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1、,Unit4 Where is my car? Part A Lets learn,Miss Xie,Act like an elephant.,Act like a bird.,Act like a tiger.,Act like a monkey.,Act like a panda.,Lets do,Game1: Whack-a-mole (打地鼠),hand,arm,your,foot,box,Its,the,the ruler,the pencil,the eraser,the book,the pen,the bag,the crayon,This is my mum.,Lets g

2、o to see the Animal Show.( 动物表演),六一儿童节,Its a ball.,Its a blue ball.,ball,Animal show,动物表演,Bb Bb Bb /b/ /b/ /b/,all /:l /,bl,Look! The bird is _ the blue ball.,Where is the bird?,I dont know.(我不知道),on,on,Oo Oo Oo / / / /,Nn Nn Nn /n/ /n/ /n/,n,Mum,mum. Look! Its in the box.,in,chant: in in in the box

3、,Ii Ii Ii,In,/I/,/I/,/I/,Nn Nn Nn /n/ /n/ /n/,Where is the tiger?,Its _ the pig.,on,Mum,Where is the pig?,Its under the tiger.,under,Uu Uu Uu / / /,Pair work 同桌对练,Nn Nn Nn /n/ /n/ /n/,er er er,/ / /,nd,Mum,Where is the tiger?,Its under the _.,monkey,put your hand on your chair.,Look! Its a chair.,ch

4、air,Chant: Chair, chair Where is the chair Under, under Under the monkey,ch ch,Chant: Where? where? Where is the monkey? on, on on the _,chair,te,/t/ /t/ /t/,air,/e/,put your foot under your chair.,put your ruler in your desk.,desk,put your ruler under your desk.,put your hand on your chair.,Look! I

5、ts a chair.,chair,Chant: Chair, chair Where is the chair Under, under Under the monkey,ch ch ch,Chant: Where? where? Where is the monkey? on, on on the _,chair,put your foot under your chair.,Animal show,Unit4 Where is my car? Part A Lets learn,Where, where? Where is the pen?,In, in. in the desk.,Wh

6、ere, where? Where is the pencil?,On, on. on the desk.,Where, where? Where is the bag?,Under, under. under the desk.,Lets chant!,Game1: Whack-a-mole (打地鼠),hand,arm,your,foot,box,Its,the,Lets Chant: Monkey,monkey Where is the monkey? on, on on the _.,chair,put your hand on your chair.,Look! Its a chai

7、r.,chair,Chant: Chair, chair Where is the chair? Under, under Under the monkey,ch ch,Chant: Where? where? Where is the monkey? on, on on the _,te,/t/ /t/ /t/,air,/e/,put your foot under your chair.,Yellow chair, yellow chair The monkey is on the yellow chair.,your ruler,your pencil,your eraser,your

8、book,your pen,your bag,your crayon,Animals,yellow chair,blue chair,red chair,green chair,yellow chair,blue chair,red chair,green chair,Lets listen,What animals do they talk about in the zoo? (他们在动物园谈论了什么动物呢?) C,A 、bird B、tiger C、elephant,bird,monkey,bear,dog,Game1: The kitten fishing 小猫钓鱼,Mum.Where

9、is the bird?,Look! Its on the desk.,blue desk,yellow desk,red desk,第一关:1.listen and number.,听录音,标序号。,in,desk,on,under,chair,( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),1,2,3,4,5,第二关:2.Read and choose.,根据图片读句子,选择正确的单词选项填入括号里。,1. A: Where is the ruler? B: Its _ the box.,2. A: Where is the panda? B: Its _ the chair.,3. A: Whe

10、re is the pen? B: Its _ the desk.,A. on B. under C. in,A,B,C,bird,monkey,bear,dog,Game1: The kitten fishing 小猫钓鱼,第一关:listen and circle.,听录音圈出你所听到的单词。,1. A. in B. on C. under,4. A. an B. on C. under,2. A. ball B. desk C. bag,3. A. chair B. crayon C. China,5. A. woman B. water C. where,Mum,Where is the bird?,in,chant: in in in the box,Ii Ii Ii,In,/I/,/I/,/I/,Nn Nn Nn /n/ /n/ /n/,Mum,Where is the bird?,Its in the box.,Mum,Where is the bird?,


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