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1、词汇专训 一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1Teachers Day is on September _ (ten). 2I like elephants best because they are very _ (friend) 3Would you like some beef and _ (potato) noodles? 4Please speak _ (quiet) in the reading room. 5Its very _ (danger) to touch animals like tigers and lions in the zoo. 6He exercises at _

2、(little) five times a week. 7We _ (dig) a hole first; then we put the tree in the hole and watered it. 8Not everyone knows the _ (important) of health. 9Dont go out now. Its raining _ (heavy) outside. 10These _ (invent) greatly changed peoples lives. 11A basketball hits on the window and the window

3、is _ (break) 12Can you speak _ (France)? 13Im afraid to talk in English in class because of my poor_ (pronounce) 14The host treated us with kindness and _(warm) 15It is necessary for everyone to know how to ask for help _ (polite) 16China is an _ (Asia) country, which lies in the east of Asia. 17Eng

4、lish is spoken_ (wide) in the world. 18There are lots of _ (customer) in the supermarket at the weekend. 19He likes all the _ (poem) written by Bai Juyi. 20I felt so _ (sleep) that I wanted to sleep for a whole day. 21The moon was _ (reflect) on the lake and it was very beautiful. 22Could you please

5、 give me some _(suggest) about learning English? 23Carla doesnt eat too much to lose _ (weigh) 24Qinghai lies in the _ (western) of China. 25She is an artist. She has many good _ (work) 26Eating too much chocolate is _ (harm) to your health. 27The bird can fly in the sky because it has two _ (wing)

6、28Their classroom is small. _ (we) is big. 29The show was _ (cancel) because of the heavy snow. 30We all went to the museum _ (beside) Mary. 31In many families today, dogs are _ (they) best friends. 32You may find most Chinese _ (kid) dont get enough exercise. 33The sun is _ (near) to the earth than

7、 many other stars. 34Brush your teeth at least _ (two) a day: in the morning and before bedtime. 35Blue is a _ (peace) color. People often feel quiet in blue rooms. 36Sometimes, a persons opinion is _ (easy) changed by other peoples influence. 37We should keep an eye on food _ (safe) 38The number 13

8、 is considered an _ (lucky) number in some Western countries. 39George treats everyone with kindness and _ (warm), spreading positive energy. 40They enjoyed _ (they) at Toms birthday party last Sunday. 二、选词并用其适当形式填空 (A) 1Tom is five years old. His mother has a party for his _ birthday today. 2Look!

9、Some _ are eating a cake on the table. 3Whats the weather like in London ? It often _. 4Michael, go and see who is _ on our door. Oh, its Kangkang. Come in, please. 5There is something _ in todays newspaper. Lets read it right now. (B) 6She should do something to protect _. 7If a river is _ , farmer

10、s cant use the water for their crops. 8Hope is _. People can achieve anything with hope and effort. 9The students who are good at writing can always use words _. 10Children usually attend a primary school at the age of _in China. (C) 11She took lots of interesting _ about her daily life. 12Sally, yo

11、u should know that believing in _ is the first step to success. 13Tomorrow will be _. How about going to Mount Gu for a picnic? 14Can you _ the meaning of the sentence to me again? 15He was facing a difficult _ between working in Shanghai and working in Beijing. (D) 16It is _ three years since we st

12、udied in this school. 17Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a childs _. 18What _ you from going to the movies last night? The heavy rain. 19My mother never takes _ chopsticks or plastic forks when she buys takeaway food. 20If the birthday person blows out all the _ in one go, the wish he o

13、r she has made will come true. (E) 21Even friends can sometimes _ each other. 22. When the building _ , many people were badly hurt. 23. Please _ the radio. I am trying to do my homework. 24In the South Pole, the ground _ snow all year round. 25I cant go to the movies because I have to _ my math tes

14、t. (F) 26The teacher asked who could _ a good solution to this problem. 27He tried _ his friend with funny stories. 28He _ smoking three years ago. 29I have _ the life in the new school. 30Dont _ the work till tomorrow. (G) 31The king was ill. The doctors were _ right now to examine him. 32The coach

15、 made a decision to _ three players from his soccer team. 33I waited for him for a long time, but he didnt _ before I left. 34She _ the red Tshirt and put on a white one. 35They are outgoing and always _ some outdoor activities. 三、根据句意及汉语提示填单词 1Toms mother is making a _ ( 生日 )cake for him. 2His uncl

16、e is a famous _ ( 音乐家 ) 3Though this gift is not _ ( 昂贵的 ), its full of love. 4Cities will be more _( 拥挤的 )in the future. 5Could you help me with the _ ( 准备 )of the party? 6This film is very _ ( 有教育意义的 ) 7His parents _ (建议 )him to go to the dentist as soon as possible. 8That company _ (提供 )many book

17、s for the pupils in my hometown. 9Her _ ( 嗓音 )sounds really sweet. 10Mike is an _ ( 诚实的 )boy; everybody here believes in him. 11Whats wrong with you? You are _( 咳嗽 )badly. 12My parents _ ( 允许 )me to play computer games on weekends. 13Please pay _(注意 )to the important words in the passage. 14If we ca

18、nt finish the work on time, we will be _(惩罚 ) 15Could you tell me your email _( 地址 )?I want to write to you. 16As a student, he _(很少 )asks his teachers any questions. 17The _(国际的 )kite festival is held every year. 18Youd better put the meat into the _( 冰箱 ), or it will go bad. 19Whatever you say in

19、the meeting, I will _(支持 )you. 20There are lots of _(宝贵的 )things in the museum. 21I like to listen to _( 悦耳的 )music when I am tired. 22There are four _( 季节 )in a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter. 23. They took a taxi to the _( 机场 )yesterday. 24To my surprise,my teacher nodded in _(同意 )at that

20、 time. 25Mike felt like there was a heavy weight on his _(肩膀 )at that moment. 26Little Gina _( 举止 )well at the party the day before yesterday. 27Mrs. King told me a good _( 方法 )of cooking fish. 28There is lots of rubbish at the _( 底部 )of the river. 29There is a big _(木制的 )table in the dining room. 3

21、0Hold on to your dreams and you can _( 克服 )all the difficulties. 31Mary has developed a new way of life by getting close to _ (自然 ) 32Frank, take off your _( 湿的 )shoes and put on the dry ones. 33This Chinese painting is the greatest work of _ ( 艺术 )I have ever seen. 34The little boy gives each of hi

22、s parents a _ ( 亲吻 )every night before he goes to bed. 35Im _ ( 确信的 )that our plan is a perfect one. 36Tom is a good friend of _ ( 我的 ). 37A big _ ( 博物馆 )will be built in Nanchong next year. 38There is a _ (医学的 )college in Nanchong. 39Our city is famous for its _ ( 海滩 ). We can enjoy the sun on them

23、. 40Steve is so _ (粗心 ) that he often makes mistakes. 四、根据句意及首字母提示填单词 1Mrs. Green is Marys mother, so Mary is her d_. 2Today is Monday and t_ is Tuesday. 3The bag is too h_ for me to carry. 4I wont go a_ today. I just want to stay at home and watch TV . 5He is interested in science and he wants to b

24、e a s_ when he grows up. 6P_ the bananas before you cut them up to make a banana milk shake. 7Nothing is i_ if you put your heart into it. 8Lets set out now since the sun has r_. 9Dont give up. You know hard work leads to s_. 10No driver is needed, and the car can run by i_. 11Li Pings name is on th

25、e cover of this dictionary. He must be the o_ of the dictionary. 12W_ happens, face it bravely. 13What about reading a_ to practice our English? 14The illness s_ all over the country quickly. It caused panic. 15P_? I cant understand what you said. Tell me again, please. 16It is not polite to talk lo

26、udly in p_. 17The man comes from G_. He can speak German. 18Many people are using m_ phones to get in touch with each other. 19Mr. Wang often d_ the class into five groups to practice English. 20If you want to drive a car, you must have a drivers l_. 21W_ hair band is this? Its Jane s. 22. I r_ a le

27、tter from Lily yesterday. 23It is a p_ that you didnt pass the exam. 24Paris is the c_ of France. 25We will k_ you off unless you work hard. 26L_ and gentlemen,welcome to the Music Club! 27This can turn the u_ places into beautiful ones. 28Our government has made some l_ to protect the environment.

28、29I am t_. Could you give me something to drink? 30Please use the machine according to the i_. 31To a_ the heavy traffic, he goes to work early and drives home late. 32To tell you the t_ , I dont care about the result of the speech contest. 句型专训 一、单项选择 1_ is the Tshirt? Its $30. AHow much BHow many

29、CHow old DHow long 2_ do you like koalas? Because theyre cute. AHow B What CWhere DWhy 3_ did you go on vacation? I went to Shanghai. AWhat BWho CWhere DWhen 4_ do you exercise? Twice a week. AHow far B How soon CHow often DHow long 5Are you _ your sister? No, Im friendlier. Aso friendly as Bas frie

30、ndly as Cas friendlier as Dfriendlier than 6Talent shows are getting _. Amore popular and more Bmore and more popular Cmore popular and more popular Dthe more popular, the more popular 7_ you want to watch a game show? Yes, I do. ADo B Have CDid DAre 8What _ when you grow up? Im going to be a computer programmer. Ado you want Bare you going to be Cwill you want Ddid you want to be 9_? I have a cold.


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