2019年秋七年级英语上册 Module 2 My family Unit 1 Is this your mum教案 (新版)外研版.doc

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1、Module 2 My family年级七年级课题Module 2 My familyUnit 1 Is this your mum?科目英语主备人审核人总课时数教学目标1、识记下列词语并学会运用他们介绍自己的家人:2、灵活掌握并运用下列句型: (1) This is a photo of Tonys family. (2) Is this your mum? Yes, it is. (3) Are these your parents? Yes, they are. (4) My mums parents are on the left.3、正确使用指示代词this, these, that

2、, those表述所要描述的人或事物。重点难点正确使用指示代词this, these, that, those表述所要描述的人或事物。教 学 过 程一、前置练习,积累知识 听写下面短语,检查预习情况。堂兄弟 女儿 父母双亲 丈夫 一张的照片 在左边 紧挨着她的妇女 在保罗的前面 托尼的叔叔 二、情境激趣,导入新课Step Warming-up (A1)Task 1:读课本8页Activity 1的词语,小组内互查纠错。Task 2:看活动一中的图片,谈论图片内容,学生展示。例如:This is a photo of Tonys family. This is Tonys . 【温馨提示】两人合

3、作谈论图片,复习强化家庭成员称谓。三、自主学习,合作探究Step II Pre-Listening: (A2) Listen and checkStep III While-listeningTask 1听A3中的对话选择正确答案1. Linda is Tonys sister/ cousin. 2. Liz is Tonys mother/ aunt. 3. Paul is Tonys dad/ uncle. 4. Mike is Tonys cousin/ brother.【温馨提示】同学们一定要带问题认真听,抓关键词。Task 2 Listen and repeat(跟读录音)Task3

4、 Read in roles. (分角色朗读)Step Post-listeningTask 1: 完成A4 Underline the correct words. 注意下列词语的意思并能正确运用on the left/ right in front of next to 【温馨提示】遇到不会的问题,可以小组内讨论,也可向他人寻求建议。Task 2两人合作谈论你们自己的家庭照片注意运用本节课所学内容。例如: Is this your mum? No, it isnt. Thats my aunt. Are these your cousins? Yes, they are.Whos the

5、girl next to you? Oh, its my cousin, Linda.四、归纳总结,提升能力Step IV Summary: A Chant This is a school, that is a girl. The girl is on the left, the school is on the right.五、当堂测试,检查效果Step V Class test完成下面句子1. _ _ _ _ ! (真是一个大家庭啊!)2. Is this _ _? (你的姐姐吗)3. His uncle is _ _ _ . (在右边)4. Who is the girl_ _ _ _ ? (紧挨着你)5. Mike and Helen are _ _ _ ( 在.的前面)Paul.6. This is a big family. (复数句) _ _big families.7. That is a tree. (复数句) .8. _ _ _ ? (这是你的叔叔吗?) _ , _ _ _ . (不,那是我的哥哥。)Step VI Homework:准备一张你家人的照片粘在A4纸上,并用英语简单介绍你的家人。教学反思: 2


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