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1、PEP小学英语五年级上册期末检测题1(满分100分 时间60分钟)一、找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把它的序号写到前面的括号里。(10分)() 1. A. TuesdayB. SaturdayC. village () 2. A. bathroomB. kitchenC. book() 3. A. end tableB. flower C. shelf() 4. A. sweetB. sour C. strict() 5. A. old B. on C. over 二、根据汉语提示,填入所缺的字母,完成单词。(10分)1、y ung 年轻的 2、f _ nny 可笑的3、th _ n 瘦的

2、4、Th _ rsday 星期四5、fr _ sh 新鲜的 6、tom _ to 土豆7、br _ dge 桥 8、c _ rtain 窗帘9、cl _ set 衣柜 10、cl _ thes 衣服三、按要求实行词形转换。(10分)1、family (复数) 2、young(反义词) 3、short(反义词) 4、meal(复数) 5、know(同音词) 6、active (反义词) 7、Tuesday(复数) 8、have (第三人称单数) 9、help(形容词) 10、mountains(单数) 四、英汉词组互译。(10分)1、做饭 2、浇花 3、打扫卧室 4、洗碗碟 5、在家 6、emp

3、ty the trash 7、in the nature park 8、wash the clothes 9、make the bed 10、play chess 五、将问句和相应的答句连接起来,并将选项填入题号前括号内。(10分)( )1、What can you do? A、No,she isnt( )2、Can you wash the clothes? B、Yes,there is.( ) 3、Is there a river in the park? C、I can do housework.( ) 4、How many lakes are there in the park? D、

4、Two.( ) 5、Is she quiet? E、Yes,I can.六、单项选择。(10分)( ) 1. -_ in your livingroom? -Theres a big closet, two end tables and two desksA. Whos B. Whats C. Wheres ( ) 2. How many _ do you have?A. sheep B. sheeps C. sheepes ( ) 3. Today is Tuesday, tomorrow is _.A. Thursday B. Wednesday C. Friday ( ) 4. Are

5、there _ horses on the farm?A. any B./ C. some ( ) 5. _, there are some pictures over there.A. Read B. Watch C. Look ( ) 6. _ he helpful at home?A. Can B. Are C. Is ( ) 7. I d like some_ and eggplant.A. potatos B. potatoes C. potato ( ) 8. Let _ clean the classroom.A. her B. she C. shes ( ) 9. Zoom _

6、 do the dishes.A. can B. cannt C. cant ( ) 10. - How _ is the pencilcase? - Twelve yuan.A. many B. much C. old七、看图完成下列句子。(10分)1. A: What do they have for dinner? 1. B: They have _ _.2. A: _ the man? 2. B: _ our Chinese teacher.3. There _ a _ and a trash bin 3. in the room.4. We have _ and _ on Wedne

7、sdays. 4.5. A: _ is the air-conditioner? B: Its _ the bookshelf. 5.八、看图完成句子。(10分)1. Is there any pork on the plate? _2. What can he do? _3. Whats in the nature park? _4. Whats your favorite fruit? _5. What is the boy like? _九、连词成句。(10分)1. I, my, do, homework, too ( .)_2. is ,a, there, river, the, in

8、, park ( ?)3. behind, trash, bin, the, is, door, the ( . )4. can, I, cook, meals, the ( . )5. there, fish, are, any, river, in, the ( ?)十、阅读短文,判断下列语句的正误。对的打,错的打。(10分)(Note: pen pal = pen friend 笔友)Dear John; My name is Amy. I am ten years old. I study in Qufu Primary School. Today is Thursday and it

9、 is my favorite day. We have English and computer class and we have fish for lunch. Fish is my favorite food. I like Mr. Li. He is our P. E teacher. He is strong and tall. He is very funny and active. I am helpful at home. I can cook the meals and wash the clothes. In the evening, I often watch TV and I go to bed at 9:00 oclock. Tell me about you and your school, please. Your pen pal,Amy. ( ) 1. Amys favorite day is Monday.( ) 2. Amy can cook the meals and do the dishes.( ) 3. Mr. Li is tall and strong. ( ) 4. Amy likes vegetables very much. ( ) 5. John is Amys pen friend.


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