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1、,呈现教学目标,学生展示一,教学重难点,预习导学,学生展示二,课堂检测,Where are they ? 导学案教案设计,总结与作业,学习目标: 1. 能听、说、读写下列词汇: swing, slide, seesaw, where, over there, on, under, behind, in. 2.学习询问某人某物的位置,并能用含有介词短语的句子来进行准确回答。 3.掌握询问某人或某物的位置的句型,Where is he?Where is she? Where are they ? He is .She is.They are.,Go back,教学重难点: 1.能听、说、读写下列词

2、汇: swing, slide, seesaw, where, over there, on, under, behind, in. 2.学习询问某人某物的位置,并能用含有介词短语的句子来进行准确回答。 3.掌握询问某人或某物的位置的句型,Where is? Where are?及答句HeShe is They are,Go back,预习导学: 直入主题,开门见山。因为这是第二课时的学习,所以我一上课直接导入今天所要学习的主题:Where are they?(可以写出答句) They are on the slide. 然后教师出示自学的内容,师生共同学习。,Go back,个性展示,尽显风

3、采(学生展示一): Where are Linda and Mary? They . Who are on the slide? and are on the slid. Are there any children under the tree? 肯定回答: Yes, 否定回答: No, 改成陈述句: (注,any与some的用法) What are they doing? (知识点)现在进行时: She is doing some washing.He is swimming。 由以上句子可以看出现在进行时的构成是: be+动词的现在分词,表示现在正在进行的动作或存在的状态。 以上问题先在

4、小组内讨论,因为这一小环节主要是培养学生自学及小组合作学习的目的。,Go back,个性展示,尽显风采(学生交流二): Lets make a dialogue according to the giving pictures ,then act . 根据给出的图片编对话,然后表演。 展示是本节课的重头戏,在展示一中,我让学生 在“我的课堂我做主”的课堂氛围中,自己讲,自己当老师,提问学生,在本环节中我出示了以下几个问题 ;即:A、Where are Linda and Mary?B、Who are on the slide?C、Are there any children under the

5、 tree?肯定回答、否定回答和改成陈述句。D、What are they doing?让他们带着这些问题在小组内讨论,分组板书,然后小组代表尽情展示,同时教师鼓励同学们积极参与互动,发现问题、纠正问题、评价小组或成员,小组长及时加分。通过学生们尽情的展示自己,让他们在这种氛围中学习,收到了较好的效果。 展示二,是根据给出的图片编对话,然后表演,锻炼学生们的口语表达和语言组织能力的环节,要及时给予参与者评价和加分。,Go back,课堂检测(反馈测评部分): 这一环节我主要围绕问答句Where is? Where are?及答句He/She is They are的检测为主要内容,从三个图片的

6、内容为原型,补充句子,小组代表板书,师生点评,教师补充 。,Go back,总结与作业: 总之,这一堂课我以“训练学生能力,提高学生使用英语的能力”为出发点,以“尽情展示自我,我当小老师”为主线,积极实现课堂学习目标,体现学生的主体地位。是学生能快乐学习。 附:,Lesson 4 Where are they?课件设计,学习目标(Learning aims):,1.能听、说、读写下列词汇: swing, slide, seesaw, where, over there, on, under, behind, in. 2.学习询问某人某物的位置,并能用含有介词短语的句子来进行准确回答。 3.掌握

7、询问某人或某物的位置的句型: Where is are.? He She They.,Lets read,Lets say it.,Star,a swing,swings,a slide,a seesaw,a tree,Well done!,Look at the picture carefully and read the text again, then answer the questions that is on the Leaning case (学案). (看图并读文,然后回答学案上的问题),(1) Where are Linda and Mary? (2)Who are on t

8、he slide? (3)Are there any children under the tree? 肯定回答: 否定回答: 改成陈述句: (4)What are they doing?,展示交流 1 (Show and communicate 1),Lets listen and read :,Lets act:,Lets make a dialogue according to the giving pictures ,then act . (让我们根据给出的图片编对话,然后表演。),A:,B:,Where isare?,展示与交流:2,A:Where is the girl? B: .,A:Where they? B:They the seesaw.,A: ? B: Its the box .,课堂测评 :,Homework,1.Lets repeat the text. (让我们背诵课文。),2.Use“onunderinbehind”make sentences. (使用onunderinbehind造句。),Goodbye,


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