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1、关于心理的演讲稿a strong antagonistic nature of antagonistic pairs ofchildrens psychological development,daily study and life areharmful, if left unchecked, will likely result in childrensmental defects, serious or even affect the future life, studyand work. therefore, clear understanding of the substance o

2、frebellious, to help children to overe the rebellious, for theparents is very important.the childs psychological characteristics mainly asfollows:first,a strongsense ofindependence,showing a highdesire, like putting in distress when they always want toexpress a unique insight to make an unusual move

3、, in order toget attention,to demonstrate itsindependent personality.thesecond is the psychological curiosity. psychologists believethat when something is disabled, it is easy to arouse peoplescuriosity and thirst for knowledge. especially in theprohibitiononly withoutany explanation of thecircumsta

4、nces,a strong mystery more cause for speculation. those young people should not get the film and television advertising is the use of young people curious about psychology, so as to achieve to attract more young people to watch purposes. the third is the psychological opposite. once among people hol

5、dnegative attitude, but also on his view, behavior negativeattitude. for example teachers are less advanced studentsalways criticizeand backward on the teachersaid thestudentscould not listen to the words of cynicism among the general.fourth, extreme psychological. during adolescence, childrensocial

6、 experience shallow, still quite a lack of knowledge tosee if the problem istoosimple, or even veryone-sided, oftenfocusing on one pointlessthan the rest, but for thisplacency.强烈的逆反性、对抗性对孩子的心理发育、日常学习和生活都是有害的,如果任其发展, 将有可能造成孩子的心理缺陷,严重的甚至会影响将来的生活、学习和工作。因此,认清逆反心理的实质,帮助孩子克服逆反心理,对父母来说是非常重要的。孩子的心理特点主要表现为:一

7、是独立意识强,表现欲望高,喜欢标新立异,遇事总想发表独特的见解,做出异乎寻常的举动,以期引起别人的注意,显示其独立的个性。二是好奇心理。心理学家认为,当某事物被禁止时,很容易引起人们的好奇心和求知欲。尤其是在只作出禁止而又不作出任何解释的情况下, 浓厚的神秘色彩更易引起人们的猜测。那些青少年不宜的影视广告就是利用青少年的好奇心理,从而达到吸引更多的青少年去观看的目的。三是对立心理。人与人之间一旦持有否定的态度,也会对他的观点、行为持否定态度。比如老师对后进学生总是批评, 后进学生就可能对老师说的话都听不进去而产生逆反情绪。四是偏激心理。处于青春期的孩子社会阅历浅、知识面还相当缺乏,看问题过于简单,甚至相当片面,往往攻其一点,不及其余,却为此沾沾自喜。


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