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1、 五年级英语下册英语课文汇总Unit 1This is my dayAmy:When do you get up ?Zhang:At 6:00.What about you?Amy:I usually get up at 6:30. When do you eat breakfast ?Zhang: At 6:20.Amy:When do you go to school?Zhang:At 7:00.And you?Amy: At 7:00,too._Chen:What do you do on the weekend?John:I often play football.Sometimes

2、I go hiking. What about you?Chen:Usually I clean my room.I often go hiking,too.John:Lets go hiking together next Sunday.Chen:Great._Unit2My favourite seasonZhang:Which season do you like best? Mike:Fall.Its always sunny and cool. Which season do you like best? Zhang:Winte.I can play with snow. Mike:

3、I dont like winter.Its too cold._Chen:Whats your favourite season,Sarah?Sarah:Spring.Chen:Why do you like spring?Sarah:Because I can plant trees.Which season do you like best?Chen:Winter.Sarah:Why do you like winter?Chen:Because I can skate._Unit 3 BirthdayMike:When is your birthday?Amy:My birthday

4、is in February. Is your birthday in February,too?Mike:No,my birthday is in December.What about you,Zhang peng?Zhang:My birthday is in October._Sarah:Who has a birthday in October?Zhang:MeSarah:Whats the date?Zhang:Its October the first.What about you?Sarah:My birthday is March the twenlfth._Unit 4 W

5、hat are you doing?Amy:Hello.Chen:Hi,Amy.Its Chen Jie.Amy:Hi,Chen Jie .What are you doing?Chen:Im drawing pictures.What are you doing?Amy:Im reading a book._Chen:Hello.Woman:Hello.This is Nina.Can I speak to your mom,please?Chen:Shes cooking dinner.please hold on.Woman:Thank you.Chen:Mom,There is a c

6、all for you.Mom:Thank you._Unit 5 Look at the monkeysChen:I see the mother elepant.Amy:What is she doing?Chen:Shes walking.Amy:What about the baby elephant? What is it doing?Chen:Its running._Wu:What do you see?John:I see two elephants.Wu:What are they doing?John:They are drinking water.Wu:Can you s

7、ee the monkeys?John:Yes.They are swinging._Unit6 A field tripTeacher:What are you doing?John:Im watching my classmates.Teacher:Where are they?John: They are in the woods.Teacher:Are they catching butterflies.John:N0,They arent.They are picking up leaves._Teacher:Where is Zhang peng.Wu:Hes in the woo

8、ds.teacher:Is he taking pictures?Wu:No,he isnt.Hes playing chess.Teacher:Is John playing chess,too?Wu:Yes,he is .They are playing together. 长方体和正方体的体积计算学习目标: 1、知道长方体、正方体体积公式的推导过程。 2、学会解决实际生活中有关长方体和正方体体积的计算问题。 学习重难点: 1、能理解长方体、正方体体积公式的推导过程。 2、能正确、熟练地运用公式计算长方体、正方体的体积。学习过程一、课首小训练 。 1、什么是物体的体积?举例说明。 2、常见

9、的体积单位有哪些? 3、棱长为1cm的正方体的体积是多少?棱长为1dm呢?1m呢? 4、利用手中的小正方体拼成一个长方体,分别说出它的体积、长、宽、高。二、明确目标。 师:我们已经认识了物体的体积,那么常见的长方体和正方体的体积又是怎样的呢?这节课我们一起来探究。首先我们来明确这节的学习任务。(指定一名学生读目标)三、自主学习,合作探究。 师:现在独立完成下面各题,圈划出自己不会的题,一会在小组合作时交流。 1、利用手中体积为1立方厘米的小正方体摆出三个不同的长方体。完成课本41页的表格。 2、观察表格,你发现了什么?长方体的体积和什么有关?你能写出长方体体积的计算公式吗? 3、如果用字母表示

10、长方体的体积,用a、b、h分别表示长方体的长、宽、高,那么长方体的体积公式可以写成:V= 4、小练习。一个长方体,长7cm,宽4cm,高3cm,它的体积是多少?5、正方体是长、宽、高都相等的长方体,你能根据长方体的体积公式推导出正方体的体积公式吗?6、小练习。一块正方体的石料,棱长是6dm,这块石料的体积是多少?四、小组展示,其他组质疑或补充。五、达标检测。1、填一填。 长方体体积的公式是( ),用字母表示为( )。 正方体体积的公式是( ),用字母表示为( ).2、我会判。 正方体的体积比长方体的体积大。 ( ) 两个体积相等的长方体,它们的长、宽、高一定相等。( ) 3、一个正方体的棱长之和是36dm,它的体积是多少立方分米?


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