九年级英语下册 Module 6 Eating together Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most Western food作业设计 (新版)外研版.doc

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九年级英语下册 Module 6 Eating together Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most Western food作业设计 (新版)外研版.doc_第1页
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九年级英语下册 Module 6 Eating together Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most Western food作业设计 (新版)外研版.doc_第2页
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1、Unit 2I单词1 n.西方人 2 n西方(尤指西欧和北美)3 v端上;服侍进餐 4. adj相似的5 n.翅膀;翼 6 n.女士;夫人;小姐7 n.先生;男士 8 adj.生气的短语9 西餐 10 被用来做11. 随便做(或用)吧;请自便句子12我们常说:“入乡随俗”。 We often say,“When in Rome, the Romans do”13刀叉在吃大多数西餐时都要用。 Knives and forks are most Western food14在进餐期间,说着“请随意。”的主人可能会让你自己夹菜。During the meal,you may to serve you

2、rself by someone who says,“ 15没有人会生气的。 No one will .16 如果你被西方朋友邀请去吃饭,你要知道在最后一道菜端上来之后你仍被希 望在桌子旁待一会儿,说会话。 If you are invited to dinner Western friends,you will be expected and talk around dinner table long after the last dish 根据汉语提示完成句子17 Yesterday I visited my aunt and she (为端上)me with a lot of delic

3、ious food18School is (结束)at 5 oclock in the afternoon19-Why was Mr Black (生气的)with you? -Because I didnt hand in my homework20Butterflies (翅膀)are very beautiful21In the hall there are three (男士)talkingV用所给词的适当形式填空22All the (lady)were dressed simply23-I dont like (west)food -Neither do I24I wish (hav

4、e)a good time in Beijing25“Help (you)to some fish,boys and girls,”Mrs Green said26Have you finished (read)that book?单项填空( )27.-Welcome to my home for dinner,childrenHelp to some chickenIll cook some fish for you -Thank you,Aunt Li Ayourself Byou Cyourselves Dourselves( )28The mobile phone can be use

5、d for text messages Asend Bsending Csent Dto send ( )29Our teacher told us to do he did Ato Bas Cfor Dby( )30Ill tell him the news as soon as he back Acomes Bwill come Ccome Dhas come( )31My mother will be if I spend too much time watching TVShe thinks its bad for my eyes Ahappy Bcross Cexcited Dcom

6、fortable根据汉语意思完成句子32这项工作将于明年年初开始。 The work will begin next year33我们常说:“入乡随俗。” We often say,“When in Rome, the Romans 34昨天她因他迟到而十分生气。 She quite him for being late yesterday35他主动提出代替我去。 He instead of me36昨晚,我一睡着,我就梦见我去花园了。 Last night, I fell asleep I dreamt that l went to the garden根据短文内容回答问题Dear Mike

7、,Im so glad youre coming to China!Your mother,our foreign English teacher,told me youre worried about what you should and shouldnt do as a guest in ChinaHeres some adviceYou will probably be invited to a big meal.You may find it earlier than you expect because Chinese people eat dinner much earlier

8、than people in the WestThere will be a lot of different dishes,not just three coursesYou may find it difficult to use chopsticks if you havent tried beforeIts a good idea to get some practiceWhen the food is served,you should take time to look at itThe preparation takes a long time and everything wi

9、ll look beautifulThe plates will be placed in the middle of the table,for everyone to shareTake a little of everything and then have some more of the things you likeChinese people like to talk about food,so its a good topic of conversationAt the end of the meal,you will usually be served with fruitE

10、at your fruit,thank your friends,and goI hope this is helpfulE-mail me if you have any other questions Yours,David Zhang37Do people in the West eat earlier or later than people in China? 38How many courses are usual for a meal in the West? 39Why should Mike practice using chopsticks? 40Why are the p

11、lates placed in the middle of the table? 41Is it a good idea to talk about food during a meal? 参考答案I1Westerner 2West 3serve 4similar 5wing 6lady 7gentleman 8cross9Western food 10be used for 11help yourself12do as 13used for 14be invited,Help yourself 15be cross 16by,to stayis served17served 18Over 1

12、9crossangry 20wings 21gentlemen V22ladies 23Western 24to have 25yourselves 26reading27C 提示:help oneself意为“随便吃喝”,此处应用复数形式,指代 children。 28B 提示-be used for doing sth意为“被用来做某事”,for为介词。 29B 提示:as意为“如,像”,引导方式状语从句。30A 提示:as soon as意为“一就”, 引导时间状语从句,从句中 用一般现在时表示将来。 31B 提示:根据She thinks its bad for my eyes可知选B

13、。32at the startbeginning of 33do as,do 34was,angrycross with 35offered to go 36as soon asVIII.37.They eat later than pople in China. 38.Three courses 39It may be difficult for him to use chopsticks if he hasnt tried before 40The plates are placed in the middle of the table,for everyone to share 41Yes,it is


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