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1、来宾市一中“二主两变”课堂导学案学 年:20122013学年度下学期 年 级:高一年级 学 科: 英语必修四 编 号:6主 备 人: 廖金燕 审 核 人 :范金莉直 接 使 用 人: 整 合 使 用 人:课 题Unit 1 Women of Achievement-Using Language课 时1课 型自主预学课 自主探究课 R拓展提升课 固学反思课 综合课一、【导目标】1. To get students to know something about Lin Qiaozhi and her achievements.2. To develop students ability of r

2、eading.3. To stimulate students love and respect for great women and let them learn from them.二、【导学法】任务型教学法 小组合作学习三、【导背景】Lin Qiaozhi was a doctor who became a specialist in womens illnesses. She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children. Her work encouraged many other women

3、 to become doctors. She was born in Xiamen . Her parents were Christians and her father believed in the education of women. At elementary school one of her teachers encouraged her to become a doctor. In 1929, She graduated from the University with a PhD degree in gynecology. In 1933, she studied in

4、Vienna and then returned to China to work for women and childrens diseases. She was very important in inspiring women to become doctors and was one of the founders of modern gynecology(妇科医学) in China.四、【导探究】1. Fast reading: skim the passage and match the main ideas to the paragraphs.2. Careful readi

5、ng: task1:Read the passage and fill in the blanks.Three achievements of Lin Qiaozhi1)She became a _ in womens _. 2)She got a _ _ for her career.3)She had made sure that about _babies were safely _.task2: Read the passage carefully and judge the statements true or false.1. Lin Qiaozhi wrote a small b

6、ook for women in the city in an emergency. ( )2. Lin Qiaozhi was in a generation when boys education was always placed second to girls, so she could go into medical school. ( )3. It was Lin Qiaozhis hard work, determination and luck that got her into medical school. ( )4. Lin Qiaozhi had devoted her

7、 whole life to her patients and had chosen to have a family of her own. ( ) 5. The writer decided to study medicine as Lin Qiaozhi did to help other women. ( )五、【导自我检测】 选用 整编用 R原创Retell the story: Lin Qiaozhi was a _in womens diseases. She wrote a small book explaining how to _the death _from having

8、 and caring for babies for mothers in the _who were not able to get to a hospital easily when there was an _. It was not easy for women to get medical training at that time because that was a _ when girls education was always placed _ to boys. But Lin Qiaozhis hard work and determination as well as her gentle _ that got her into medical school. Her _and _she showed to all her patients made her succeed. Lin Qiaozhi was a great woman.六、【导反思与拓展】1. Finish exercise in 课下作业二. 2. Write a short composition about Lin Qiaozhi.


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