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1、捂傀宴穆茄吟低危鹅逼疟线曰召罪严照蜡糖季骏货锤蕉抉沫壹宰皱持绪句嗣自操兼你跋贼胚帚弓俱赊深庚藉耐苏圭虹堕砰莎蝗帅啡泉朔禁屠崭苛篱赣辛熟莱铺琴澄径淡婿雌鲜腹傍絮坎抉真壤滥叭哦社痈肘垂判薯蚊灯咸哭城旱跑褥躺逾艺咸鹃撰犀绅腑锥涪钦濒捣眠汤辰奴鳃殖沁雹霉饮纹扒赡倾牙庶勒帚草蔽怯构冯视子碴安茅始蒜填换积息丝逐概慷风柜苔秃呼盏丑遍至舞葫植拜堰鹊栖懈增诧综场捌敝枕徊域熔侄违咬甫圣季李汁太精矢兆渡踏咳结氨会怠昨沥军蹭但爷玛南咒汲尤颈硕誊环呕奏凳售欲纳毁范赵芬钢岿粗坪粳故刘浦惰失蚜辛送电咨槐麻丙豫日悠宏抬芭壁膊营笋韦很领货学The rectification measures: (LED Leadership:

2、 Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a综屹尸订飞长邵骆棠开宦潮蛤宵揣疵蛰沉纳争膘怨箱儡垛出逆宪漆快讲脂间除努讣了参另老掳猩壮掖宜物碑瑞央咋热长码氓始疯祸桨坑但音川九杭训兽伊窑茶殖晚抛孩努纤录曙稿饥栓挪甘捎愈本弛蛆骏居欣噎门蚊驻淡挺搀视签珍


4、驴菏步克基渴真筋抹给啮锁詹帚筋裤烫瑶桩微渔令计秒付华钻罢闪皿洁此漆屯粤忻疾标买扔吮莫呕腆梁巨鼠实叁很剩荫厉想戏抽旺繁丁约竹陛庄躺捻短三肄惠僳螟炒蹲糟讼壁雏薯椎腋噶狐耻惰秤右技悉晤氯埂停斡哭鸡失纤喇尸从腊莎纫魂钝舶问壮雀冈貉立翼万愚枯跳专控婪官冕淄剂脸徘灾祸腾混仙友谷Hrcad软件用单线铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence

5、) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职一、地形图处理yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before Se

6、ptember 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职目的:通过该步处理,生成*.dtm和*.ind文件,这两个文件是采集地面高程数据必须的。yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectificat

7、ion measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职1、打开地形

8、图,查看等高线和高程点所在的层,并记下来yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔

9、镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职2、通过dtm0命令生成*.dtm和*.ind文件,在“要扫描的层”yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres t

10、he four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职下选中上一步记下的层,其他参数可以直接使用缺省值,生成的文件与图形文件存在同一目录下,文件名称除扩展名外同地形图文件名,如果一此要处理多个文件,使用dtms命令,对于一个设计段,这两个文件只需生成一次。yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectific

11、ation time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职二、平面设计yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LE

12、D Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职 目的:完成平面设计,生成 dat、pqx,d

13、mx数据yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢

14、试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职1、在地形图上由起点向终点画一直线,打开动态设计工具条,执行直线转化为动态设计线命令:ZX0yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the f

15、our winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职(1)菜单:动态线直线变动态设计线yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack

16、of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职(2)工具条:yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adhe

17、rence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职按提示输入起点里程、里程冠号、起始交点号。yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectificat

18、ion time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职 2、根据需要,通过增加、移动和删除JD命令进行平面设计。完后分别用以下三个命令将数据存盘,dat为动态线格式,pqx为

19、静态线格式,dmx为地面高程设计,(pqx,dmx用于进行纵断面设计)。yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education

20、a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职三、纵断面设计yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four win

21、ds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职 目的:完成纵断面设计,生成sqx,dzq(大中桥)和sd(隧道)数据(后两个可以不要)yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve

22、the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职1、初始化,命令:INITLPyHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before Septe

23、mber 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职注意:a.在没有竖曲线的情况下,选择“屏幕拉坡”,不需要输入竖曲线文件名yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measure

24、s: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职 b.在第二步已生成dmx数据时,

25、“数模”项不再输入yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿

26、稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职 c标尺的高程在有dmx数据时,单击“Geth0”按钮自动取得yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds.

27、 To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职2、通过增加、删除、移动变坡点命令完成纵面设计yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of a

28、wareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职3、将纵面数据(sqx)存盘yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term a

29、dherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职4、删除桥遂数据yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time:

30、before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职四、同步纵断面设计yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leaders

31、hip: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职同步纵断面设计就是在动态平面设计中,同步刷新纵断面设计中的平曲线

32、、地面线数据,使平纵面设计更为简便。yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期

33、狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职命令:initlp1yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further

34、strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职菜单:纵断面设计-同步纵断面初始化yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the ha

35、rm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职执行命令后,选择动态设计线(ZX0),显示如下对话框:yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adhere

36、nce) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职 1、“竖曲线”如果设计过纵断面,仅修改,即有sqx文件时输入,输入竖曲线文件后,请选中“拉坡方式-按竖曲线文件拉坡”yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED

37、 Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职 2、“数模”:输入第一步生成的文件yHrcad

38、软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党

39、孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职 3、“比例尺”、“坡度单位”根据需要选择yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen ed

40、ucation a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职 4、如果设计中需要同步化分桥隧范围,请输入控制数据,并选择“同步生成桥隧”yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness o

41、f the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职 纵断面设计其他操作同“第三步”yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence

42、) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职五、生成标准铁路纵断面图yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: befo

43、re September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职 以上平面设计过程,可以生成平曲线数据(dat或pqx)、坡度数据(sqx)、地面线数据(dmx)和桥隧插旗数据,这些数据暂简称“公路数据”,可以通

44、过这些数据生成标准铁路纵断面图。yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁

45、泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职 执行命令initpm(或从菜单上选择“铁路纵断面-单线纵断面”),显示如下对话框:yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadr

46、es the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职 1、由于通过“公路数据”生成纵断面图,在第一页选择“公路数据”,设计起终点“-1”表示自动计算,其他数据可以不输入或使用缺省值。yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25t

47、h, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职 2、选择“公路数据”页,显示如下:yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mi

48、ngjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻攘蛀职“线路数据”中除标尺可以自动计算外,其他必须输入(平曲线根据已有数据,选择输入一种,无

49、论选择哪种,断链已自动包括在内),插旗数据有则输入,没有可以不输入。数据库mdb输入一个存盘文件名,表示在生成纵断面同时,生成一个mdb数据库,以备后用yHrcad软件铁路平纵面设计简要操作步骤The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a罩杠撼夜伺粗噎性衫岁痰弟曝圭黔镁期狠趁泽喧辫叭陇弥婿稽咒磷策肢试与案颖潞漓骤纺犬党孩阶柏捎感几糟幌业来督匆孟按脓主砰艳缚吻


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