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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料 Unit 4: Why dont you talk to your parents?The Third Period Section A Grammar FocusSelf Check & Section B 1a1eTeaching aims(教学目标) 1. 会使用关心他人和给出建议的几个常见句型2. 会使用until, so that和althoughLanguage points(语言点)要求掌握以下句式: Whats wrong? Whats the matter/problem/trouble? What has happened?You/He . s

2、hould + 动词原形 You/He . shouldnt + 动词原形 You/He . could + 动词原形 Why dont you/they . + 动词原形Difficulties(难点):会使用until, so that和although; 会使用should/could/Why not ?给出建议。Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Review(复习)T: What have you learned last period? Lets review.(1)Work on 4a: Fill in the blanks with until, so that, a

3、lthough; Finish Self Check 1 (2)T: How do you express your concern and care about others? What do you say?Ss: Whats wrong? Whats the matter/problem/trouble? What has happened?T: How do you give advice? What do you say?Ss: You/He . should + 动词原形 You/He . shouldnt + 动词原形 You/He . could + 动词原形 Why dont

4、 you/they .+ 动词原形教学设计说明:复习环节是回顾课本上一个课时中的重点和难点,并为本课时后面的针对不同问题给出建议这一环节的顺利进行做好铺垫。T: Do you have a happy and relaxing life at home or at school? Do you have any problems?Talk about common problems that most Ss have and encourage Ss to speak out.2. Work on 4c T: Choose one of the problems mentioned by yo

5、ur classmates or give an example of a problem. Ask your classmates for advice. Decide which classmate has the best advice. 教学设计说明:在上面复习环节学生已经了解如何给出建议的几个句型,因此这一环节主要是说的练习。学生通过课本关于problems的提示列出自己的问题或困惑,然后反复运用给出建议的几个句型。针对同一问题学生给出不同建议,引导学生进行互评,选出最佳建议。T: Think of some good advice for your classmates. Look

6、 at the screen and start your responses with the words/phrases there.3. Work on Self Check 2.For each problem, choose the advice you agree with more. Then write your own advice. Have Ss do 4b in groups. Have group members write down different advice to the same problem, then read each others advice

7、and choose the best.教学设计说明:这一环节主要是读写练习。学生通过先阅读问题,再根据自己的想法做出判断和选择,然后写出自己的观点。为后面的写作课做好铺垫。4. Work on Section B 1a, 1b 教学设计说明:这一环节是Grammar focus 到Section B 的过渡。引导学生学会解决问题,调解情绪和缓解压力的方法,并为后面活动的顺利进行做好铺垫。T: Lets work on 1a now. How do you feel when you have problems? What do you like to do to help reduce yo

8、ur stress?Ss: (Free talk) 5. Work on 1c, 1d, 1eT: Wei Ming also has problems like you. Listen and check the problems Wei Ming talks about.Lets do 1c. Listen and check. Then listen again and fill in the blanks in 1d.T: This is Alices advice to Wei Ming. What is your advice to him? Explain your advice.Help the students to say sentences with: Because . , If . 教学设计说明:这一环节的实际意图主要是引导学生反复操练几个给出建议的句型,在德育方面教育学生不但要学会调整自己的不良情绪,还能够主动向有困难的学生提供帮助。


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