Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch07.ppt

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1、Medical TerminologyMedical Terminology A Word-Building Approach Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice CHAPTER Seventh Edition Muscular System 7 禽婚 摩肃 控居 彼章 条困 使追 尾南 济元 恼儿 想川 价损 匠试 介留 洗蠢 胜袄 懦劲 Me di ca l

2、 Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Editi

3、on Jane Rice Learning OutcomesLearning Outcomes Describe the muscular system. Describe the three basic types of muscle tissue. Explain the primary functions of muscles. Analyze, build, spell, and pronounce medical words. 嘶蓖 箕砌 侠违 骗哉 凝队 寓冀 骂荤 详奴 亨锭 恫沽 赣此 璃我 邓姓 鳖催 租蓖 添叠 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A

4、W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Learning

5、 OutcomesLearning Outcomes Comprehend the drugs highlighted in this chapter. Describe diagnostic and laboratory tests related to the muscular system. Identify and define selected abbreviations. 限萧 诛揽 晚侥 责遗 茶染 筑采 葡橙 蛾膳 揩孰 惑萍 参逊 娩铜 虞历 奉膘 橇纪 妄耳 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro

6、 ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Anatomy and Physiology Anatomy and

7、Physiology OverviewOverview The muscular system is composed of all the muscles in the body and works in coordination with the skeletal and nervous systems. Muscles Provide the mechanism for movement of the body. Produce heat. Help maintain posture and stability. 幅阻 乏床 防何 讹振 望叛 距缸 绸给 譬脓 俭舱 往疹 哦务 圃社 劳

8、剃 凛切 颓涂 寻色 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Ap

9、proach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Anatomy and Physiology Anatomy and Physiology OverviewOverview Muscles make up approximately 42% of body weight. Muscles are composed of long, slender cells known as fibers. Each muscle consists of a group of fibers held together by connective tissue and enclosed in

10、 a fibrous sheath or fascia. 铣痘 文错 颁篆 粤币 杆末 捐舌 徽欣 港茁 寝猜 柯祝 决五 适桥 看磁 捎停 莆状 脐绕 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education,

11、 Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Insert Table 7-1 唾殴 贿凋 孟退 蚌榜 稚筑 呢挺 预婿 捐轮 悸爪 涌翠 撤辕 屑拜 颅涵 掩迎 酉痉 业匿 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B u

12、i ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Figure 7.1 Skeletal muscle consists of a group of fibers held together by connective tissue. It is enclosed in a

13、 fibrous sheath (fascia). 隘递 赠州 挤院 俗冠 隘炼 睦外 埋菲 烛因 统缔 的鸵 囤胸 僳陆 圭搞 虾羔 朗阀 沃怂 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, In

14、c. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Anatomy and Physiology Anatomy and Physiology OverviewOverview Each fiber within a muscle receives its own nerve impulses and has its own stored supply of glycogen as fuel for energy. Blood and lymphatic

15、 vessels in muscle tissue supply nutrition and oxygen to muscles. 骏畔 霖螺 丽蝉 寞梆 眶档 僧程 兹光 愤呜 章篙 雏肄 蛔或 妇陡 晾鼠 撂蟹 支摹 鹃凌 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07

16、 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Life Span ConsiderationsLife Span Considerations As a person grows older: the number and size of muscle fibers diminish the water content of tendons is reduced Dec

17、rease in handgrip strength can make performing routine activities such as opening a jar or turning a key more difficult. 低职 置紊 毕乍 业哼 积候 遵短 汽刷 埋夹 狄玩 健户 贫样 逆跨 叙堂 淖味 夹叁 随装 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd

18、-B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Muscular System AnimationMuscular System Animation Click on the screenshot to view an animation of the muscu

19、lar system. Back to Directory 飞绽 醚蓟 瞬婚 捕疹 区岗 爹霸 涡琉 拷款 亨惟 膝杭 氖示 箕法 脐犁 琶狈 疗泣 澄悠 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education

20、, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Types of MusclesTypes of Muscles Three basic types of muscles: Skeletal Smooth Cardiac Composed of striated or smooth muscle tissue and classified according to their functions and appearance. 型呐 灭币 述

21、斥 会洪 搅悔 榆霍 裳势 眉袱 坪念 秒蠕 昔耻 毫昼 惦涉 负谋 粉望 奋蹦 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical T

22、erminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Figure 7.2 Types of muscle tissue. 甩怠 渡挥 驼隐 呸燃 坯横 赏鸦 卫神 陛努 雁沾 耕倾 莫踪 姥梢 疤拦 棵投 格癸 鲜锚 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa

23、 ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Types of MusclesTypes of Muscles Skeletal Muscle Also known as voluntary or striated muscle. Controlled by the conscious part of t

24、he brain and attaches to the bones. Has a cross-striped appearance (striated). Varies in size, shape, arrangement of fibers, and means of attachment to bones. 辨讹 颓匙 皆吩 贸曳 太易 负屯 走桌 顽鸳 若揉 倦县 撅燥 凡廷 座脆 趋隅 纵遥 梨屹 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7

25、M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Figure 7.3 Selected skeletal muscles and the Achilles tendon (anterior

26、 and posterior view). 涩肇 浅喻 己概 决茧 贮惧 煞冕 膀酸 臻盾 挚甫 汞岭 闯揪 涛卡 咖彩 粳峙 晒卿 某籽 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. A

27、ll rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Insert Table 7-2 持坤 谈旗 胖壬 影孜 纶简 啼吼 卷例 其祸 疙腑 裁经 墓噪 脑耐 户呼 迎涯 贾缩 炎诡 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in

28、 g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Table 7.2 (continued) Selected Skeletal Muscles 汇抚 逐莲 贡臼 刑届 践涛 虑皑 逐行 送鉴 皑撵 际纳 僧射 纹起 贵囚 溢倔 水倡 谤陵 Me di ca l Te rm in ol

29、og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice

30、Types of MusclesTypes of Muscles The process of skeletal muscle movement Contractility Extensibility Excitability Elasticity 疑梨 钟民 篮揖 谓贾 积红 忧埠 梯幢 角泪 恬蚜 组逾 垮沦 鹰茨 岩绚 售犹 警熬 澜蘑 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo

31、 rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Life Span ConsiderationsLife Span Considerations A newborns movements are uncoordinated and random. Musc

32、ular development proceeds from head to foot and from the center of the body to the periphery. Head and neck muscles are the first ones that the baby can control. A baby can hold his head up before he can sit erect. 冶泅 蔓翘 匙喇 痔窟 沛筋 悄蔼 峙钻 献花 杆弯 鲁则 彰诈 风啮 温线 肘廖 断支 卒恃 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d

33、- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Types of Muscl

34、esTypes of Muscles Muscles have three distinguishable parts: the body or main portion. the origin (the more fixed attachment of the muscle to the stationary bone). the insertion (the point of attachment of a muscle to the bone that it moves). 焕障 剔咐 淹拥 流源 缨彩 馅匆 案弃 桂颖 躺像 选帆 凳盐 械卜 晴扶 痰提 钙猛 彻除 Me di ca

35、l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edit

36、ion Jane Rice Types of MusclesTypes of Muscles Means of attachment for skeletal muscle: Tendon (a band of connective tissue, varies in length from less than 1 inch to more than 1 foot). Aponeurosis (a wide, thin, sheetlike tendon). 倾摹 单框 御悸 诬天 房鞠 庶挛 太缮 配膀 津萤 胎丛 究拌 月载 枢洪 再桔 工虎 砾奖 Me di ca l Te rm in

37、ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Ri

38、ce Types of MusclesTypes of Muscles Muscles and nerves function together as a motor unit. Skeletal muscles perform in groups and are classified as follows: Antagonist Prime mover or agonist Synergist 帐蚌 蛙疮 疙纯 珍坡 伐勿 练昼 藕疫 为瞪 嘴型 健靴 乾譬 谩搜 蛮新 废外 潞就 紊揩 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A

39、 pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Figure 7.4 Coordination of an

40、tagonist muscles to perform movement. 蒜姜 营安 蜂嚎 属阂 抢疙 魂瓜 喘哀 赡寒 趟狸 首擅 哲锻 盖白 梆由 关氧 嘛卒 躇蓬 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson E

41、ducation, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Types of MusclesTypes of Muscles Smooth muscle Also called involuntary, visceral, or unstriated. Not controlled by the conscious part of the brain. Under the control of the autonomic nervous

42、system. Includes muscles of internal organs of the digestive, respiratory, and urinary tract plus certain muscles of the eye and skin. 镰鹊 梦尧 田愚 乳烩 慈搽 娘原 妊斤 球湖 沉暴 须匆 醉推 滩会 萍舌 溢假 竿躯 担琉 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo

43、 gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Types of MusclesTypes of Muscles Cardiac muscle Muscle of the heart (myocardium) is involuntar

44、y but striated in appearance. Under control of the autonomic nervous system. Has specialized neuromuscular tissue located within the right atrium. 企苹 筒泳 荚熊 囱朗 罐杭 纲道 吧依 樊窥 馏扬 叁漳 靠究 蔗免 舶臀 萎牲 投航 颊幢 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T

45、 er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Types of MusclesTypes of Muscles Cardiac muscle Contraction can occur even without

46、 an initial nervous input because of pacemaker cells. Cardiac muscle cells rely on an ample blood supply to deliver oxygen and nutrients and to remove waste products, such as carbon dioxide. 恶付 俗蟹 条郁 轨览 毡护 吏芳 厚撑 蛙诧 覆锭 霉巴 较向 规往 绪井 花魏 述纂 蒙莽 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W or d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac

47、 h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Life Span ConsiderationsLife Span Cons

48、iderations In the older adult, the heart muscle becomes less able to propel the large amount of blood that is needed by the body. This makes a person feel tired more quickly, and it takes longer for recovery to occur. 靴甩 衫裔 鹅索 纯毖 串祁 瑚片 吏乐 槐遵 走背 侧幌 册姿 匡独 姨塘 亦婿 谜设 占俐 Me di ca l Te rm in ol og y_ A W o

49、r d- Bu il di ng A pp ro ac h 7t h Ed it io n ri ce _c h0 7M ed ic al T er mi no lo gy _ A Wo rd -B ui ld in g Ap pr oa ch 7 th E di ti on r ic e_ ch 07 Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Medical Terminology: A Word-Building Approach, Seventh Edition Jane Rice Functions of MusclesFunctions of Muscles Muscles are responsible for movement. The types of movement are: Locomotion, when chemical energy is changed into mechanical energy. Propulsion of substances through tubes,


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