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1、精品文档 . 精品文档 . 精品文档 . 精品文档 . 精品文档 . 精品文档 . 精品文档 . 精品文档 . 精品文档 . 精品文档 . 精品文档 . 精品文档 . 参考答案 Part I Listening Comprehension Omitted Part II Vocabulary and Structure 31 35 BCCBD 36 40 DAACB41 45 BAABC Part III Cloze 46 reduce47 suffering48 difference49 increase 50 turning51 cooling52 limit53 pollution54

2、fill 55 taking Part IV Reading Comprehension 精品文档 . Section A 56 empathy57 togetherness 58 characters 59 desire 60 instructive Section B 61 63 TTF 64 They choose an important news event and entertain viewers by reporting on it 24 hoursaday for days and sometimes weeks 65 They appeal to peoples curio

3、sity and their desire to know all about something / The shows are exciting and they hold the attention of the audience Section C 66 hands on activities67 Royal Mile68 a telescope69 D 70 C Section D 71 Because of the increased traffic and fatigued climbers 72 To restore Mount Everest to its pristine

4、state 73 In the year of 1953 74 做最高山峰的清洁夫并不迷人,但是它提醒我一个人必须把事情进行到底。 75 但我们只是希望能够让人们看到,如果你能为这个星球上条件最艰苦的环境做些 事情,那么你就能在自己居住的地方做得更好。 Part V Translation 精品文档 . 76 Figures indicate/Data shows that the reduced effort results in a reduced commitment to the project 77 The advocate of low carbon society refers

5、to the reduction of consumption 78 Some people enjoy saving money, whereas others prefer spending all their money to travel around the world 79 His knowledge in computer science is adequate for the new project 80 Under no circumstances will the Chinese government give up the country s sovereignty to

6、 the Diaoyu Islands Part VI Error Correction 81 complaining complain 82 having word having a word 83 as to 84 fund refund 85 86 with by 87 you still you are still 88 let letting 89 on 90 best first Part VII IQ Test 精品文档 . 91 threw; through92 Age before beauty93 Colin does ironing on Wednesday94 PERU95 B Part VIII Writing Omitted


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