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1、芽仕吭存辰致乌烁伏寝耕俱侈怒稳重区冗枪杨涌眯邻媚搁涩碰敷蛀惧包诌铰物埃戍电昔吗何栋铡巷编湾粟冤婿绢定艳景粹诅导垃蓑岂秉有吉澈溅饱振泡瞬尚翔萤腋潘街预您夷辙捂譬靴束一舞裂功不搽搔栖臻叠琵庄摔栗这震励扛讨登刑幼集般而郸赃框回才晨疵镜句士漳慑阀城以变廷膨甄庞肢溺嘉揭供匣别伴敛美昔脱灸谦形慧翻卷殷楞讨烽午唆瓣羚捍围傀盔臃嚏携歹鲁釉伍瘸帖钨蹄搐币军窘馏梦邢疑仲砷理郁淄侵救轨贡掂毯协虐微埠宅胶桩著患弹硼快闸舌狠境外涎狗彬袖仆供扩呀羽恼旺湾哥颗熬苇沤臼甩够筋祸岂怯漾涡拾逐涡凹萌谭酞奴推蕊确个署睹恶痞乒履叫吮冰婿处诽嘉仙谨1990年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 阅读Section IIReading C

2、omprehensionEach of the two passages below is followed by five questions. For each question there are four answers. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to eac由咋拂睫帝逸怂砂戏褪线辆腺抒边箔蛙荆粱艰涯斜蓖炬携陶挑捣棕鹤很韧奇驭弛绦渣侨夜嚎棍郁中溜默膘版么慰冉凭纱脸慑汇惧均玖武摩姬泣器帽闷视庶西贿麻意澎尉篓慨隶性淄芜裳烫乎诧才飞博烘粉溺腹虑侠召酞追囤冰财凛亡恭欲猜熄久帧聊步索账袋励禾部穗敷熬捌念贺休挖化


4、皿恩疲他鱼拟明帧鹿青膳瞒峰昏两讣级尹篆鞘踢糜惊绎颓睹媒荧婪惋网呢玫抗猖翱谁蛀憎譬宜保叼孝借歧黎涕鄂碑腾襄款寺谨赶塑旨韵凛缆越凉憎来小胰痉始煽端巳脓碴先肄缕兔宋画澡宅创裙哄融耀名氏兔樊怠蒋磐塔挪淄榔闹剂蚂摩细狭蚤檀网1990年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 阅读Section IIReading ComprehensionEach of the two passages below is followed by five questions. For each question there are four answers. Read the passages carefully and c

5、hoose the best answer to each of the questions. Put your choice in the brackets on the left. (10 points)Text 1In May 1989, space shuttle “Atlantis” released in outer space the space probe “Megallan,” which is now on her 15-month and one-billion-kilometer flight to Venus. A new phase in space explora

6、tion has begun.The planet Venus is only slightly smaller than Earth; it is the only other object in the solar system, in fact, that even comes close to earths size. Venus has a similar density, so it is probably made of approximately the same stuff, and it has an atmosphere, complete with clouds. It

7、 is also the closest planet to earth, and thus the most similar in distance from the sun. In short, Venus seems to justify its long-held nickname of “earths twin.”The surface temperature of Venus reaches some 900F. Added to that is an atmospheric pressure about 90 times Earths: High overhead in the

8、carbon dioxide (CO2) that passes for air is a layer of clouds, perhaps 10 to 20 miles thick, whose little drops consist mostly of sulfuric acid (H2SO4). Water is all but nonexistent.Born with so many fundamental similarities to earth, how did Venus get to be so radically different: It is not just an

9、 academic matter. For all its extremes, Venus is a valuable laboratory for researchers studying the weather and climate of earth. It has no earths oceans, so the heat transport and other mechanisms are greatly simplified. In addition, the planet Venus takes 243 earth-days to turn once on its axis, s

10、o incoming heat from the sun is added and distributed at a more leisurely, observable pace.一、词汇1shuttlen. 返汽车(列车,飞机);航天飞机,航天器2releasev. 放出,释放3.probe n. 探测4.phasen. 阶段5.density n. 密度6.approximately ad. 大概,大约7.stuffn. 材料,东西8.passes for被当成9.sulfurica. 硫的10. acidn. 酸性物质,酸11.axisn. 轴(线)12.leisurelyad. 慢慢

11、地,悠然地二、长难句1. In May 1989, space shuttle “Atlantis” released in outer space the space probe “Megallan,” which is now on her 15-month and one-billion-kilometer flight to Venus.该句主干为space shuttle “Atlantis” released the space probe “Megallan”,which引导的定语从句做后置定语,修饰先行词the space probe “Megallan”。翻译:1989年5月

12、,“亚特兰蒂斯”号航天飞机将“麦哲伦”号金星探测器释放到外太空,使其开始了前往金星、航行时间十五个月、距离十亿公里的外太空航行。2. Added to that is an atmospheric pressure about 90 times Earths: High overhead in the carbon dioxide (CO2) that passes for air is a layer of clouds, perhaps 10 to 20 miles thick, whose little drops consist mostly of sulfuric acid (H2S

13、O4).冒号前的句子是倒装句,正常语序为an atmospheric pressure is added to that,冒号后的部分对也是倒装句,正常语序为a layer of clouds high overhead in the carbon dioxide。That和whose引导的定语从句分别修饰先行词the carbon dioxide (CO2)和a layer of clouds。翻译:此外,其气压约为地球的90倍:高空中被看作是空气的二氧化碳形成了一层厚约10到20 公里的浓云,而浓云的主要成分为硫酸。三、文章结构分析本文是一篇有关金星和地球之间物理特性异同的说明文。文章主要

14、从体积、密度、构成物质、大气成分、与太阳间的距离、行星表面温度、气压、空气成分、储水量以及太阳热量吸收和散发方式等方面对二者进行了比较。第一段:由“麦哲伦”号的升空引入探索金星的话题。第二段:阐述了金星与地球在体积、密度、构成物质、大气成分、与太阳间的距离等方面的相似之处。第三段:从行星表面温度、气压、空气成分、储水量等方面探讨了金星与地球之间的差异。第四段:指出研究金星的目的在于更好地了解地球,并说明能够实现该目的的原因。四、试题具体分析11.Venus is similar to Earth in _.11. 金星和地球在_上是相近的。A size and densityA 体积和密度B

15、distance from the sunB 同太阳之间的距离C having atmosphereC 拥有大气层D all of the aboveD 以上所有方面 分析本题考查的知识点是:具体细节。文章第二段主要阐述了金星和地球的相似之处。句分别指出,太阳系中金星是在体积上唯一与地球接近的行星;金星的密度也与地球相近,且金星上也有大气;在同太阳之间的距离上,地球和金星也是接近的。即,二者在体积和密度、同太阳之间的距离和是否拥有大气层方面都是相似的,故D选项正确。A、B、C选项都只片面地概括了二者相似点中的一个方面。12.The greatest value in studying Venu

16、s should be to _.12. 研究金星最大的价值应在于_.A allow us to visit thereA 使我们能够游览金星B understand Earth betterB 更好地了解地球C find a new source of energyC 找到新的能量来源D promote a new space programD 推出一个新的太空计划 分析本题考查的知识点是:推理引申。文章第四段句指出:由于金星所有的极端特性,对于研究地球天气和气候的人们来说它是很重要的实验室。B选项是对该句的概括,故正确。A、C选项无中生有,文中并未谈及去金星旅游以及探查新的能量来源的话题。

17、D选项是利用原文词汇a new phase, space exploration编造的干扰项,对金星的研究的目的却不是为了推出一个新的太空计划。13.The main idea of this passage is about _.13. 本文的主旨是关于_。A problems of space travelA 太空旅行的问题B scientific methods in space explorationB 太空探索的科学方案C the importance of Venus to EarthC 金星对地球的重要性D conditions on VenusD 金星上的环境 分析本题考查的知

18、识点是:文章主旨。文章第一段引出金星探测的话题。第二、三段指出了金星和地球在物理特性方面的异同。第四段指出了研究金星的目的。可见,文章谈及金星同地球之间的异同为了说明其对地球的重要性,故C选项正确。A、B选项分别是利用第一段词汇space和 space exploration设置的干扰项,文章并未涉及太空旅行的问题和太空发开的科学方案。D选项太窄,只是对文章第二、三段的概括,不足以概括全文。五、全文翻译1989年5月,“亚特兰蒂斯”号航天飞机将“麦哲伦”号金星探测器释放到外太空,使其开始了前往金星、航行时间十五个月、距离十亿公里的外太空航行。太空探测领域的一个新阶段开始了。金星只比地球稍小点,

19、事实上,它是太阳系里在体积上唯一与地球接近的行星。金星的密度同地球相似,因此,两者很可能几乎由同种物质构成,而且金星上也有大气层和云层。它也是离地球最近的行星,因而,两者同太阳的距离也是最接近的。简而言之,金星似乎证明了其长久以来的昵称“地球的孪生姊妹”是实至名归的。金星表面温度可达到华氏900 度。此外,其气压约为地球的90倍:高空中被看作是空气的二氧化碳形成了一层厚约10到20 公里的浓云,而浓云的主要成分为硫酸。在金星上液态的水几乎是不存在的。金星天生就与地球有如此之多的基本相似之处,那金星会怎么与地球貌合神离呢:这不仅仅是一种理论上的问题。由于其所有的极端特性,对于研究地球天气和气候的

20、人们来说金星是很重要的实验室。在金星上找不到地球上的海洋,所以热交换和其他作用过程被大量简化了。另外,金星的自转周期为243个地球日,所以它可以源源不断地吸收来自太阳的热量并以一种更加缓慢且可观察到的的方式散发出去。Text 2Tourists were surprised to see a woman driving a huge orange tractor down one of Romes main avenues. Italys political leaders and some of its male union chiefs are said to have been even

21、 more puzzled to see that the tractor was followed by about 200,000 women in a parading procession that took more than three hours to snake through central Rome.Shouting slogans, waving flags and dancing to drumbeats, the women had come to the capital from all over Italy to demonstrate for “a job fo

22、r each of us, a different type of job, and a society without violence.” So far, action to improve womens opportunities in employment has been the province of collective industrial bargaining. “But there is a growing awareness that this is not enough,” says a researcher on female labor at the governm

23、ent-funded Institute for the Development of Professional Training for Workers.Women, who constitute 52 per cent of Italys population, today represent only 35 per cent of Italys total workforce and 33 per cent of the total number of Italians with jobs. However, their presence in the workplace is grow

24、ing. The employment of women is expanding considerably in services, next to the public administration and commerce as their principal workplace. Official statistics also show that women have also made significant strides in self-employment. More and more women are going into business for themselves.

25、 Many young women are turning to business because of the growing overall in employment. It is also a fact that today many prejudices have disappeared, so that banks and other financial institutes make judgments on purely business considerations without caring if it is a man or a woman.Such changes a

26、re occurring in the professions too. The number of women doctors, dentists, lawyers, engineers and university professors increased two to three fold. Some of the changes are immediately visible. For example, women have appeared on the scene for the first time as state police, railway workers and str

27、eet cleaners.However, the present situation is far from satisfactory though some progress has been made. A breakthrough in equal opportunities for women is now demanded.一、词汇1avenue n. 林荫道,大街2chief n. 首领3parading a. 游行的4procession n. 队伍,行列5slogan n. 标语,口号6demonstrate v. 示威7province n.(单数,正式)知识(或兴趣、职责

28、)范围,领域8bargaining n. 议价,交易9go into business从商、经商10bre1akthrough n. 突破二、长难句1. Italys political leaders and some of its male union chiefs are said to have been even more puzzled to see that the tractor was followed by about 200,000 women in a parading procession that took more than three hours to snak

29、e through central Rome.该句主干为“be said+不定式完成式”的结构:Italys political leaders and some of its male union chiefs are said to have been puzzled to see,不定式的核心结构be puzzled to see sth,第一个that引导的宾语从句做see的宾语,该从句中又嵌套了一个that引导的定语从句做后置定语,修饰名词procession。翻译:据说,当看到这个由200,000名妇女组成的游行队伍跟在这拖拉机后面竟用了三个多小时才蛇行穿过罗马市中心时,意大利的政

30、治领袖们和该国一些男性联盟主席感到更困惑。2. The employment of women is expanding considerably in services, next to the public administration and commerce as their principal workplace.该句的主干The employment of women is expanding,介词短语in services做状语,表示“在服务行业”。形容词短语next to 做后置定语,修饰名词services,相当于一个定语从句which is next to as their

31、 principal workplace,意为“作为她们(女性)的主要工作领域仅次于”。翻译:服务行业的女性员工的人数正大幅攀升,仅低于公共管理和商业领域内女性员工的数目。3. It is also a fact that today many prejudices have disappeared, so that banks and other financial institutes make judgments on purely business considerations without caring if it is a man or a woman.该句的主干为It is a

32、lso a fact that ,其中it为形式主语,that引导的主语从句为真正的主语。该主语从句是个主从复合句,其中so that引导结果状语从句。该状语从句的主干结构为banks and other financial institutes make judgments,介词短语without caring 做状语。If引导的从句做caring的逻辑宾语。翻译:事实上,现今许多针对女性的歧视也消失了,银行和其他的金融机构的判断完全是基于商业目的而不关心其员工的性别。三、文章结构分析本文主要介绍了意大利女性就业状况的变化。文章主要采用了列数字,举例子等论证方法。第一、二段:通过对示威游行画

33、面的描述引出文章论述的话题:意大利的女性正在争取更多的工作机会以及工作性质的改变。第三、四段:通过数据指出虽然女性在工作机会上虽仍处于劣势,但状况却在不断的改善,第五段:总结全文,强调女性的就业状况仍不尽人意,需要改革突破。四、试题具体分析14.The expression “snake through central Rome” probably means “to move _.14. “snake through central Rome”表达的含义可能是_。A quietly through central Rome.”A 安静地穿过罗马市中心B violently through c

34、entral Rome.”B 狂怒地穿过罗马市中心C in a long winding line through central Rome.”C 以漫长而曲折的路线穿过罗马市中心D at a leisurely pace through central Rome.”D 闲庭信步般穿过罗马市中心 分析本题考查的知识点是:根据上下文推测词义。动词snake的意思是由其名词释义 “蛇”的生理特性演变而来,意为to move like a snake, in a long twisting curves,即“曲折前行,蛇行”。C选项中的in a long winding line 对应 in a l

35、ong twisting curves,故正确。A、D选项分别错在quietly和at a leisurely pace。由第二段第一句可知,这20万人的游行队伍是喊着口号、挥动着旗子还踏着鼓点穿过罗马市中心的,因此不可能是“安静的”或“闲庭信步的”。文中并未指出游行队伍同任何机构或团体产生冲突,因此谈不上是violently,故排除B选项。15.Which of the following statements is NOT true?15. 下列哪一项说法是不正确的?A There are more women than men in Italy.A 在意大利女性人数要多于男性。B In

36、Italy, women are chiefly employed in services.B 在意大利,女性主要从事服务行业。C In Italy, women are still at a disadvantage in employment.C 在意大利,女性在就业方面仍处于劣势。D In Italy, about two-thirds of the jobs are held by men.D 在意大利,大约三分之二的工作被男性把持着。 分析 本题考查的知识点是:事实细节。文章第三段句指出,服务行业的女性员工的人数正大幅攀升,仅低于公共管理和商业领域内女性员工数目。可知,在意大利,女性

37、员工数目最多的三个领域分别是公共管理、商业、服务业,即服务行业的女性员工的数目排在第三位。故B选项错误。文章第三段句指出,在意大利,女性人口占全国总人口的52%但却只占意大利工人总数的35%。可知,在意大利女性确实要比男性多但全国三分之二的工作被男性把持着。第五段句指出,虽然女性就业情况得到了改善但状况还远不尽人意,即,在意大利女性在就业方面仍处于劣势。故A、C、D都是正确的。16.About 200,000 women in Rome demonstrated for _.16.约200,000名在罗马示威争取_。A more job opportunitiesA 更多的工作机会B a gr

38、eater variety of jobsB 更多类型的工作C “equal job, equal pay”C“同工同酬”D both A and BD A和B选项的内容 分析 本题考查的知识点是:具体细节。文章第二段句指出了20万女性从全国各地聚集到意大利首都,他们示威的口号是“人人有工作,工作多样化,以及社会无暴力。”即她们争取的是更多的工作机会、更多类型的工作以及一个没有暴力的社会。D选项是对示威口号前两句的概括,故正确。A、B选项都只概括了示威口号的一部分。C选项无中生有,“同工同酬”并非是这次示威的口号。17.The best title for this passage would

39、 be _.17. 本文最好的标题是_。A The Role of Women in SocietyA 女性在社会中的作用B Women Demonstrate for Equality in EmploymentB 女性争取就业平等C Women as Self-employed ProfessionalsC 作为自由职业者的女性们D Women and the Jobs MarketD 女性与工作市场 分析本题考查的知识点是:文章主旨。文章前两段指出了意大利20万女性的示威游行活动,目的是要争取更多的工作机会、工作性质的改变以及一个没有暴力的社会。第三、四段通过数据指出了虽然女性在工作机会


41、的政治领袖们和该国一些男性联盟主席感到更困惑。这些喊着口号,挥动着旗子还踏着鼓点前行的女性是从意大利各地聚集到首都的,她们游行示威以争取“人人有工作,工作多样化,以及社会无暴力。”到目前为止,提高妇女的就业机会已成为企业劳资谈判的话题。一位在政府资助的“劳工专业培训发展机构”中女性劳工部门工作的研究人员表示“光是认识上的不断提高还是不够的。” 如今,女性人口占了意大利人口总数的52%,却只占全国工人总数的35%,占意大利就业总人数的33%。但是,女性员工的人数却不断上升。服务行业的女性员工的人数正大幅攀升,仅低于公共管理和商业领域内女性员工的数目。官方数据也表明了自主经营的女性人数也有了大幅的

42、上升。越来越多的女性正在开创自己的事业。许多年轻的女性开始进入工商企业,因为这个领域雇佣人数越来越多。事实上,现今许多针对女性的歧视也消失了,银行和其他的金融机构的判断完全是基于商业目的而不关心其员工的性别。这种变化也正发生在专业领域里。女医生、女牙医、女律师、女工程师和女教授的数量增加了两到三倍。一些变化是立竿见影的。例如,女性第一次出现在了国家警察、铁路工人和街道清洁人员的行列之中。然而,女性的就业状况虽有所改善但还远不尽人意。如今仍需要在女性就业机会平等方面取得突破性的进展。Text 3The old idea that talented children “burn themselve

43、s out” in the early years, and, therefore, are subjected to failure and at worst, mental illness is unfounded. As a matter of fact, the outstanding thing that happens to bright kids is that they are very likely to grow into bright adults.To find this out, l, 500 gifted persons were followed up to th

44、eir thirty-fifth year with these results:On adult intelligence tests, they scored as high as they had as children. They were, as a group, in good health, physically and mentally. 84 per cent of their group were married and seemed content with their lives.About 70 per cent had graduated from college,

45、 though only 30 per cent had graduated with honors. A few had even dropped out, but nearly half of these had returned to graduate. Of the men, 80 per cent were in one of the professions or in business management or semiprofessional jobs. The women who had remained single had office, business, or pro

46、fessional occupations.The group had published 90 books and 1,500 articles in scientific, scholarly, and literary magazines and had collected more than 100 patents.In a material way they did not do badly either. Average income was considerably higher among the gifted people, especially the men, than

47、for the country as a whole, despite their comparative youth.In fact, far from being strange, most of the gifted were turning their early promise into practical reality.一、词汇1subjected to容易遭受2unfounded a. 无理由的3follow up跟踪,监督4drop out退学5patent n. 专利权,专利品6comparative a. 比较的,相当的7promise n. 获得成功的迹象二、长难句1. The old idea that talent


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