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1、Unit2 Numbers (1)学法指导个性化备 课教学内容Part 2a,1a,1b和2b教学目标知识与技能:A. 知识目标1. 理解数字单词1-102. 知道字母i等在单词中的发音B. 技能目标1. 能根据听到的数字单词1-10指认对应的数字和英语单词。2. 能看到数字1-10辨识对应的英语单词3. 能在指认数字的前提下,认读英语单词4. 能根据听到的录音材料准确指认图片和作出动作。5. 能在图片和动作的协助下,听懂chant , 学说歌谣情感态度价值观:在活动中激发学生学习英语的兴趣和树立学好英语的信心教学重点数字7-10教学难点Seven的发音在规定时间里集中记忆更多的单词教学准备数

2、字卡片 单词卡片 磁带 录音机教学过程Warm-up 1. Sing a song.1) A game: Guess my number (1 to 6)2) Look, listen and fill in the letters.3) Read the words together. (bomb word game)Presentation 1) Introduce the new word 10: What is six and four?2) Choose the first letter for 10 (t or v)3) Pair-work: A: spell ten. B: T-

3、E-N. A: Yes./No. 4) Introduce the new word 7: ten-ven-seven5) Read the word together.6) Look and say : 7 or 10 seven or ten7) Introduce the new word 8: What is seven and one?8) Pair-work: watch my mouth and listen to me9) Introduce the new word 9: Whats the letter? Can you try to read nine?10) Group

4、 work: Read the word one by one.Practice1) Listen and point the word. Read after the tape.2) Pair-work: listen and point3) Group-work: Look at the pics and try to read the text.4) Introduce the new word zero.5) Pair-work: One says a number, the other mime the action.6) Lets do the tiger jump with To

5、by.Product1. 学生展示chant2. Pair-work:1) 互相检查2b部分2) Read the numbers.3) Try faster.3. 老师检查组长,抽查部分同学。作业设计1. 认读数字1-102. 边说边做chant 3. 找组中检查2b部分的朗读板书设计Unit 2 Numbers 2a,1a,1b和2bOne 1 seven 7 venTwo 2 eight 8Three 3 nine 9 iFour 4 ten 10 tenFive 5Six 6教学反思Unit2 Numbers (2)学法指导个性化备 课教学内容Part 3a,3b, Revision

6、4,5根据班级的情况选择2-3个游戏选择多种类型的样式的电话图片,丰富学生的感性经验教学目标知识与技能:B. 知识目标3. 知道单词phone的意思4. 知道My phone number is 用来介绍自己的信息5. 知道Whats your phone number?用来询问对方的电话号码B. 技能目标1. 能根据听到的句子Whats your phone number? My number is.正确记录电话号码2. 能整体认读句子Whats your phone number? My phone number is3. 能相互交流简单的电话号码信息。情感态度价值观:通过有效的听说活动让

7、学生在完成任务的同时建立学习和使用英语的信心。教学重点整体认读句子Whats your phone number?My phone number is 教学难点正确流利的用英语互换电话号码信息根据听到的信息,迅速正确的把人名和他的电话号码联系起来教学准备电话图片,电话实物,学生收集或者制作一张有电话号码的名片教学过程Warm-up 1. Look and read the numbers words together.2. A game:Group-work: A counting game (1-10)Bingo / Look and write the number.Listen and

8、stand up. /Listen and point.Presentation 1. Introduce the new word phone.1) Present the pics of phone and encourage the students to read the word together.2. Introduce the sentence My phone number is .1) Point and say the sentence My phone number is *.2) Invite one pupil dial the number. (The phone

9、rings.) 3) Say the sentence to the students again. 4) Make the students read the sentence pattern My phone number isPractice1. Ask the students Whats your phone number? Pair-work: Take out your picture and say your phone number like this.(point to the sentence on the board)2. Introduce the three nam

10、es1) Here is a boy/ a girl. Lets say hello to him. (Encourage the student to say Hello and ask for more information) 2) Listen and point to the name. 3. Listen and write their numbers.4. Check your answer5. Write the sentence Whats your phone number?on the board. The students try to read. 6. 什么情况下我们

11、会用到这个问句呢?(启发学生根据自己的生活经验回答)7. Pair-work: Ask and answer. Then fill in the tableExtension1. T:(我们的生活中充满了数字。今天学习的句子还可以根据情况略微做些变化。)2. 呈现图片和问句:Whats your door number? Whats your QQ number? Whats your car number? whats your ID number?Product1. T:在Unit 1我们学习了谈论名字,在Unit2我们学习了谈论电话号码。现在我们就能够更好的了解别人和想别人介绍自己了。2

12、. Pair-work: ask and answer3. 小组展示作业设计4. Listen and repeat the dialogue.5. 和你的朋友交换电话号码6. 收集5个电话号码,用英语读出来。记时,看看你能读多快。7. 用英语介绍自己,包括姓名,电话号码,QQ号码,身份证号码等。板书设计Unit 2 Numbers Whats your phone number?My phone number is 教学反思Unit2 Numbers (3)学法指导个性化备 课教学内容Part 7教学目标知识与技能:A. 知识目标6. 知道单词box的意思7. 初步感知英语中snail和sn

13、ails, crayon和crayons在数量上是有区别的8. 知道用How many?来询问物品的数量B. 技能目标1. 能在图片的提示下听懂理解小故事The snails2. 能进行简单的角色表演。3. 能在图片和录音的帮助下整体认读故事中的句子,如:Whats in the box? Snails. How many? Nine. Here is your prize, Emma! 4. 能在老师的指导下用英语做猜数的游戏,并在游戏中进行简单的交 际。如:Whats in the box? Crayons. Yes. How many? Seven. No /Yes. 情感态度价值观:通

14、过故事教学,激发孩子们对英语学习兴趣。教学重点一类词:box, crayon, great, thank, 教学难点在图片的帮助下理解故事在图片的提示下,整体认读句子How many? Whats in the box?教学准备歌曲磁带、蜗牛图片(一个和多个)、一个盒子、一个布条(蒙眼用)教学过程Revision1 Sing the numbers song.2 Play a number game.Pre-reading1. Introduce the word crayon with real object.2. Hold several crayons in one hand and m

15、ake students count the number of them.3. Introduce the word box with a real one.4. Put the crayons in the box and say: How many?5. Write the question on the board and encourage the students to say it.6. A guessing game:Two pupils come to the front touch and guess the number with their eyes covered b

16、y the cloth prepared before class.When they finish the rest of the class ask How many? And the two give out their answers.7. Give a prize to the pupil who says the right number. And say the sentence Here is your prize. 8. Introduce the word snails and ask students what they think of snails. Would yo

17、u touch a snail?While-reading1. Tell the students they will listen to a story about guessing the number of snails and find some words and phrases which have just used in class.2. Play the tape. 3. Ask what they have heard in the story. 4. Give prizes to those who can find out some words and phrases.

18、 At the same time say the sentence Here is your prize.5. Play the tape again. The students listen and point to each picture. 6. Group-work: Discuss the story. Talk about your interested part or something you dont understand. Ask for help to your classmates in group. 7. The students listen and follow

19、 the tape. 8. All stand up and mime the story.9. Group-work: Choose some pictures and act out.Post-reading1. Look and match. (出示图片和句子,让学生把图片和句子配对)2. Pair-work: Guess the number.(老师介绍其他的文件如pencils/ pens/ rulers让学生进行游戏)作业设计8. Listen and repeat the story.9. Look and matchWhats in the box? Nine.How many? Snails.Here is your prize. Thank you.10. Spell the word box/ thank and try to recite.板书设计Unit 2 Numbers A story- The snailsWhats in the box?Snails.How many?Nine.教学反思


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