【英语论文】对《儿子与情人》中占有欲的解析(英文) .doc

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1、ANALYSIS OF POSSESSION IN SONS AND LOVERS对儿子与情人中占有欲的解析by Wan PengJune, 2007Xiaogan UniversityAbstractDavid Herbert Lawrence was an important and controversial English writer of the 20th century. He wrote a lot of great works, one of his most popular novel, Sons and Lovers, is an autobiographical acc

2、ount of his youth. This novel is about the life of the Morels. Mr. Morel, Mrs. Morel, Paul, Miriam and Clara are the main characters in this novel. The author develops the story by portraying the relationships between these characters. But the end of the relationship is a tragedy. And nowadays we al

3、so can find this kind of tragedy there and here in the world. And for its reason, different people have different opinions. This thesis will analyze the reason of tragedy from a new anglepossession, thats to say, the desire of the holding or having something as ones own or under ones control. This t

4、hesis will prove this view from the spiritual possession of different relationships. Thats the possession of wife to husband, the possession of mother to sons, and the possession of two girl friends to Paul to analyze the destruction of possession.Key words: possession; tragedy; relationship摘 要劳伦斯是2


6、害。关键词:占有欲;悲剧;人物关系Contents1. Introduction11.1 About David Herbert Lawrence11.2 About Sons and Lovers12. The possession of Mrs. Morel to Mr. Morel, which causes the crippledmarriage23. The possession of Mrs. Morel to her sons43.1 The possession of Mrs. Morel to her eldest son, which causes the death o

7、f her son43.2 The possession of Mrs. Morel to her second son, which causes the crippled love54. The destruction of possession to love64.1 The spiritual possession of Miriam to Paul, which causes the distress between Paul and Miriam64.2 The physical possession of Clara to Paul, which causes the parti

8、ng75. Conclusion9Notes9Bibliography10Analysis of Possession in Sons and Lovers1. Introduction1.1About David Herbert Lawrence David Herbert Lawrence was born in 1885 in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire and he was an important English writer of the 20th century. He was best known as a novelist and short stor

9、y writer, and was also a poet and essayist and an incomparable literary critic, meanwhile he was a productive writer. His prolific and diverse output included novels, short stories, poems, plays, essays, travel books, paintings, translations, literary criticism and personal letters.And he also was a

10、 controversial English writer. For a long time, debate continues to characterize discussion of his life and work. But in that time, because of the sexual explicitness of his works, his many books were not allowed to publish. Such as his very great work, Lady Chatterleys Lover. So D. H. Lawrence was

11、a person who expressed his insights in the form least likely to make them acceptable to most of his contemporaries.He was best known as a novelist. His works contain of Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow, Women in Love and Lady Chatterleys Lover. And he was most famous for Sons and Lovers (1913), and Lady

12、 Chatterleys Lover (1928).Although Lawrence was a very controversial English writer, many experts like to study his work. Different people have different opinions. Some experts said that Lawrences novels are known for “oedipal anxieties and sometimes-explicit descriptions of sexual relationships, a

13、rarity in literature at the time and shocking to his contemporaries. But others said his fiction concerned the struggle for human fulfillment within a dehumanizing industrialized society.”1 Especially in his most popular novel Sons and Lovers.1.2 About Sons and LoversSons and Lovers is a faithful au

14、tobiographical novel. D. H. Lawrence was born in 1885 in Eastwood, which just as the Bestwood of Sons and Lovers, a mining town just outside Nottinghamshire, in the industrial midlands. Like Paul Morel, Lawrence was also the son of a coal miner. And his mother Lydia Beardsall Lawrence is a strong-wi

15、lled, refined, middle-class lady and was a former schoolteacher, who, like Gertrude Morel, had married beneath her. In fact, the picture of Pauls childhood given in Sons and Lovers reflects a picture of Lawrences own boyhood. Unlike Paul, Lawrence had two older brothers, an older sister and a younge

16、r sister, but there the differences end. So its the novel on Lawrences early life in the midland coal-mining village of Eastwood. And its the novel about growth, development and human relationships. The author develops the story by portraying several characters. The leading characters are Mr. and Mr

17、s. Morel, Paul Morel, Miriam and Clara. In this novel, Mr. Morel drinks, and his children hate him. But Mrs. Morel is a strong-willed, refined and middle-class lady. She was once a schoolteacher. This couple fights constantly and, to a child, frighteningly. And Paul is a light, quick and slender boy

18、. And he is also a quiet, good, and rather religious as a boy and intensely attached to his mother. Miriam is Pauls first girl friend. And she is a shy, wild, sensitive and beautiful girl with black curls. And Clara is Pauls second girl friend and she is a sensual, slightly older woman.And there are

19、 many different relationships in this novel, like Lawrence said that his novel mainly talk about relationship especially the relationship between man and woman.There are two major relationships in this novel: the relationship between mother, sons and young girls, and the relationship between sons, m

20、other and father. But the end of the relationship is a tragedy. Just like Lawrence said that it was the tragedy of all British youth, nowadays we also can find this kind of tragedy there and here in the world. But what caused this tragedy? Different people have different opinions. Some said the dehu

21、manizing effects of modernity and industrialization caused this tragedy, and some said the mother fixation, thats to say, the Oedipus complex caused this tragedy.In this thesis will analyze the cause of tragedypossession, it is the desire of the holding or having something as ones own or under ones

22、control. There are many strong possessions in this novel Sons and Lovers and it brings much destruction to relationship.Hence many relationships of possession in this novel will be also analyzed to prove this view.2. The possession of Mrs. Morel to Mr. Morel, which causes the crippled marriageMrs. M

23、orel, mother of the sons, is the major character in the novel. She is a strong-willed, refined, puritanical, and middle-class lady who has been shocked and disappointed by her marriage to a miner. Her husband, Mr. Walter Morel comes from the lower class. In Mrs. Morels eyes, he is a brutish and sens

24、ual coal miner.Because before they married, Mr. Morel is a healthy good-looking young guy of 27, with “a vigorous black beard that had never been shaved.”2 His cheeks and his red mouth is very attractive because he laughs so often and so heartily. So Mrs. Morel thinks he is a strong and full of colo

25、r and animation. And his voice sounds comic grotesque. To sum up, he is a man who is different from Mrs. Morels father. Though he is uneducated and a common man, Mr. Morel has a curious animal attraction for the proud, reserved, intellectual Mrs. Morel. He loves to dance and flirt; and he is so read

26、y and pleasant with everybody. Mrs. Morel, on the other hand, she has a curious, receptive mind which finds much pleasure and amusement in listening to other people. She is clever in leading people talk. She loves ideas, and is considered very intellectual. What she likes most of all is an argument

27、on religion or philosophy or politics with some educated men. So she is very different from Mr. Morel. Because of this difference and attraction, within a year, they married. For three months after marring, Walter Morel and Gertrude Morel is “perfectly happy: for six months she was very happy.” 3Aft

28、er that, disillusionment set in. Gertrude discovers that reality isnt happy. The poor condition makes her feel very tired. They have no house, and they should hand in money to his step mother, and she finds still unpaid bills of the household furniture. Especially, his step mother says something to

29、laugh at her “It is lucky to be you,” said the elder woman, bitingly, “to have a husband as takes all the worry of the money, and leaves you a free hand.” 4 And at the same time, because of different background, they have distance in each others mind. Sometimes, when she herself wearies of love-talk

30、, she tries to open her heart seriously to him. She sees him listen deferentially, but without understanding. This kills her efforts at an intimacy. Because of hard life, Mr. Morel works very hard for family, but he ignores his young wife. He doesnt know she begins to change her manner to him. When

31、October comes in, she thinks only of Christmas. Two years ago, at Christmas, she had met him. Last Christmas she had married him. This Christmas she will bear him a child. Gertrude Morel is very ill when the boy is born. Mr. Morel is good to her, as good as gold. But she feels very lonely, miles awa

32、y from her own people. She feels lonely with him now, and his presence only makes the relationship more intense.At the beginning “she fought to make him undertake his own responsibilities, to make him fulfill his obligations.”5 She will reform the miner and bring him up to her level of manners. But

33、he is too different from her. His nature is purely sensuous, and she strives to make him moral, religious. So even if she tires to force him to face things, he could not endure thisit drives him out of his mind.Morel uses the strong possession to control or reform her husband. Because her strong pos

34、session, she has highly requirements on her husband who makes Mr. Morel is frightened in his mind. On the day when Paul was born, Mr. Morel is in an especially bad mood. His works in the pit has gone poorly, and he comes home cross and tired. When he goes reluctantly upstairs, from their conversatio

35、n, “A lad, tha says,” 6 he stammers. Especially, after the conversation he wants to kiss her, but he dares not. Through this we know that Mr. Morel is frightened in his mind. One time when a neighbor complains to the Morels that William has torn her sons shirt in a fight, Mrs. Morel only mildly repr

36、imands her son, while accepting his explanation of the event. But later, when Mr. Morel comes home and wants to beat the boy, she rushes between father and son, in a fury. “Only dare!” she said in a loud, rising voice, “Only dare, milord, to lay a finger on that child! You will regret it for ever.”

37、7 And her husband is afraid of herafraid enough to turn away and leave William alone. And besides control her husband, she also makes her children to hate her husband. All of this made Mr. Morel lonely in his mind. So her husbands drinking becomes worse, so dose his temper worse.Because of this, Mrs

38、. Morel has a passion for her husband. So the marriage is destructed. She wants to escape from the poverty but she has to struggle with poverty and ugliness and meanness in her everyday life. “I wait,” Mrs. Morel said to herself “I wait, and what I wait for can never come.”8 She always expects her s

39、ons onward and upward out of the coal-mining village, so that they find themselves into a higher class and make a better life.So she puts her strong possession from husband to her two sons.3. The possession of Mrs. Morel to her sonsMrs. Morel is an educated woman. And in this novel, she is a fascina

40、ting compound of faults and virtues. Her virtues are hardworking, thrifty, and, most importantly, possessing exception intelligence and strength of will, Gertrude Morel makes most of the difficult situation in which she finds herself. Most of all, Gertrude Morel devote herself passionately to her ch

41、ildren, especially her sons, seeking to it that they have every advantage; she can give them, making the most of her talents with which they are endowed, relentlessly drinking them onward and upward, out of the mire, in which they find themselves, into a higher class, a better life.Through this aspe

42、ct, Mrs. Morel uses her strong possession. She succeeds in making her boys succeed, but the negative effects of strong possession also affect her sons. “Gertrude Morels greatest virtue, it also involves her greatest fault.”9 She fails to establish them, as a mother should make her children self-suff

43、icient and independent individuals, and enable them ability of living their own lives and loving their own loves without constant reference to her judgments and feelings. At first, she chooses her eldest son to show her strong possession.3.1 The possession of Morel to her elder son, which causes the

44、 death of her sonWilliam, Pauls elder brother, a handsome and intelligent young man who combines his fathers gregariousness and physical magnetism with his mother intelligence and will power. So Morel puts her strong possession from her husband to William. Before William goes out to work, he is a mo

45、thers lovely boy. His mother loves him very much. When William is only one year old, and his mother is proud of him, he is so pretty. She is not well off now, but she makes her sons appear to be respectable. One time Mr. Morel wants to cut Williams hair, but Mrs. Morel wants to kill Mr. Morel. She h

46、olds her two fists tightly then lifts them. Mr. Morel shrinks back. “I could kill you, I could!” she says. She chokes with rage, her two fists uplifts. “Yer non want ter makes a wench onim,” 10 Morel says, in a frightened tone, bending his head to shield his eyes from hers. His attempt at laughter h

47、as vanished. “Ohmy boy!” 11 She falters. Her lip trembles, and her face turns green and she cries painfully. She is one of those women who can not cry; whom it hurts as it hurts a man. Mrs. Morel treats William as part of her and wants to control William even his hair. And on the other hand, William

48、 also loves her very much. One time, Mr. Morel quarrels with Mrs. Morel. But William is very angry, and his fists are shocked. He waits until the children are calm down, then he says: “You coward, you darent do it when I was in.” 12 But Mr. Morels angered. He wants to kick his son. William is bigger

49、, but Mr. Morel is hard-muscled, and mad with fury. William put his fists ready. He watches his father, suddenly, the air is frozen. Luckily, Mrs. Morel stops this fight. From this quarrel, we find that mother and son look like lovers, because William thinks that he is the only man who can protect his mother.But when William grows


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