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1、九年级英语上册Module 1 Wonders of the WorldUnit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big.目 航 :Learning aims1.掌握下列 和 :Key words: below, shine-shone-shone-shined-shined, sign, silent, silver, sky, grey, beside,reply,clear, stream, nearly, remain, byKey Phra ses: go through, fall away, on top of, get out of, at th

2、e bottom of2.理解并运用关于look 的短 look to the east; look over, look across(to); look down to; look toone s left and to one s right3.技能目 1) To get information from the reading material about the Grand Canyon.2) To know the way of writing what you see and your feelings when traveling. 前延伸1.预习 Unit2的相关 。2.复

3、的基本用法。3. 前准 :大声朗 。 内探究一 . 根据句意及首字母或 提示完成 。( 你一定行! )1.Suddenly the rain stopped and the clouds c.2.The young girl sent an email to the company, but they didn t rto it.3.The most popular color this autumn is.(灰色 )4.The sun is(照耀) brightly5.The river(在 以下) the bridge is over two meters deep.6.A( 灰色的 )

4、stream goes through our village.二 .Learning aims.1. to master the words and sentences.2. to use the grammar correctly.3. to get information from“ A great wonder of the natural world”.三 .Teaching steps.Reading : (相信自己!)Read again and choose the correct answer见.(课本P5 第三部分 )【答案】Reading Careful reading

5、:( 挑 自己!)1. Read para 1and answer the question(跳读:带着问题有针对性的找答案) What did the writer do after he arrived? Why was there nothing to see?2. Read para 2 carefully and finish the questions精.(读,获取信息 )请猜测短语 “look over的”意思是: Well get therein five minutes.(对划线部分提问 )will you get there?3. Read para 3 carefully

6、 and finish the questions精.(读,获取信息 ):Suddenly, the rainand the clouds. The sunbehind meandon the rocks. Far below me, the groundand down to a river.4.Read the fourth paragraph and complete the table:第 1页the Grand CanyonHow deepHow wideHow long5. Read the fifth paragraph and complete the table: How l

7、ong did the writer remain by the canyon?Reading Read aloud and find out the phrases.1.望着 方2.从 走出来3.穿 4.五分 后5.从 的上面看 去6.突然向下 斜7.眺望;向 面看8.向下看9.在 部10.在 底部11.朝某人左 看 /右 看12.在两 三 导学探究 : 学 ,基 知 累。(知 掌握在自己心里!)1. get out of1)从 内出来;逃避2 )弃 I couldnt _ _ _ going to that wedding.我不能逃避出席婚礼。He got_ _the bad habit.

8、 他改掉了 个坏 。2. replyv. 回答 ,答复reply to = answerThey di dn t_ _our new plans.他 我 的新建 没有作出答复。He has not yet _ _ my question.他 没有回答我的 。3. clear v.使干 ;使明亮 (+of)2)清除 ; 收拾 (+away/off/from)We usually _ the water with a filter.我 通常用 器使水 化。She _ the leftovers from the table.清除了剩 clear adj. 清楚的 ;清晰的 ;明了的We had a

9、 _ view of the mountains.我 清楚地看到群山。4. belowprep. 1) (指位置 )在 .下面 ;到 .下面2) (指数量、程度等)在.以下Her skirt came_ her knees.她的裙 膝。In winter the temprature is often _ zero 。冬天气温常在零度以下。四 合作探究 :(合作就是力量! )精 点 Language points1. through 与 across 的区 :through 是 “穿 ”的意思,是介 ,常指 “从某空 内或某物中 穿 ”,多指穿 、窗、洞、森林、隧道等; across 是指 “

10、从某个平面横 ”,多指穿 街道、 路、 梁、河等的表面。Eg.walk _ the forest ,run _ the bridge.2. in five minutes 分 “5以后 ”, “ in+ 一段 ”表示 “在一段 之后或之内 ”,常用于一般将来 ,用 “how soon” 。提【拓展】与 how 有关的疑 How long“多久 ”,常 for 和 since 引起的表延 的短 提 ,常用于 在完成 ;How often“多久一次 ”, 率提 ,如often , sometimes, twice a week 等表示 率的 或短 , 常用 一般 在 或一般 去 ;How many

11、后跟复数名 , 可数名 的量来提 ; How much后可跟不可数名 , 不可数名 的量来 ,或 价格提 ;How many times 次数提 ,如 twice , several times 等,是 “多少次 ”的意思,常用于 在完成 ;How far 距离提 ;第 2页【学后练】用适当的疑问词完成句子:_is it from your school to your home? _has he been to the USA? Once. _does the boy visit his grandparents? Twice a month. _ will your sister come

12、 back from Shenzhen? In a week. _ are the shoes? One hundred yuan.五 有效训练 :Consolidation .A.选择正确的答案 :()1.All the students will climb the mountain if it _ rain tommow.A. won tB. don tC. didn tD. doesn t()2. _ will the supper be ready? I m veryhungeryIaminute.A. How soonB. How longC. How muchD. How oft

13、en()4.The two men walked _ the tunnel and got to a small house .A. acrossB. throughC. crossingD. over()5. _ the bottom of the river, some fish are swimming here and there.A. OnB. AtC. ToD. From()7. There are some buildings _ of the road.A. on both sideB. at both sideC. on both sidesD. at both sides(

14、)9. Our classroom is about _.A. five meters long, seven meters wideB. long five meters, wide seven metersC. five long meters, seven wide metersD. five meters wide, seven meters longB.根据汉语完成下列句子。(经典句型翻译)1.我下了汽车,穿过大门,沿着小路步行。I _ _ _the car, _ _a gate and walked along a _.2.在东方,天空变得明亮起来。_ the _, the sky

15、 was _ light.3.大约在一英里之后,一位陌生人出现在小路旁。After about a mile, a stranger _ _ the path.4.太阳从位于我身后升起,照在岩石上。远远地,在我的下方,地面向下延伸,显露出河底的河流。The sun_ _me and _the rocks. Far _me, thegroundand down to a river.5.我在眺望自然奇观之一的大峡谷。I waas lookingone of the wonders of theworld- the Grand Canyon.6.我向大峡谷的对岸望去,又向我的左右看了看。I loo

16、ked _to the _ _ _ of the canyon and looked _ _my _ and _.六 .当堂检测 (你是最棒的! !) .单项选择()1_ the bottom of the river ,some fish are swimming here and there .A OnB AtC ToD From()2.The CCTV Tower is about 405 metres _ .A wideB heightC highD tall()3. Have you heard from me? Why notto me ?第 3页A answerB replyC

17、askD say()4.I stood at the top of the mountain and.It is so beautiful below.A.looked throughB.looked acrossC. looked downD.looked up()5. It is very cold .The temperature must be_ zero .A aboveB belowC nearD on.句式转换1. She got married ten years ago.(改为同义句 )Shemarriedten years.2.The Three Gorges Dam is

18、 about 2,300 metres long.( 就划线部分提问)is the Three Gorges Dam?3.The old man is 80 years old, but he is still strong. ( 改为同义句 )the old man is 80 years old, he is still strong.4. There was something to see in the room. ( 改为否定句 )Thereto see in the dark.5. Betty is taller than any other student in my class. ( 改为同义句 )Betty isstudent in my class.第 4页


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