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1、,Listen and answer:,What is Carol not going to buy?,Beer and wine.,grocer,groceries,at the grocers,fruit,stationery,stationer,at the stationers,chemist,at the chemists,chemistry,v,ege,table,vegetable,monkey,去掉k,money,grocery,y-i+es,groceries,station,ery,stationery,news,gent,a,newsagent,食品杂货店,车站,后缀(表

2、地方),车站这个地方是卖文具的,新闻,一个,绅士,新闻是一个绅士提供给报刊零售人的,胜利的,看到,桌上,成功的看到了桌上的蔬菜,猴子,猴子不是猴王(K)就不值钱了。,,Unit 40,( )shopping ( )list( )hope ( )things( )money( )vegetables ( )need,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,shop / store,shop / go shopping / do some shopping,shopping center,shopping mall,Best!,a name list,a word list,Best!,vegetables,

3、vegetable oil,vegetarian,Best!,Children need love and care.,The childrens need is urgent.,动词,名词,I need to buy a present for my mother. The door needs mending. The door doesnt need mending. Your father neednt help. Your father doesnt need help.,主语是人,主语是物,实义动词,实义动词,实义动词,实义动词,情态动词,need sth.需要某物(其后的宾语可以

4、是名词,也可以是代词。) need doing 有必要做某事need to do sth.(作为实义动词,要接带to的动词不定式,表示有义务或责任去做某事)需要做某事。 注意:need 作情态动词讲没有肯定句形式。,need 用法小结:,Best!,money,Money talks. (谚语:有钱能使鬼推磨),pocket money 零花钱,Best!,Ihopethatyouvegotsomemoney. 可以发现: I hope后面可以加that, 再加个句子 那么,这句话对吗: I hope that you will help me. 对的。 如果希望做某事,hope后面要接动词,

5、应接动词的什么形式?看下面这个句子: He hopes to become a doctor. hope to do. hope可以加宾语吗?如hope me to do sth. 不行。,猜一下wish的意思:,1. I wish to stay here a little longer. 2. I wish him to call back. 3. I wish you success. 4. I wish he were here.,希望、愿望,可与hope互换吗?,可以,可与hope互换吗?,不可以,此句是什么成份?,双宾,表示的是一种虚拟(暗示他不可能在这)。,由第1句你得出什么?

6、由第2、3句你得出什么? 由第4句你得出什么?,hope与wish做某事时,可以互换使用,hope不能接宾语,wish可以接宾语。,wish 可以表达虚拟语气,hope不行,hopeless,hopeful,Best!,thing n.事情,no-thing nothing pron. 没有东西 any-thing anything pron. 任何东西 some-thing something pron. 某事;某物 every-thing everything pron. 每件事,一切,Best!,I _ you to enjoy yourself. A. wish B. hope I _

7、 I were a bird. A. wish B. hope,Best!,1.Weneedalotofthingsthisweek. 2.Wehaventgotmuchteaorcoffee,andwe haventgotanysugarorjam. 3. Wehaventgot many tomatoes,butwevegotalotofpotatoes. 4.Weneedsomemeat. Wehaventgotanymeatatall. 5.Havewegotanybeerandwine? 6.AndImnotgoingtogetany! 7.Ihopethatyouvegotsome

8、money. 8. Ihaventgotmuch. 9.Ihaventgotmucheither!,观察:找到名词前都有哪些词修饰,它们是什么词性?,形容词,1. 因为名词不一样。 名词分可数名词和不可数名词,所以修饰它们的词也不一样。 (1)much,many,表示很多,much用于形容词比较级及不可数名词,many用于修饰可数名词; (2)表示“有一点(些)”可用:a little, a few“一些”,分别接不可数和可数名词 (3)表示许多时,可用:a lot of“许多”,可修饰可数名词也修饰不可数名词,但不可用于否定句。 2. 因为句型不一样,some, any 前者用于肯定陈述及委

9、婉请求,后者用于否定句及一般疑问句,思考:为什么有这么多的形容词,汉语意思一样,英语却有这么多表达方式?,1.Wehaventgotmuchteaorcoffee, andwehaventgotanysugarorjam. 2. Wehaventgotmanytomatoes,butweve gotalotofpotatoes. 3. No,wehavent.AndImnotgoingtogetany! 4.Do you like beef or lamb? 5. Hurry up, or youll be late for school.,用于否定句 中代替and。,转折,表示选择,意为“或”“还是”:,表示一种否定的条件,意为“否则”:,小结各种修饰名词的代词。,连词的用法,Best!,Best!,Best!,Best!,I must go to the grocers to get some butter.,He must go to newsagents to get some envelopes.,But,And,and,Have you got any tomatoes,Have you got any money,Best!,


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