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1、书面表达历来是英语教学中一个难点,要想在限定的时间内写出一篇质量好的文章,非一日之功。纵观几年来的高考书面表达,我们可以看出,高考英语写作越来越重视情景的设置,要求考生总结自己的感受和见解,给出自己的观点。书面表达又是全面衡量学生英语综合水平的一种测试形式,因此,我们不得不重视。那么学生在习作时必须做到以下几点:1.Organize your thoughts before writing: brainstorm、make an outline、etc. 2.Write clearly. Be concise. Avoid wordiness. 3.Use good grammar and w

2、rite complete sentences. 4.Write simple sentences. Avoid a fancy style. 5.Avoid slang、cliche and informal words. 6.Avoid use of the first person (i.e. I/me/my) unless necessary to specific piece. 7.Writing naturally. Read it aloud. Does it sound natural? Does it flow? 8.Move logically from one idea

3、to the next. Dont skip steps. 总之,写作教学具有一定的难度,但也不是没有规律。我们应该遵循教学规律,按照循序渐进的原则进行教学,指导学生在平时多加观察、积累,背诵优秀的文章和语句,由浅入深,由易到难,系统地进行训练。在高中英语写作教学中,教师要以学生为重心,充分发挥学生的积极性和主动性,鼓励学生多写、多练,从而从真正意义上提高学生的写作能力。In todays world, breaking traffic rules and littering can be seen everywhere, which causes serious harm to life a

4、nd the environment. In order to change this situation, we all people must be on the same boat. No one can fight it and succeed alone. As a student here, it is better start on my way to school. Traffic rules can never be something bound your feet but to make sure you are safe on road. So I will bear

5、the rules in my mind. Stop at a red light, wait at a yellow light and go at a green light, no matter if I ride a bicycle or just walk with my friends. Meanwhile, I shall be a watcher to remind people around me to keep the rules. Whats more, it is my and our responsibility to keep our environment clean and healthy. Lets start here and make a difference later on.


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