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1、第 1 页 英语演讲比赛演讲稿范文1 特征码 xZUaQwKhQdzbBZqwzrzY 英语演讲比赛演讲稿 一.自我介绍: Honorable Judges, Ladies and gentlemen, Fellow students, Good morning/afternoon: 尊敬的评委,先生们,女士们,各位同学们,早上/下午好! Im very glad to be here. My name is Wangqihang. 非常高兴能参加比赛。我的名字叫王启珩。 Im ten years old. I e from Huanxi Primary school. Im in Cla3,

2、 Grade 5. 我今年 10岁。我来自环西小学,现在五年级三班。 As a happy boy,I have many hobbies, such as sports, playing piano, singing, and drawing. 我是一个快乐男孩。我有许多爱好,比如体育运动,弹钢琴, 唱歌,画画等。 Among them, travel is my favorist one. I have visited some other cities, like Beijing, Hainan, Chongqing, Guangxi, Qindao, Dalian and so on.

3、 第 2 页 旅游是我的最爱。我去过不少地方,如北京,海南,重庆,广 西,青岛,大连等。 Everywhere I went, I enjoyed the natural scenery and appreciated the human landscape very much. 每到一处都尽情享受那的自然风光与人文风情。 Not only that, I want to go abroad to take in the beauty of the custom of other countries in the future. 不仅如此,我还希望能出国领略各国的民俗风情。 And I eve

4、n dream about what the life will be when we are on planets other than our Earth. 甚至我还梦想着在地球外的其它星球上生活将会是怎样的。 That is why Im so interested in the following scientific report recently. 所以最近我对下面这篇科学报道非常感兴趣。 二. 演讲部分: 在我们享受的时候懂得珍惜 Cherish what we are enjoying It is a report about the new planet which hold

5、s possibility for life. 这是一篇关于发现了一颗有生命可能性的星球的报告。 It shows that European astronomers have discovered a new planet, they name it Gliese 581 c. 第 3 页 说欧洲天文学家们发现了一颗新的星球,代号为“Gliese 581C”。 It is about 20.5 light years from our earth. They estimated the planets average temperature at between 0 and 40 degre

6、es Centigrade. It is orbiting the red dwarf star, Gliese 581. 它距地球约 20.5光年。他们估计它的平均温度约在 040 之间。它围绕着红矮星 Gliese 581运行。 Most important of all, its an earth-like planet. There might be mountin, sea and liquid water. 最重要的是,这颗星球和地球非常相似,它可能有山峦,有海 洋,还有液态水。 So the astronomers believe that it is potentially h

7、abitable. 所以科学家们相信它 它能支持生命的存在。 However, Gliese 581 c might be “tidally locked“ to its sun-the dwarf star the way our moon is to the 第 4 页 Earth. 然而,就像月球一样,它只会公转,不会自转。 It means that it must always show its same face to its sun, and that while one side would be too fiercely hot to support life, the ot

8、her side would be too cold. 这就意味着它面对红矮星的一面会太热不适合生命体而背对红 矮星的一面则会很寒冷。 This report makes me to realize that how valuable our earth is. 这使我认识到我们地球有多么珍贵! Everyday, we can see sunrise and sunset. 我们每天都可以看到日出日落。 The day and night keeps on exchanging. Its not too hot in the daytime while not to cold at nigh

9、t. 一天早晚有变化,昼夜不停地交换使白天不过分热,夜晚不过 分冷。 Everyday, I go to school cheerfully in the morning and skip along at the way home as the sun set. 清爽的早晨,我可以背着小书包高高兴兴地去上学。夕阳西下, 我又蹦又跳地回到家。 We could experience changes through the four seasons of one year. 第 5 页 一年四季有变化。 Spring is the season sowing seeds. It is pregn

10、ant with life and green. 春天是播种的季节,充满了生机和绿色。 In the Summer, colorful swimming suits frolick in the water happily. 夏天五顔六色的游泳衣在水里欢快地嬉戏。 Autumn is the harvest season , the paddy fields and trees are covered with golden color. 秋天是丰收的季节,金黄铺满了稻田洒满了枝头。 In the winter,We can have snow battle, playing to our h

11、earts content in the world of silvery white. 冬天我们打着雪仗,尽情地在银白色的世界里玩耍。 How fortunate we are because we can live on the earth! 能生活在地球上,我们是多么地幸运埃 We should cherish it, instead of polluting it, spoiling it or even destroying it. 我们要珍惜它,千万别污染它,别糟践它,别破坏它! If One day, it is really angry and stop rotation, t

12、hat will have be a disaster for us human being. 如果有那么一天,它真的生了气停止了自转,那将是我们整个 人类的巨大灾难。 第 6 页 So, let us protect our earth with our love, ma-ki-ng it better and more harmonious. 所以,让我们大家用自己的爱来好好保护宇宙中这颗唯一的地 球吧,使它更美好更合谐。 三.才艺表演 Ladies and gentlemen, Now let me show you a story about the monkey and the mo

13、on. 先生们女士们,现在我给大家表演一个关于猴子与月亮的故事。 猴子捞 月的故事: One day,a little monkey is playing by the well. 一天,有只小猴子在井边玩儿。 He looks in the well and shouts : 它往井里一瞧,高喊道: “Oh!My god!The moon has fallen into the well!” “噢!我的天!月亮掉到井里头啦!” An older monkeys runs over, takes a look,and says, 第 7 页 一只大猴子跑来一看,说, “Goodneme!The

14、 moon is really in the water!” “糟啦!月亮掉在井里头啦!” And the oldest monkey es over. 老猴子也跑过来。 He is very surprised as well and cries out: 他也非常惊奇,喊道: “The moon is in the well.” “糟了,月亮掉在井里头了!” A group of monkeys run over to the well. 一群猴子跑到井边来, They look at the moon in the well and shout: 他们看到井里的月亮,喊道: “The m

15、oon did fall into the well!Come on!Lets get it out!” “月亮掉在井里头啦!快来!让我们把它捞起来!” Then,the oldest monkey hangs on the tree up side down ,with his feet on the branch . 然后,老猴子倒挂在大树上, And he pulls the next monkeys feet with his hands. 拉住大猴子的脚, All the other monkeys follow his suit, 第 8 页 其他的猴子一个个跟着, And the

16、y join each other one by one down to the moon in the well. 它们一只连着一只直到井里。 Just before they reach the moon, the oldest monkey raises his head and happens to see the moon in the sky, 正好他们摸到月亮的时候,老猴子抬头发现月亮挂在天上呢 He yells excitedly “Dont be so foolish! The moon is still in the sky!” 它兴奋地大叫:“别蠢了!月亮还好好地挂在天上呢!” This is the end of the story. Do you like it? 故事到这里就结束了。你们喜欢吗? 四.尾声 Hope you all can remember me, Wangqihang, a happy guy like the sunshine. 希望大家能记住我,王启珩,一个阳光般的快乐男孩。 Wele you to visit my blog at .oh100./u/1274563887 欢迎大学到 访问我的博客。 Thank you very much. 谢谢大家。 第 9 页


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