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1、名校名 推荐Unit 2 poems Language Points课时作业. 拼写1 Taking care of a family is a big responsibility.2 Atroop of students are planting trees in the field.3 The weather forecast on the radio said there would be heavy rain.4 Jay Chou is one of the pop singers that youngstersadore.5 The river forms the boundary

2、 of the two countries.6 The skirt is too long; please have it shortened ( 使 短 )7 They have failed to modernize ( 使 代化 ) this factory.8 Many people are opposed (反 ) to the plan of building a chemical plant nearby.9 The judge is greedy ( 婪的 ) for money.10 The businessman was sent to prison for corrupt

3、ing ( 行 ) a tax official with money. . 填空be fond of , be respectful to, be opposed to, be responsible for , on behalf of1 I would like to thank you all on_behalf_of the crew.2 He is_fond_of cooking and wants to be a cook when he grows up.3 No one is_opposed_to building a park in the city.4 Mike is_r

4、esponsible_for designing the whole project.5 We were brought up to be_respectful_to our elders. .完成句子1 It is said that she is_fond_of ( 喜 ) music.2 Happily, all those days are_gone ( 一去不复返了)3 This part is_equal_to ( 与 相等 ) what I give to Goneril in value.4 In_return ( 作 回 ) for all your hospitality

5、( 好客 ), I d like to buy you a meal.5 I will give you $1,500, neither_less_nor_more (一分不多,一分不少) .句型 1 She is no longer a little girl.She is not a little girl any_longer.2 His duty is to love and care for his family.It_is_his_duty to love and care for his family.3 This is the book with the date marked

6、 with.This is the book which is marked with the date.4 Try harder or you will fail in the exam.1名校名 推荐If_you_ don ttry_harder,_you will fail in the exam.5 If they love you that much, why have they left you?If they love you so much, why have they left you? .阅读理解AIf you talk about a dog s life, go to

7、Beijing to see the pampered过分娇(惯的 ) dogs. Dogsclipped,dressed up, washed and dried. Here,itthes owners who go to the obedience (服从 )school, and these people pay almost a thousand US dollars a month to learn how to properly carefor their pets. Dogs are hot in Beijing, a symbol of a new middle-class f

8、amily.Dogs or pets can take the place of children,even husbands. Qin Lu,23-year-old dog owner, certainly thinks her dog makes some more loyalpartner.She spending 1,300yuan, that almost 200 USdollars amonth, sending her dog to the training school. Think about it, almost halfher monthly salary as a se

9、cretary.Personally, if I have a dog, I want to give it the very best of everything. Otherwise, I wouldnhave a dog.Before we get too sentimental, though, other dogs in China have a far more grisly (可怕的 )fate, many still destined for the dinner table,dog meat, a popular delicacy.But appetites arechang

10、ing. What was once for the eating is now for the treating.Beijing alone is home to morethan a million dogs. Owners spend an average 25 dollars a month on pets. Do the math.Dogs arebig business. Ning Wei who runs this obedience school on the outskirts of Beijing said,“ It hbeen open for almost three

11、years. There are many dogs. And now we are opening another branch.As their owners embrace everything western, so too are the dogs. Ning Weispecializing in sproducing a new breed of bilingual puppies.Yes, dogs understand Chinese and nowEnglish.“ I m going to do a test now to see if they understand bo

12、th English and Chinese effectively, if theirChinese is better than my English, and if theirEnglish is better than my Chinese.”语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了在北京人们对宠物尤其是狗的喜爱。1 From the first paragraph we can know _ in Beijing.A dogs are tired of the hot daysBwhy people spend so much buying a dogCdogs are very ex

13、pensiveD many new middle- class families raise dogs解析:选 D细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“Dogs are hot in Beijing, a symbol of a newmiddle-class family.可知,”许多新的中产阶级家庭养狗,即D 项正确。2 It can be inferred from the third paragraph that _.A the author also loves dogs2名校名 推荐Bdogs can take the place of children, even husbands o

14、r wivesCno dogs, no lifeD people will live a happy life with a dog解析:选 A细节推断题。根据第三段中的“if I have a dog, I want to give it the very best ofeverything 可”推知,作者也喜欢狗,即A 项正确。3 What can we know about Ning Wei from the passage?A He is an English teacher in an obedience school.BHe is a businessman who runs an

15、 obedience school.CHe is a dog- keeper who is learning how to properly care for his dog.D He is a researcher who is crazy for the bilingual puppies.解析:选 B 细节理解题。 根据第四段中的 “Dogs arebig business. Ning Wei who runs this obedience school on the outskirts of Beijing 可知,他是一位”商人并经营一所宠物服从训练学校,即 B 项正确。4 From

16、the passage we can conclude that _.A there are many different kinds of dogs from all over the world in BeijingBmany Beijingers love dogs better than their own sons or daughters, even their husbands orwivesCteaching people how to treat dogs is hot business in Beijing now D so much money has been spen

17、t on treating dogs解析:选 C细节推断题。根据第四段的“Dogsare big business ”“hasIt been .openinganother branch. 可推”知,教人们如何善待狗在北京是很热门的生意,即C 项正确。BThere have always been laws against copying other people ideas.However, when copying was only limited to copying something by hand,problems were solved easily. The solution

18、was always the destruction orremoval of the copy. Nowadays, the rise of the Internet has made the issueof intellectual property ( 知识产权 ) more complicated.Almost every bit of information can be cut and pasted (粘贴 ) with a few clicks of a mouse.Many art forms such as writings, films, and music need ne

19、w protection to ensure that people do not simply transfer them for free. Online illegal copying has been blamed for a huge reduction in the sales of many records because it is hard to convince people to buy something that they can get for free. Even the ideas behind traditional games, such as Scrabb

20、le, have been used without the owners permission.Old laws have been struggling to keep up. While music companies have been successful in persuading courts that action should be taken against people who illegally download music, the law is difficult to carry out. Furthermore, intellectual property ri

21、ghts vary widely from country to3名校名 推荐country, so it s up for debate which laws apply. Finally, there is the fact that many people simply do not see the act as theft, since once the work has been digitized there is no clear physical objectto steal in the first place.All of these issues mean that co

22、mpanies involved with intellectual property ideas or easily digitized information are fighting desperately to get people to pay for the information they use, rather than paying for an object like a CD that they use. While the companies have sometimes been successful, the practical barriers to full p

23、rotection seem insurmountable.Finally, all that concerned parties can do is hope that their few successes scare off others and try to find new ways of making money.语篇解读: 本文是一篇说明文。 随着互联网的发展和普及,侵犯知识产权的现象越来越严重。创作人想要通过法律来维护自己的合法权益,但是现实中的障碍使得他们的维权之路充满坎坷。5 Why do writings, films, and music need protection

24、?A They are very expensive.BThey are impossible to copy.CIt is easy to make CDs, books, and movies.D They are easily able to be transferred when in digital form.解析:选 D细节理解题。根据第二段前三句“Almost every bit of information . somethingthat they can get for free. 可知,随着”网络的发展,著作、电影和音乐等很容易通过网络以数字形式供人们免费下载,这极大地损害

25、了创作人的合法权益,所以它们需要被保护。故答案选 D 。6 Which of the followingis NOT mentioned as a problem of carryingout intellectualproperty rights?A Laws are not the same in all countries.BPeople do not see copying information as theft.CIt is very hard to catch people who are breaking the law.D Internet service providers

26、 do not want to cooperate with the police.解析:选 D细节理解题。根据第三段中的“the law is difficult to carry out”“ intellectualproperty rights vary widely from country to country ”“ there is the fact that many people simply donot see the act as theft和 “ once” the work has been digitized there is no clear physical ob

27、ject tosteal in the first place可知, A”、 B 、C 三项都是在保护知识产权时所面临的问题。D 项在文中没有提到。故答案选D。7 The underlined word“ insurmountable” in Paragraph 4 means “ _ ”A extremely expensiveBimpossible to overcome4名校名 推荐Cagainst the lawD hard to prove解析:选 B词义猜测题。根据第三段和第四段内容可知,保护知识产权面临很多障碍,尽管有成功案例, 但是要克服这些全面保护知识产权的实际障碍几乎是不可

28、能的。由此可推断出, insurmountable 意为 “难以克服的,不能超越的”。B 项意为 “不可能克服的”,故答案选 B 。8 What can be inferred from this passage?A Music and films will be unnecessary in the future.BNew laws are necessary but difficult to put into practice.CThe Internet is likely to become more important in the future.D Laws are just a way for greedy companies to control their products.解析:选 B推理判断题。根据全文可知,由于网络的发展,知识产权的保护受到严重挑战, 原有法律已解决不了日益复杂的问题;人们在用法律来维护创作人的权益时,遇到了很多障碍,使得维权难以真正贯彻下去。由此可推断出, 制定新的知识产权保护法很有必要,但是这项法律实施起来仍会很困难。故答案选B。5


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