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1、Lesson26: What Will I Be?导学案学习目标1.熟记并会运用词汇page, pilot, fear, height, model.2.学会运用以下句型。1. I would see the world and experience many interesting things. 2. I have a fear of heights, but that wont stop me from being a pilot. 3. I can take small steps to overcome my fear.学习流程【自主学习】英汉互译并试着用以下短语造句。(1)a bi

2、g question_ (2)many times _(3)一名飞行员 _ (4) a cool job_(5) all around the world_ (6) 恐高 _(7)stop(from) doing_ (8)take steps _(9)be sure about_ (10)be afraid of _【合作探究】 1.I would see the world and experience many interesting things.翻译_experience在本句中为动词,表示“经历”,它还可作名词,表示“经验或经历”。但要特别注意的是,表示“经历”时是可数名词,表示“经

3、验”时,是不可数名词。Eg. a. I had many interesting experiences when I was in Beijing last year.翻译_b. Miss Liu has much teaching experience.翻译_2.I have a fear of heights, but that wont stop me from being a pilot.翻译_a fear of heights表示_.stop sb. (from) doing sth表示_eg.a.我们必须阻止他来这儿。翻译_ b.The heavy rain stopped us

4、 from coming on time._3.I can take small steps to overcome my fear.翻译_take steps 表示_,后跟不定式,即take steps to do sth.表示“采取措施做某事”。Eg.我们应该采取措施来保持校园干净和整齐。翻译_【当堂达标】I.单项选择。1. I am afraid _ be alone at home. A. that B. to C. of D. about2. We are taking _ to make those rivers clean. A. step B. steps C. steped

5、D. stepped 3. We must stop those boys_ swimming in the river. A. to B. of C. with D. from4.Jim often helps his brother_ homework. A. do B. doing C. with doing D. to doing5.Its not easy for someone with_ of _ to climb so high.A. fear, heights B. a fear, height C. a fear, heights D. fearing, heightsII

6、.根据首字母提示完成单词。1. Please turn to p_ 100. 2. Im not s _ what to do next.3. People from all a_ the world know this book. 4. He made this m_ plane by himself.5. Practise English every day and you will master it s_ by s_.【课外拓展】1.我们确信在中央政府的帮助下新疆会发展得比过去更好更快。We _ _ that Xinjiang is developing better and faster than before with the help of the central government. (新疆维吾尔自治区中考题)2.Are you afraid of _ at home, Linda? No, Ive grown up.(甘肃省兰州市中考题) A. alone B. being alone C. lonely D. being lonely


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