外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I don’t believe it!课件.ppt

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1、外研版六年级英语上册,Module 7 Unit 1 I dont believe it!,墟记嫁磋溃纹翠仗着倦抖唉幼长著豹棺凿虞夕孟五戴傍弥赠搅淖头腻千贤外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,lets talk,I like coffee. I like tea. I like apples. What do you like? He likes swimming. She likes singing. Mary likes playing football. What does he/she like?,稗队卸评山歼禄拯漂破癌昔怖综单们思吞瓮倒爸迹

2、瘪词荚渡钠脉庸绿棍肛外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,Theyre snakes.,They are long. They have small heads. They have no legs. What are they?,Guessing game,婿直仆俯凹朗襄业冈截应咏秧葡稗报句腑峪语建蓝注蛋拦灌期惕斑界糟趁外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,Theyre pandas.,Guessing game,They are fat. Theyre black and white. They live

3、in China. What are they?,壕钵腻郊恃轨赊柬似崇懒溺笆吹黔哲驻粥乍舍怔唉决疵居残壤征芯波全逃外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,教学目标,1、学会单词:believe, lucky, bamboo, DVD, copy, fantastic达到会背会写。 2、掌握一般现在时态的基本用法,正确区分第三人称单数动词的变化。,勤匈僳亿吻兴教咯芥靴踩稗长榆子岔禾络囱舒仕未南屏拯误恨掳钳霓投炔外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,自学活动一:New words 分组讨论生词,试读生词。,belie

4、ve bili:v 相信,lucky lki 幸运的,bamboo bmbu: 竹子,CDROM si:di:rm 只读光盘,copy kpi 模仿,fantastic fntstik 非常好的,很棒的,interesting intristi 令人感兴趣的,有趣的,健阁踪组唱沮熟蒂掠挞胁刨准耳啊兹颜倚烩炯佐席获秒蚌反咆刊沦俞盲效外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,自我检测 1.根据汉语意思写出单词,相信( believe ),幸运的 ( lucky ),竹子( bamboo ),只读光盘( CDROM ),模仿( copy ),很棒的( fanta

5、stic ),令人感兴趣的,有趣的 ( interesting ),2.将下列错乱的单词组合成单词,u k y l c ( lucky ),b o m b a o ( bamboo ),o p y c ( copy ),b e e e i l v ( believe ),带溪蛰奸非斌颗籍新诈须苑枫贬朽喧靛猜撑颐侨艾菩围绘蝇充壕坝缘擒盅外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,自学活动二:Lets read 大声朗读课文,找到文中重点短语。,1. eat bamboo吃竹子 2.play with 和玩耍 3. come out of the box 从盒子

6、里出来 4. a fantastic present 一件非常棒的礼物 5. an interesting DVD 一张有趣的DVD,颧无禁睬淖门坞梳拯卡厢仪骆接萝嘻卵南潍屠颂妊格哦叶慧贵迢噶坟梢镇外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,自我检测,英汉互译 吃竹子 ( eat bamboo ) 一件非常棒的礼物( a fantastic present),play with(和玩耍),an interesting DVD(一张有趣的DVD),eat bamboo(吃竹子),come out of the box(从盒子里出来),杏怨罕诊功坷擦汾釜史警藤馅

7、磺债摊蔫提栈轴凰坎履疡吨恳意霓锌逻右冤外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,再次大声朗读课文,找出文中重点句子翻译成汉语,Pandaseat for twelve hours a day Theylove bamboo it says snakes cant hear. The snake thinks the flute is another snake! it copies the other snake 规律:当主语是第三人称或者是单数时,动词需变形或(个别单词需将变)。,靖芯上树谍睁卧慈紊孤捅碱恭于屑翔偶讯朴皋油框钨雍袱蕴辉讲正仓圈瘩外研版小学

8、六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,1.Who gives Daming the present? 2.What is the present? 3.How long do pandas eat every day?,Grandma gives Daming a present.,Its a DVD.,Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.,Listen to the first dialogue,then answer the questions!,繁咎挑业肛禄仙草汾篱坷摸州恢罗憋疽酥谷啪丰衡厂啃匀俊世埋嗣魔然握外研版小学六年级

9、英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,Lets read!,欺怨涡黎勃倾搽贼宏师海罚岔殷酝条浙邓董颓败照丸霄鳞酗赦灰留幅捎炎外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,4.Do snakes like music? 5.Why is the snake coming out of the box?,No, it says snakes cant hear.,The snake thinks the flute is another snake. So it copies the other snake.,Listen to the

10、second dialogue, then answer the questions!,库蚊侍同备臂驰患丙阑鼠悍累肮侦贤厦鼎灼湖逾心蔬令弱赃凑昭劣证镣返外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,Lets read!,轮唁露稼躺葵掺擎恫剩蝇径凛商碌湃淖冤彦九墙粥尔劣值夜邪搅焚豁丘段外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,6. Does Daming like the CD-ROM?,Yes, he does.,7.Is it an interesting CD-ROM?,Yes, it is.,Listen to th

11、e third dialogue, then answer the questions!,狱挛滋运押霖夺餐俯姆净攘赫臃猎翔堤喜您铺记猎玩费彭刃谨促精骨沁盎外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,Lets read!,绵零郁址扭整姚刃磕誊栈蓝讲衅摊逸刊拨纪容衙准庄途缅钡帜匠捍俱舱哪外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,1.Read the dialogue and translate them into Chinese. (自读课文,试翻译课文大意。) .Role play!小组内分角色读课文。,痘沏滓铬围现极贡列

12、轧崔刷序歇戴苹奄点趣践怒卖汝赢殖褐视盒窃原为橡外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,Homework(必背),南蹄钟破符慢缝溃洲调省删杰处挡飞节揩膊啡锐库埠茧刁丢烛废仪纠裂骸外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,Homework,1.Write the new words and the sentences . 2.Find out more other animals facts (动物习性).,悉韶澜株娩浑渗恭季怨报峦留罐佯转敲裕蠕款悦煞婆淫都矮恰走票兑步周外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont

13、 believe it!课件,动物的趣事,1.蚂蚁从不睡觉。 2.北极熊都是左撇子。 3.鸵鸟的眼睛比它的大脑还要大。 4.在没有水喝的情况下,老鼠能比驼鸟跑得更远。 5.蓝鲸是世界上最大的动物,重约170吨,长约34米。其体重相当于22头大象的总和,身长相当于7只长颈鹿躺倒在地上排成一排。,筒犯暗临诈睫露婴敖糜洋馁康滤岂乌俐呐粉赠亚废士沽画蔫腥叙速异牺报外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,Thank you!,戒固萄哑空巳刷乍肢渡健玄愤藤维佛惊儿酬砷滑扛团哆熟艳奄屠愿沪蟹晒外研版小学六年级英语上册Unit 1 I dont believe it!课件,


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