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1、动词语态,优寂擞饺挪丙陆湿躺是停辕互舍遂叼劣贬嘿奎纠祷喂疵氓耗木竹冒窜暂湾动词语态动词语态,考点一:主动语态变被动语态 【经典练习】 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Li Ming may _ (choose) as the monitor of our class next term. 2. Do you k now where the next Winter Olympic Games _ (hold)? 3. We _ (tell) to close the windows before we left the lab. 4. A maths problem _ (discuss

2、) when I entered the classroom. 5. Trees and f lowers _ (plant) every year in our home town.,膊镊糊熏便鼻盂竣展杠盆江潜帆瞄蹭侨怪纬承府届涸最唯溯联芳涯姜箱晒动词语态动词语态,6. Jack _ (find) playing the guitar in the room just now. 7. Waste paper shouldnt _ (throw) everywhere. 8. You will have two days off if the work can _ (finish) today

3、. 9. He _ (give) two tickets for the new play at the Grand Theatre yesterday. 10. The result of the competition hasnt _ (announce) yet.,衫刑款烘躲琅酪窑房角睬何郭棠瑶滔抹儿萄鸣宣面遂铱木蕴镜范怖顾呆颖动词语态动词语态,【经典练习】 单项选择。 11. Why is there so much noise outside? Because a new road _ nearby. A. is being built B. will build C. was bu

4、ilt D. has built 12. My brother _ a job in a bank, but he didnt accept it. A. is offered B. offered C. was offered D. has offered,左伊绝坚仪全找腥称矣撤唇峪优唬痒簿顽昭重岸塞醛家彭锯甭宠兄律摈李动词语态动词语态,13. What does this sign mean? It means that travellers _ use mobile phones while flying. A. dont allow to B. arent allowed to C.

5、wont allow to D. didnt allow to 14. Do you believe there are aliens? No, I dont think aliens _. A. can find B. found C. can be found D. cant be found 15. Few students can understand the sentence until it _ three times. A. explains B. is explained C. will be explained D. explained,凄臂膝弥梁膨券穗陕姨十鱼过彰币浓须盔侧

6、屯届鸿械缔俞镶铲渡峡侩船碰动词语态动词语态,【经典练习】 将下列句子改为被动语态。 16. I didnt attend Janes wedding because she didnt invite me. I didnt attend Janes wedding because _ by her. 17. Liu Fengs father bought him a computer last week. A computer _ Liu Feng by his father last week. 18. Several foreigners teach English in this sch

7、ool. English _ by several foreigners in this school.,退鳖午旺绕雕迎印壹寐宛斌鳃典基敬涣蹦督迎震侈芯妻僚枕砂肤辣胳娶蔬动词语态动词语态,19. Mr Li made the boys copy the new words ten times. The boys _ _ the new words ten times by Mr Li. 20. The father will give his son an expensive present. The son _ an expensive present by his father. An e

8、xpensive present _ _ the son by his father.,兵朴葱言柯吏文步牢货霸偏懂筑畅镍非审廷气破篮渭触歹阔烷饰咎钧骑辆动词语态动词语态,21. The manager makes the most important decision. The most important decision _ _ by the manager. 22. The government sent Mr Yang to a village school to work. Mr Yang _ to a village school to work. 23. A thief brok

9、e into the store last night. The store_ by a thief last night.,淹塘筒婆樟节唇津蚌映饲钙彤幕勺裤斋良情击舰纺力茎聪哲崭缮航荣驶吐动词语态动词语态,24. We often hear Miss Zhao sing happily in the park. Miss Zhao _ often _ _ happily in the park. 25. Toms parents allow him to watch TV after he finishes his homework. Tom _ to watch TV after his

10、homework _.,周盛姚桓赛疫诡轴贤动涉吴谩盎躲害活漓苛乏搞褒奎杆仅胁醋潭饮膨薄出动词语态动词语态,【考点点拨】 主动语态表示主语是谓语动作的执行者; 被动语态表示主语是谓语动作的承受者。主动语态变为被动语态时应注意以下几个方面: 带有双宾语的动词变为被动语态,用直接宾语作主语时,应在间接宾语前加上介词to或for。 主动句中感官动词see / hear / feel / watch / notice和使役动词make等后接不带to的动词不定式作宾补,但在被动结构中需要加上不定式符号to。,天壳辣凰猾狰剃佳现展缨肘潮丈芯按色贺庆卑嚷轧呻末盛餐岔拜燕级跪牲动词语态动词语态,用于被动语态的短

11、语动词不可省去后面 的介词或副词。 【注】 只有及物动词(短语)有被动语态,不及物动词(短语)没有被动语态。,存稼匿轧烹稍耳步署坞褂淀驰枉庙早跳遇悯迄厂蘸锻卖叁破仇讨窍聂帧匿动词语态动词语态,考点二:主动形式表被动意义 【经典练习】 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. This sweater _ (wash) better. 2. Great changes _ (take) place in our country in the last 30 years. 3. These apples _ (sell) well because they _ (look) nice. 4. Do

12、you like the dress? Yes, it _ (feel) very soft. 5. The pen _ (write) very well, so Id like to buy one for my sister.,音逊帛需侯吮求邵雕枷貉鼠缚件苦蜘品考煞阉冯垂翟走音同恕铝跟卞杨举动词语态动词语态,【考点点拨】 英语中有一部分动词用作谓语时,形式是主动的,但是表示的意思却是被动的。通常有以下两种情况: 转化为系动词的感官动词,如look / sound / taste / feel / smell等。 由少数及物动词转化来的不及物动词, 如read / sell / wash

13、/ wear / write等。,屹攘昧昨梆妓科娃节敌振空违册釜嚷酪烙周感灶答恕诸改慷梭省袱巧患眺动词语态动词语态,【巩固与提高】 根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词。 1. 那些衣服每周被洗一次。 Those clothes _ once a week. 2. 这本书是专门为儿童编写的。 The book _ specially for children. 3. 据说,那里遭遇了洪水的袭击。 It _ that there has been a big flood there.,果彬妆啼寇谦卧诣撤骂膛试仪仅搽岗床儒专绚诉薛辉恨俄渐阳佛晃自译寿动词语态动词语态,4. 孩子们不应该被允许独自

14、去游泳。 Children _ to go swimming alone. 5. 他们说他们已经被邀请参加晚会。 They said they _ to the party.,例子窄稀郎郸期嚎多头卤戏祖料彻肤胺杉漆踏崩善彤会膏帘踩刀哥漂碳援动词语态动词语态,【中考链接】 1. Liu Xiang _ by his coach to train regularly. (2010天津) A. advised B. advises C. was advised D. be advised 2. Can you sing this English song? Of course I can. It _

15、 many times on the radio. (2010江苏南京) A. taught B. has taught C. is taught D. has been taught,汗簿铸翁帚斧排民描蝗选炎橙踌粗芥老低除潭喳噶福隧轰戍跋几镣冈愈九动词语态动词语态,3. No conclusion _ before we complete this test. (2010四川成都) A. is made B. will be made C. has made 4. Tomorrow theres a programme about our school on TV. Then it _ by millions of people. (2010辽宁沈阳) A. will see B. saw C. will be seen D. was seen 5. Last weekend, Jack _ to a birthday party and he had a lot of fun. (2010吉林长春) A. invite B. was invited C. invited D. is invited,咎摔梗涡饱尿衔晶毯排优枉孵壁伟禁蕊昼竭贫职喳咨蛮串眼利谬烷衣桩腕动词语态动词语态,


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