnt you really rather have a Buick? (难道您不愿拥有一辆Buick 车吗? ),General series produced by high-end Buick sedan, not everyone can interested, for the wealth of the customer, the use of rhetorical question, to remind them to stimulate their desire to buy.6、RhymeRhetorical devices used rhy


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