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1、1,阳光,Sunshine Behind the Dark Cloud,2,早上起来,她发现家里停电了。 于是没办法用热水洗漱,用电吹风吹头发, 不能热牛奶,烤面包,只好草草打理一下就出门。 Morning up, she finds there is no electricity No hot water to wash nor access to electrical hair drier She cant boil the milk nor make toast Hastily she takes care of herself and goes out,3,刚走进电梯,邻居家养的小狗一

2、下子冲进来扑住, 上周刚买的米白长裙上顿时出现两只黑黑的爪印儿。 As soon as she gets in the elevator, the puppy from the neighbor rushes in and gets on her And her new white dress unfortunately is imprinted with dirty spots,4,开车被警察拦, 才想起来今天限行, 罚了一百。 Stopped by the police, She realizes its traffic control today And ends up with 100

3、 Yuan penalty 到了公司, 正好晚了一分钟,又罚五十。 Further more, she is 1 minute late for work Another 50 Yuan penalty,5,冲进会议室开例会,老板正在宣布工作调整的名单。 她的业务居然被无故暂停, 职位则被一个不学无术,整天就知道开豪车、泡嫩模的家伙所取代。 午餐时间,所有人都闹着要新任主管请客, 一窝蜂笑闹着出了门,没有人叫她。,When she rushes into the meeting room, her boss is announcing the adjustment of work assign

4、ment Her work has been suspended without any reasons. And position is replaced by another punk At lunch time, all the people ask the new supervisor for treatment She was left alone without any invitation,6,她一个人去了餐厅,刚把一口饭送进嘴里, 重要客户打来电话,对方取消了金额最大的一笔订单, 年底的奖金也泡汤了。 她看着面前的午餐,再无半分胃口。,She goes to the dinni

5、ng room all alone Just beginning to eat, she has a call from an important customer He cancels a big order of the largest amount of transaction So gone with her year-end bonus Not even a little appetite does she have for the lunch,7,刚回公司,电话响起, 妈妈在电话那端哽咽, 说姥姥的病又重了,可能熬不过这个月了。 她安慰着妈妈, 丝毫不敢提及自己的工作变动, 只说一

6、定尽快回去看姥姥。 放下电话,短信声响起。 居然是暗恋了十年的对象发来的消息: HI,我要结婚了。,8,Getting back to the company, telephone rings again Mother chokes at the other end Her grandmothers illness gets worth and may not go through this month She comforts mother Promising to go back to see grandma ASAP Without any mentioning of her work

7、alteration Then comes a message Surprisingly its from the guy she has a crush on for 10 years “Hi, Im getting married.”,9,In the dusk, She waits for taxi at the roadside to go home But every driver refuses to take her knowing her destination She has nothing to do but walks on high heels with heavy b

8、ag Soon, there come bleeding blisters on her feet It hurts a lot that she couldnt walk anymore She hunkers down and rubs the wound,10,夜色笼罩, 头顶的月亮冷冷地俯瞰着她, 仿佛无声的提醒,家里还是一片黑暗。 她的眼泪在一瞬间夺眶而出。 In the darkness, The moon sheds cold light on her It seems like a reminder that her home is still buried in darkne

9、ss Finally, her teas burst out.,11,看起来,我们的生活充满了悲伤。 It seems out life is full of grief 拼尽全力的会急转直下, Hard efforts doesnt necessarily lead to a happy ending 刻骨铭心的会草草结局, Deepgoing feelings probably end up with indifference 飞蛾扑火的会灰飞烟灭。 Persistence may be in vain at the end. 于是我们失望、沮丧、困惑、挣扎,甚至绝望,对这一切 So th

10、e disappointment, depression, confusion, struggle and despair strike us, one after another 产生深深的不信任感与抗拒感。 We begin to doubt myself 终于觉得筋疲力尽,无路可走。 Finally we feel exhausted and hopeless,12,可是 真的走不下去了吗? However, Is there actually no way to go?,13,她站起来,擦干眼泪,摇晃着继续往前走。 She stands up, wiping her tears and

11、 staggers on 直到下一个路口,有一辆车终于停下来。 At the next crossing, a car stops 报了地址,司机和气地说这么巧, Knowing her address, the driver kindly offers her a free ride 我们住同一个小区,看小姑娘你走得辛苦, “We happen to live in the same community”, the driver says 正好收工,免费送你回家。 “And Im off duty. You look tired, come on. ” 她连声道着谢上了车,电话响起。 She

12、 expresses her great thankfulness and gets on the taxi Then the phone rings again.,14,客户在另一端说,虽然订单取消,可是她的敬业态度让他觉得感动。 不知她是否对新的岗位感兴趣? 如果愿意跳到自己的公司,薪水涨一倍,职务也提升。 他说,其实我等你辞职已经等了好久。 她惊喜地说着谢谢,心情豁然开朗起来,就像终于拨开乌云见到了阳光,Her customer says despite he canceled the order, her commitment impressed him a lot Does she

13、have any interest in a new position? If shed like to skip to his company, she would get a double pay and rising position. He says actually he waits for her quit for a long time At once, she gets into a happy mood, like embracing sunlight after the dark clouds.,15,她不敢置信地望着那一行话, 他像知道她的心事,又发到: 我都知道,我喜欢

14、你。,于是顺手给暗恋对象回了个短信,说祝你幸福。,手机屏幕闪亮,是他发来的回复: 今天我跟阿姨通了电话,我们这周末一起回家看姥姥吧。 如果不是想让姥姥开心,我不会把求婚提前这么久的。,16,Its unbelievable. She stares at the screen. “I love you“, he adds.,Then she texts a message to the guy she was into “Wish you a happy life”,The screen blinks and he replies “Today Ive called your mom, lets

15、 go home to visit grandma this weekend. Should it not for her joy, I wouldnt advance the proposal too much”,17,一路抿着嘴笑。 回家,拿出钥匙,邻居家的门却先开了。 邻居笑眯眯地说: 今天我遛狗回来,发现你家的电闸坏了, 就叫我老公帮你修好了。 在她的身后,那只小狗探出头来, 汪汪两声,欢快地摇着尾巴。 她推开家门一室融融,满眼暖意。,18,A sweet evening. Getting back, she takes out keys and the neighbor comes

16、out She says with smilingly, “After walking my dog, I found your electric switch broken And asked my husband to fix it. ” Just behind her, the dog barks excitingly with waving tail. On opening the door, warmth fully fills her heart,19,所有的故事都会有一个答案。 所有的答案却未必都如最初所愿。 重要的是,在最终答案到来之前, 你是否耐得住性子,守得稳初心, 等得到乌云背后的阳光。 Every story would get a answer While not all the answers display themselves as first expected What accounts is whether you have the patience To hold on to your goal, as always And wait for the sunshine Before results finally unveiled,20,周五小故事 Friday Sharing,每周五下午,和您不见不散 See You Every week,


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