Unit4 Inventions Reading (II) .doc

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1、Unit4 Inventions Reading (II) 【学习目标】1、能掌握以下词汇:funny, create, telephone, wheel, comfortable, carriage, century, passenger, invent, practical, distance, anytime, instead of, since then, keep in touch with, in the daytime,并能在具体语境中使用。2、能流利朗读课文并能根据关键词复述课文。3、能实行话题表达Whats your favourite invention? Why?【学习重

2、点和难点】1、根据关键词复述课文。2、能使用本节所学语言知识实行话题表达。【学习过程】一、预习导学1. 回顾课文(1) What inventions did we talk about in the article?_(2) Whats your favourite invention? Why?_(3) Fill in the blanks: The telephoneAlexander Graham Bell _ one of the first_in 1876. _, people have been able to speak to each other_. Today millio

3、ns of people across the world own_. They allow people to _ each other_, anywhere.2.找词组:请你大声朗读下列句子,划出句中重点词组并写出中文。(1) A few thousand years ago, people started to use wheels on carriages. _(2) In the early19th century, the first trains began to carry passengers. _(3) Since then, people have been able t

4、o speak to each other over long distances. _(4) They allow people to keep in touch with each other anytime, anywhere. _(5) With light bulbs, people can do as many things in the evenings as they can in the daytime. _你在课文中还找到哪些短语?请补充_3. 自学语言点(1) After its invention, travelling became faster and more c

5、omfortable. After its invention是介宾结构,意为“_”。after后跟名词或动名词.invention(n.)_; _(n.)(发明家); _(v.)(发明)become faster and more comfortable意为“_”。(形容词的比较级)eg. _ the cleaning, our classroom became_. 大清洁之后,我们班变得更干净和美丽了。(2) In the early19th century, the first trains began to carry passengers. In the early19th cent

6、ury意为“_”。“20世纪末”的英文是_(3) Without the wheel, we would not have these inventions.Without是介词,意为“_”。after后跟名词或动名词。相反词是_eg. _, I cant finish the job on time. 没有你的帮助,我不能按时完成这项工作。(4) Since then, people have been able to speak to each other over long distances.Since then意为“_”。相当于from then on.eg. They have b

7、een good friends _. 从那时起他们就一直是好朋友。(5) They allow people to keep in touch with each other anytime, anywhere. keep in touch with意为“_”。 eg. Do you still _your primary school classmates?你还跟你的小学同学保持着联系吗?(6) With light bulbs, people can do as many things in the evenings as they can in the daytime. 有了电灯,人们

8、可以在夜里做和白天一样多的事情。 as many things as they can意为“尽可能多.”。 结构:as many +可数名词复数形式+as. as much +不可数名词 + as. eg.The girl drank _ the boy just now.那个女孩刚才喝的水和那个男孩喝的一样多。 in the daytime 白天,相反词:晚上_二、课堂研讨1. 预习检查: a.小组朗读课文竞赛; b.交流解决预习中存在的问题:2. 请用下列词组造句:(1) instead of_ (2) since then_ (3) keep in touch with_(4) in t

9、he daytime _ 3完成书本P52C2。三、课堂巩固:(1)请选用本节课所学的词汇复述课文。(2)Group work: Talk about your favourite invention.四、达标检测:A单词拼写1. Lie down on your bed and make yourself c_.2. China is the first country to i_ paper. 3. Da Vinci is the most famous painter in the 15th c_. 4. You can call me a_ today. I am free and I

10、 will be waiting for you. 5. This cartoon is very f _. It always makes me laugh.B.完成句子1. 没有水,人无法生存。People cant live _ _.2.我们可以通过网上聊天保持联系。We can _ _ _ _each other by chatting on the Internet.3. 因为他身体不舒服所以我代替他去。Because he didnt feel well, I went there _ _ him.4. 猫白天睡觉,晚上捉老鼠。Cats sleep _ _ _and catch m

11、ice at night. 5. 现在,年轻人喜欢用移动电话玩游戏。Nowadays, young people like playing games _their _ _.C. 阅读填空What do you think is the most important invention of the past 2000 years? The TV? The printer? The telephone? Or the computer? (1)_.Here are three other important ones. (2)_.You cant have printing without p

12、aper. In 105 AD, Cai Lun invented paper in China. Long before the printer and Internet, Cai Luns invention allowed us to write down information, stories and history. Animal food is another invention. Before the invention, most animals were killed every autumn because there was not enough food for th

13、em in the winter.(3)_. Reading glasses is the third invention. (4)_.Glasses mean that anyone can read, write, and do “close work” after that age. Without glasses, the world would be difficult for people above 45.A. After hay became a kind of common animal food, animals could live through the long winter.B. Paper is one of the most important inventions.C. A report shows that these are not the only important inventions.D. People start getting farsighted(远视)from the age of 45.请写出你在短文中发现的好词好句:_五、课堂小结:本节课你学到了什么,还有哪些疑问?_六、Homework 1、造句本:用【学习目标】的词汇造句。 2、笔记本:写My favourite invention,至少6句。


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