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1、“千人计划”工作意向协议(青年项目)聘任方(甲方):中国地质大学(武汉)受聘方(乙方): 护照号/身份证号: 为进一步加强“千人计划”的管理,切实引进海外高层次人才,经甲乙双方协商一致,特制定本协议。一、预期工作目标甲乙双方拟通过国家“千人计划”引才平台建立长久及亲密的合作关系,共同致力于人才培养、学科发展、实验室建设以及科研团队的构建。合作的学科和研究领域为: 。 二、工作内容1.甲乙双方约定,一旦乙方通过评审成功入选“千人计划”,则甲方聘请乙方为“千人计划”青年项目特聘教授。乙方全职来甲方开展工作。2.甲方保证为乙方顺利完成聘期目标和任务提供良好的工作和生活条件,乙方负责完成聘期工作目标和

2、任务,接受甲方的考核与监督。三、双方权利与义务(一)甲方为乙方提供良好的工作和生活条件:1甲方为乙方提供必要的实验室工作用房,并将乙方所需购置的大型科研仪器设备纳入甲方学科建设经费中解决。2甲方在聘期内分年度为乙方提供开展科研工作必需的科研经费。3甲方在团队建设、研究生招生、重大科研项目申请等方面给予指导、支持和倾斜,并为乙方团队成员提供工作岗位。4甲方为乙方提供国家、湖北省以及甲方学校相关政策规定的待遇。(二)乙方义务: 1乙方保证聘期内完成正式合同中由甲乙双方协商确定的工作目标和工作任务。2乙方保证按照“千人计划”的相关要求,承诺自入选“千人计划”后半年内到岗,保证全职来甲方工作。3乙方在

3、受聘岗位上所取得的教学、科研成果之归属权属于甲方。四、乙方正式入选“千人计划”后,甲乙双方再就具体工作目标与任务、聘期时间、薪酬待遇、科研经费等合同细节协商一致并签订正式聘任合同。五、本协议及正式聘任合同以“千人计划”政策为依据,若国家相关政策法规调整,导致与本协议及聘任合同内容不一致的,按国家政策法规执行。六、本协议有效期一年。七、如双方签订正式聘任合同,则本协议自动终止。八、未尽事宜,双方协商处理。因执行本协议所产生的纠纷,应由中华人民共和国司法机关依据中华人民共和国法律裁决。 九、本协议自甲、乙双方盖章,代表人签字之日起生效。 十、本协议一式叁份,具有同等约束力,甲乙双方各执一份,另一份

4、交上级主管部门备案。甲方:中国地质大学(武汉) 乙方:法定代表人: 年 月 日 年 月 日The Letter of Intent on Plans for One Thousand Talents Program (A Program for Young Talents)Employer(Party A): China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)Employee(Party B): Passport Number or ID Number: In order to strengthen the management over Plans for One

5、 Thousand Talents Program and make concrete efforts to introduce overseas high-level talents, Party A and Party B have reached a consensus on issues relating to Plans for One Thousand Talents Program (A Program for Young Talents) through consultation:The Objective of Intent1. Both parties to contrac

6、t plan to maintain long-term intimate cooperative ties on the Platform of the Introduction of Talents of National Plans for One Thousand Talents Program, working together to cultivate talents, promote the development of disciplines, and strengthen the construction of laboratories and research groups

7、.Both parties are going to strengthen their cooperation in the discipines and research areas as follows: . The Contents of Cooperation1. Based on the agreement and the approval, once being involved in Plans for One Thousand Talents Program (A Program for Young Talents), Party B will be employed by P

8、arty A as a full-time distinguished professor.2. Party A must provide good working and living conditions for Party B, ensuring Party Bs successful achievement of goal and fulfillment of tasks in the employment period. Party B takes responsibility for achieving the goal and fulfilling the tasks in th

9、e employment period. Party A takes responsibility for evaluating and supervising the performance of Party B. Rights and Obligations of Both Parties(1)Party A must provide good working and living conditions for Party B:1. Party A must provide laboratories for Party B to work in, and give financial su

10、pport to Party B to buy large research facilities by making use of funding for disciplinary development.2. Party A must provide an amount of research funding for Party B to do research work in consecutive years during the employment period.3. Party A must give guidance, support and priority to Party

11、 B in many respects, including the construction of research groups, the enrollment of postgraduates and the application of key research projects, and provide posts for the members of Party Bs research group.4. Party Bs welfare is regulated by relevant policies of all levels, namely, China, Hubei Pro

12、vince and Party A CUG.(2)Obligations of Party B:1. During the employment period, Party B must achieve the goal and fulfill the tasks specified in the contract.2. In terms of the relevant policies of Plans for One Thousand Talents Program, Party B must make a promise that once being involved in Plans

13、 for One Thousand Talents Program, he will start work in half a year, and he will work in CUG full-time. 3. During the employment period, the intellectual property rights of Party Bs teaching and research fruits belong to Party A. Based on the approval of Party Bs membership of National Plans for On

14、e Thousand Talents Program, both parties will firstly reach an agreement on the specific goal and working tasks, the employment period, salary and welfare, and research funding, and then sign a formal contract. The Letter of Intent and the formal contract are both formulated on the grounds of the re

15、levant policies of Plans for One Thousand Talents Program. Whenever the contents of the Letter of Intent and the formal contract turn out to be different from the relevant national policies and regulations due to a few adjustments made in the policies and regulations, both parties should act in acco

16、rdance with the relevant national policies and regulations. The agreement is valid for one year. If both parties sign a formal contract, the agreement will terminate. Other issues should be settled by both parties through negotiation. All the disputes arise out of the performance of the Letter of In

17、tent, should be adjudicated by the judicial organs of the Peoples Republic of China in accordance with the law of China. The agreement takes effect immediately after legal representatives sign and both parties stamp on it. The agreement has been written in triplicate which shall be equally binding upon both parties. The two parties both have one identical copy of the agreement. Another copy shall be filed with the competent authority at a higher level.Party A: China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Party B: Legal Representative:Date: Date:


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