有向无环图的关键路径(Critical path of directed acyclic graphs).doc

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有向无环图的关键路径(Critical path of directed acyclic graphs).doc_第1页
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有向无环图的关键路径(Critical path of directed acyclic graphs).doc_第2页
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有向无环图的关键路径(Critical path of directed acyclic graphs).doc_第3页
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有向无环图的关键路径(Critical path of directed acyclic graphs).doc_第4页
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有向无环图的关键路径(Critical path of directed acyclic graphs).doc_第5页
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《有向无环图的关键路径(Critical path of directed acyclic graphs).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《有向无环图的关键路径(Critical path of directed acyclic graphs).doc(16页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、有向无环图的关键路径(Critical path of directed acyclic graphs)#包含iostream #包括#包括使用命名空间;#定义max_vertex_num 20typedef struct阿克诺德国际adjvex;/ /该弧所指向的顶点的位置struct阿克诺德* nextarc;/ /指向下一条弧的指针国际信息;/ /弧上的信息/ / / /该弧相关信息字符串信息; ArcNode;typedef struct VNode int数据;/ /顶点信息阿克诺德* firstarc;/ /指向第一条依附该顶点的弧的指针 VNode,adjlist max_ver

2、tex_num ;typedef struct adjlist顶点;/ /存储图int毒液,arcnum;/ /图的当前顶点数和弧数int类型;/ /图的种类标志 ALGraph;int入度 max_vertex_num = 0 ;/用于拓扑排序int CreateUG(algraph & G)cout g.arcnum g.venum CIN;int i;为(i = 0;i g.venum;i+)g.vertices 我。数据= I + 1;g.vertices 我。firstarc = null;为(i = 0;i g.arcnum;i+)cout V2 V1 CIN;阿克诺德*电流= g

3、.vertices v1-1 firstarc ;阿克诺德P = g.vertices v1-1 firstarc ;如果(电流= = null)g.vertices v1-1 。firstarc =新阿克诺德;g.vertices v1-1 。firstarc - adjvex = V2-1;g.vertices v1-1 。firstarc - nextarc = null;别的而(电流!= null)P =电流;电流=电流- nextarc;电流=新阿克诺德;电流- adjvex = V2-1;电流- nextarc = null;P nextarc =电流;电流= g.vertices

4、 V2-1 firstarc ;P = g.vertices V2-1 firstarc ;如果(电流= = null)g.vertices V2-1 。firstarc =新阿克诺德;g.vertices V2-1 。firstarc - adjvex = v1-1;g.vertices V2-1 。firstarc - nextarc = null;别的而(电流!= null)P =电流;电流=电流- nextarc;电流=新阿克诺德;目前adjvex = v1-1 -;电流- nextarc = null;P nextarc =电流;返回1;int CreateDG(algraph &

5、G)cout g.arcnum g.venum CIN;int i;为(i = 0;i g.venum;i+)g.vertices 我。数据= I + 1;g.vertices 我。firstarc = null;为(i = 0;i g.arcnum;i+)cout V2 V1 CIN 信息;阿克诺德*电流= g.vertices v1-1 firstarc ;阿克诺德P = g.vertices v1-1 firstarc ;入度V2-1 + ;如果(电流= = null)g.vertices v1-1 。firstarc =新阿克诺德;g.vertices v1-1 。firstarc -

6、 adjvex = V2-1;g.vertices v1-1 。firstarc - nextarc = null;g.vertices v1-1 。firstarc -信息=信息;别的而(电流!= null)P =电流;电流=电流- nextarc;电流=新阿克诺德;电流- adjvex = V2-1;电流- nextarc = null;电流-信息=信息;P nextarc =电流;返回1;国际createdg1(algraph & G)cout g.arcnum g.venum CIN;int i;为(i = 0;i g.venum;i+)g.vertices 我。数据= I + 1;g

7、.vertices 我。firstarc = null;为(i = 0;i g.arcnum;i+)cout V2 V1 CIN;阿克诺德*电流= g.vertices V2-1 firstarc ;阿克诺德P = g.vertices V2-1 firstarc ;如果(电流= = null)g.vertices V2-1 。firstarc =新阿克诺德;g.vertices V2-1 。firstarc - adjvex = v1-1;g.vertices V2-1 。firstarc - nextarc = null;别的而(电流!= null)P =电流;电流=电流- nextarc

8、;电流=新阿克诺德;目前adjvex = v1-1 -;电流- nextarc = null;P nextarc =电流;返回1;int CreateGraph(algraph & G)cout G.kind;开关(G.kind)案例0:返回createug(G);/ /构造无向图案例1:返回createdg(G);/ /构造有向图案例2:返回createdg1(G);/ /构造逆邻接图默认值:返回0;在我 max_vertex_num = 0 ;bool TopologicalSort(algraph & G,栈 & T)的堆栈;int i;为(i = 0;i nextarc)int W =

9、 P adjvex;入度水;如果(入度W = = 0)S.push(W);如果(我我 + P 信息我我们)我我们,我我 + P -信息;如果(计数g.venum)cout “有向图中有环存在” endl;返回false;返回true;无效的关键(algraph & G)int k,DUT;堆栈 T;如果(!TopologicalSort(G,T)返回;int v1 max_vertex_num ;为(k = 0;Kg.venum;K+)V1 K =我 g.venum-1 ;而(!T. empty())int i = t top();pop() T.;对于(阿克诺德* P = g.vertice

10、s 我。firstarc;P!= null;P = P - nextarc)K = P adjvex;大连理工= P -信息;如果(V1 K - DUTV1 我)V1 我 = V1 K - DUT;为(j = 0;J nextarc)K = Q adjvex;大连理工= Q -信息;如果(我 J = = V1 K - DUT)cout “关键路径:“ g.vertices J。数据” g.vertices K。数据 endl;main() intALGraph G;建立(G);阿克诺德*电流1;阿克诺德* P;为(int k = 0;Kg.venum;K+)cout g.vertices K。数据”;阿克诺德*电流1 = g.vertices K。firstarc;而(电流1!= null)cout adjvex nextarc;cout endl;系统(“暂停”);CriticalPath(G);系统(“暂停”);为(int i = 0;i nextarc;删除电流1;电流1 = P;返回1;


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