Idea 是一切的起源.ppt

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《Idea 是一切的起源.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Idea 是一切的起源.ppt(91页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、&,In the beginning was the idea Idea 是一切的起源,Our Simple Selling Model 一厢情愿的贩卖模式,Sell hard 努力卖,!,To a deeply grateful client 给一个非常 激赏你的客户,The Frequent Result 常有的结果,The Client savages 客户“杀人鲸“,Us and the idea 撕裂我们 和idea,Simplistic 简易 and 但 Risky 高风险 Model,Act 行动,Sell 贩卖,Selling,Selling,If the idea isnt

2、bought, we have all wasted our time 如果idea没卖掉, 我们都浪费了时间,IS WEL2 - 7/96,Five Step Model,Act,Adopt,Present,Prepare,Plan,FOUR BASIC QUESTIONS,What question are we addressing? What is our main message in answer to the question? What are we trying to do? Inform? Persuade? Reassure? Inspire? Entertain? Wh

3、at do we want the target audience to do as a result?,Act,Adopt,Present,Prepare,Plan,Structure the communication,Define the target audience,Determine the objectives,What are we trying to do?,* Give information * Gain agreement * Obtain information * Spur action * Build understanding * Neutralise resi

4、stance,Inform,Persuade,New Information,New Information or Rearrange Old Information,HAVE WE DEFINED OUR TARGET AUDIENCE?,?,* Decision maker will need less detail * Opinion leader * Implementors will need more detail * Experts * Second guesser will need a harder sell (of decision makers view) and the

5、 offer of support.,What is their role?,What frame of mind are they in? 他们的心态是什麽?,* Apathetic 冷漠,* Sophisticated 老练的,* Apathetic 冷漠,* Hostile 敌意,* Sophisticated 老练的,* Apathetic 冷漠,* Critically Interested 非常有兴趣,* Hostile 敌意,* Sophisticated 老练的,* Apathetic 冷漠,What frame of mind?,* Enthusiastic 热心的,* Cr

6、itically Interested 非常有兴趣,* Hostile 敌意,* Sophisticated 老练的,* Apathetic 冷漠,Apathetics 冷漠型,WHY?为何? Poisoned by previous presentations 被以前的经验毒害了! Saturated on the subject 对这个话题已听得不想再听 Poor physical environment 身体状况很差,Psychologically dead to your idea. 心理上不接受你的想法,Z Z Z z,What you have to do 你得怎麽做,引起兴趣,保

7、持他们的热情. 打动他们的心. 快点进入正题 把过程戏剧化,视觉化 让他们要采取的行动容易些,Sophisticates 老练型,WHY?为何? Seen it before 以前看过 Non-expert to expert 非专家做专家提案 Subordinate to superior 下对上 Peer to peer 平辈间,Know it all already (and more) 这些早就知道了,What you have to do 你得怎麽做,让他们用全新的角度看待你,及你的idea. 让他们了解你的专业程度. 尽量做到最好 如您知道的 引用权威的话,Hostiles 敌意型

8、,WHY? 为何? 觉得被威胁 对你评价不高或对你的“出身“有质疑 怀疑你的动机 文化的阻隔,Opposes either you or your idea 反对你或你的idea,What you have to do 你得怎麽办?,找出他们对你有敌意的原因 显示你了解他们的处境 建立共通的关注焦点 举例 保持冷静-你一动思他们就会杀了你 不要期望事情太快有变化,Critically interesteds,WHY? 为何? 专业对专业 理性导向 期望你证明你的说法,Willing to accept ideas based on fact and sound reasoning 愿意接受基於

9、事实和理性辩证下的好idea,What you have to do 你得怎麽办,Show benefits 呈现利益点 Cover all options objectively 中立 Present factually & non emotionally 事实而非情感,Enthusiasts 热情派,WHY? 为何? Already sold and motivated Idea已被接受 Accept you and your message 你说的都算,Have faith already 已有信心,What you have to do 你得怎麽做,Reinforce their be

10、liefs 增强信心 Go light on pure information and proofs “淡淡的卖“,呈现证据 Go heavy on colour and emotion 色彩和情感,Exercise: Paperclip,ONE CORE IDEA OUR MAIN MESSAGE,Many different possible elements data, background, experiences ideas, structures, insights supports, etc.,THE CORE IDEA,Support ideas that can expand

11、 or defend the Core Idea in ever greater detail,REPORT / INFORM FORMAT,Subject Background Information index (what Im going to tell you) Information Recap / Summarise (what Ive told you) Meaning / action what I want you to do or understand as a result,Report / Inform Example,Subject,Understanding Con

12、sumers in Asia Pacific,Background,New Young Adult study pilot in Singapore, Hong Kong & Kuala Lumpur,Information Index,Emergence of a much greater degree of tension since last study,Information,Independence Engagement Individualism Communalism Optimism Frustration Self-Determination Fatalism Global

13、outlook Local pride,Recap,How these greater degrees of tension resolve themselves will influence how the young respond to brands,Meaning,We need to monitor this carefully,Persuasion: Problem Format,Problem,Negative Conditions,Evidence,Summary,Idea and Action,Persuasion: Problem Format,Problem,Negati

14、ve Conditions,Evidence,Summary,Idea and Action,Brand sales dropping * Losing distribution * Losing margin * Losing ground in eyes of consumer * _ * _ * _ Must do something about it Relaunch - New packaging - New flavours - New advertising,Persuasion: Idea Format,Problem Opportunity Summary,Idea,Posi

15、tive Results,Summary,Action,Evidence,HOW PERSUASIVE ARE YOU? EXERCISE,Brand has lost its way recently, but we can turn it around quickly Relaunch - new packaging, new flavours, new advertising * Regain distribution * Leapfrog competition * Preferred brand with consumers * Increase price and margin *

16、 _ * _ * _ Lets do this Next steps WHO, WHAT, WHEN,Persuasion: Idea Format,Problem Opportunity Summary,Idea,Positive Results,Summary,Action,Evidence,Five Kinds of Evidence,Personal experience Analogy Judgement of expert (Quotes) Example Statistics / Facts,Five Kinds of Evidence,Personal experience T

17、alk first person. Relive. Act out. Most interesting and unique evidence. Gives emotional dimension. Analogy Compares dissimilar things using like or as. Allows you to exaggerate a point without offending the intelligence of your audience. Judgement of expert (Quotes) Which listeners will recognise a

18、s an authority . If they dont know, credentialise the expert before your quote. Example Specific. Where key factors are similar (eg, overseas market). Statistics / Facts What we usually think of as evidence. Visualise statistics if you can.,Slow Build to a Grand Finale,Intro,Background,Slow Build to

19、 a Grand Finale,Strategy,Slow Build to a Grand Finale,Rationale,Slow Build to a Grand Finale,Idea,Slow Build to a Grand Finale,Any Questions?,Slow Build to a Grand Finale,Here It Is and We Are Excited,Intro,Idea,Here It Is and We Are Excited,How we got there?,Here It Is and We Are Excited,Why its ri

20、ght?,Here It Is and We Are Excited,Any Questions?,Here It Is and We Are Excited,The Tell em Format,Tell em what youre going to tell them Tell em Tell em what youve told them Ensures three exposures to the main message,Planning Cycle Format,Matching Your Communication Style to Your Clients Preferred

21、Thinking Mode,Version 1.0 5/96,Visuals,Eye Movements,Up Right,Up Left,Unfocussed,Words See Envision Reflect Show View Watch Bright Perceive Preview Picture Illustrate Survey Clear Highlight Perspective Look Focus,Eye Movements,Side Right,Side Left,Down Left,Words Say Speak Ask Tell Express Inquire T

22、one Mention Hear Static Accent Talk Ring Resonate Sound Remark,Auditories,Down Right,Words Feel Impress Grab Hit Touch Suffer Handle Tackle Rub Pressure Grasp Know Affect Intuit,Kinesthetics,Eye Movements,One on One Match your style to the style of your client. Group Make sure that you cover all sty

23、les in the group. If you dont some will feel excluded.,How to Develop Trust,Exercise: Paperclips Revisited,Five Step Model,Act,Adopt,Present,Prepare,Plan,You can never bore someone into buying your idea,Five Step Model,Act,Adopt,Present,Prepare,Plan,Accept,Understand,Listen,People are More Likely to

24、 Listen to Someone who:,They respect and trust. Is enthusiastic. Believes in the idea. Given them an idea they value. Speaks in a language they understand. Makes them feel comfortable. Dresses and behaves in a way that is generally in keeping with their expectations. Presents in a lively way. Knows

25、when to stop.,Is clearly organised Shows the idea clearly Explains and interprets it Emphasises key and difficult points Brings the points to life Encourages and responds to questions,Listeners are more Likely to Listen to a Presentation that:,Active Listening,Version 1.1 5/96,Send reinforcements we

26、re going to advance,Send three and four pence were going to a dance,Confusion,Loss of detail,Substitution,Filters,Misinterpretation,Add ition,ORIGINAL,LISTENING DISTORTION,RECEIVED,Distortion,Active Listening,Tracking words,Drifting in and out,THE KEY IS TO LISTEN APPROPRIATELY,Level of Listening,He

27、aring with half an ear Giving into day dreams and fantasies Exploring tangents Zapping Essentially passive,Drifting in & out,Appearing to pay attention and listen intently Hearing words but not making the effort to understand the speakers intent Really only slightly concentrating Making a bit of an

28、effort The “yes dear“ syndrome,Tracking words,Paying attention Listening non judgementally Trying to read the intention Understanding the feelings Processing what is being said - Noting - Checking back - Physical signals - Eye contact,Active Listening,Agency Attention Level,Time,Agency Attention Lev

29、el,Time,X,Agency Attention Level,Time,X,X,Blue Dress,Agency Attention Level,Time,X,X,X,X,X,X,The Rehearsal Curve,Blue Dress,Paying attention Listening non judgementally Trying to read the intention Understanding the feelings Processing what is being said - Noting - Checking back - Physical signals -

30、 Eye contact,Active Listening,X,X,X,X,X,X,N,N,N,N,N,Defeating the Rehearsal Curve,The work youve just sold deserves the highest level of listening. Listen actively and non-judgementally to your clients response. Force yourself to take notes of key points and then return quickly. Avoid surfing the re

31、hearsal curve.,Listening: Summary,They judge that the presenter really cares about their business The idea seems right because of the support offered Major concerns have been satisfactorily addressed Their input has been incorporated in some way into the idea,People Are More Likely to Accept Ideas w

32、hen:,Five Step Model,Act,Adopt,Present,Prepare,Plan,They are asked to act on it The action required is not too much trouble They have previous positive experience with the originator of the idea It meets their needs better than other options The benefits to them outweigh the risks They will be part

33、of the implementation process,People Are More Likely to Act on an Ideas when:,What we bring,What is expected,Preparing the way,What we bring,What is expected,Find ways to reframe expectations,Find ways to presell the idea,Preparing the way,What we bring,Preparing the way,Anticipate Think through Pre

34、pare,Most are highly predictable,What we bring,Preparing the way,Know who they are Know what we want from them Have decided our core idea and supports Have worked out how to prepare the way THEN WE ARE PREPARED TO GO OUT AND FIGHT THE REAL ENEMY,Once we.,Ourselves,The frame of Buying Impeccable logic Energy & enthusiasm Be Yourself,Act,Adopt,Present,Prepare,Plan,Know when to stop,


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