


1、Oxford English,Period 2,1,Module 1 Using my five senses,Colours,The Rainbow,Look at the rainbow, The rainbow, The rainbow. Look at the rainbow In the sky. Red, orange, yellow, Green and blue, Purple and violet too. Look at the rainbow, The rainbow, The rainbow. Look at the rainbow In the sky.,Read and match,red yellow blue green black,white orange purple violet,Mix the Colours,Mix _ and _. What colour is it?,It is _.,red,white,pink,Look and say,。

2、小学牛津英语1B期末测试题 一,选出正确的单词或者汉意,把序号填在括号里。(20分) ( ) 1, 叔叔 A, aunt B, uncle ( ) 2, 兔子 A, rabbit B, frog ( ) 3, 警察 A, policeman B, postman ( ) 4, 老的 A, old 。

3、沪教版小学英语(三起)六年级下册,Module 3 Unit 9,Lesson 2,Revision,Lets read these sentences:,1. Can I throw away these bottles and cans?,2. We should keep them.,3. Because we can reuse them.,4. Let me show you.,5.We can reuse other old things too.,Excellent !,The journey of a plastic bottle,New words,plastic bottle,Its a plastic bottle.,New words,supermarket,Its a supermarket.,New words,rubbish bin,Its a rubbish bin.,New words,street cleaner,He is a street cleaner.,New words,truck,Its a truck.,。

4、2013上海版牛津英语一年级上册期末试卷 班级:姓名: 听力部分(60 分) 一、听音,圈出你所听到的图片(102 =20 ) 1. A. B.2. A.B. 3. A. B. 4. A. B. 5. A. B. 6. A. B. 7. A. B. 8. A. B. 9. A. B. 10. A. B. 二、听音,圈出单词( 101 =10 ) 1. read write 2. ruler rubber 3. moon mooncake 4. bag pen 5. jump dance 6.father mother 7.autumn bicycle 8. slide swing 9. taro nose 10. ball doll 三,听音,写数字5% 1,_ 2._.3_4_5_ 四、听音,给下列图片排序(101 =10 ) ()()()()() ()()()( ) ( ) 四、听音,看。

5、Period 1,Sounds,3,Oxford English,Module 1 Using my five senses,Listen and say,Look and say,Look and say,Look and read,plane,bike,ship,car,bus,train,Read and match,bike bus train car ship plane,Listen and read,What can you hear?,I can hear a train.,I can hear .,Ask and answer,What can you hear?,I can hear a bus.,I can hear a ship.,I can hear a plane.,I can hear a bike.,Listen and order,Ask and answer,1,6,4,3,2,5,7,Ask and answer,Ask and answer,Ask and answer,Look and choose,I ca。

6、新版牛津英语3A 期末复习资料 Unit 1 (一单元) Words: (单词)Letters(字母)Conversations(对话) hello I Miss apple bag Hello,I m peter. Good morning. Unit 2 (二单元) Words: (单词)Letters(字母)Conversations(对话) Mr Mrs are fine cat dog Hi How are you? I m fine. Thank you! Goodbye! Unit 3 (三单元) Words: (单词)Letters(字母)Conversations(对话) boy girl am no not yes wolf sheep egg fan Are you kitty ? Yes, I am. No, Im not. I m not a boy. You re not a girl. I m=I am You re= 。

7、优质教案 教 案 2021年牛津小学英语三年级教案 学校:XXXX 年级:XXXX 教师:XXXX 日期:2021年XX月XX日 优质教案 2021年牛津小学英语三年级教案 在小学现阶段的英语课程教学中,教师们越发重视学生英语阅读能力的培养,并且开始认识到只有开展积极有效的教学活动并实施一定的教学手段才可以激发学生的学习兴趣。今天在这给大家整理了一些牛津小学英语三年级教案,我们一起来看看吧!。

8、,Unit 2 Tastes,小学英语第二册12,里寺小学 李霞,教学目标:,一、熟练掌握新单词:taste, how, sweet, sour. 二、运用新句型进行交流, 描述食物的味道。,请同学们打开课本第6页,边看边听,可小声跟读,并且画出不认识的单词。,自学提示 1,sour: 酸的.,ta-ste,s-wee-t,sour,how,Learn the new words:,taste :品尝,how: 怎么样,sweet: 甜的,can-dy,Its candy . Its sweet.,ice cream,Its an ice cream . Its sweet, too.,le-mon,Its a lemon . Its sour.,candy,orange,how,sour,lemon,ice cream,taste,sweet,how,当堂测试一:,一、将。

9、Period 1,Tastes,2,Module 1 Using my five senses,Oxford English,Touch and guess,Whats in the bag?,Say and read,candy,ice cream,lemon,Clap and say,Read and spell,candy,ice cream,lemon,a,an,Read and match,a, an, or /,a,an,a,a,an,an,/,/,Read and match,candy a lemon chocolate an ice cream a peach a pear an orange an apple,Read and talk,Taste it. How is it?,It is sour.,Taste it. How is it?,It is sweet.,Look and judge,Sweet or Sour?,sweet,sour,sweet,?,How is it?,?,?,?,Ask and choose,sweet,。

10、牛津英语9A 选择题专练 1. You each _ good sense of humour. A. with B. has C. have D. are 2. The room is safe to _ . A. live in B. living in C. live D. live with 3. When you feel _ to watch TV by。

11、1 六年级英语 ( 上) 期末试卷 听力部分( 30 分) 一、听录音, 选出你所听到的单词或短语。 (听两遍,共 10 题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分) ()1. A. litter ()2. A. smell ()3. A. sky ()4. A. sing ()5. A. ground ()6. A. project ()7. A. told ()8. A. too much ()9. A. threw ()10. A. cut down B. little B. still B. skin B. sign B. around B. protect B. hold B. so much B. throw B. put down C. letter C. spell C. slip C. song C. playground C. plastic C. cold C. too many C. through C. sit down 二、。

12、牛津英语三年级牛津英语3B Unit 2 Yes or NoThe first period 来源:网络 2009-07-28 09:21:11 标签: 课堂实录及点评教材:九年义务教育六年制小学教科书?牛津小学英语3B第二单元第一教时单词:clock key computer 句型:一般疑问句Is this/that?及其肯定和否定的回答Yes,it is. No, it isnt. 日常用语。

13、Period 3,Tastes,2,Oxford English,Module 1 Using my five senses,Look and spell,Ask and answer,It is an apple.,How is the apple?,What is it?,It is red. It is round. It is sweet. It is juicy.,Ask and answer,How is ?,What is it?,Read and guess,Read and guess,Read and guess,Read and guess,Read aloud,Read aloud,Read aloud,Read aloud,Read aloud,Read aloud,Read and guess,1,3,2,Read and guess,It is green. It is big and round. It is sweet. What is it?,1,Read and guess,2,It is brown. It is sweet. It is 。

14、(四) 一、 用所给词的适当形式填空: 1 This is _(I) new classmate._(she) names Sally. 2 Thats _(we) English teacher. 3 _(he) brother is my classmate. 4 _(I) deskmate is Jill,_(she) hair is long。

15、Oxford English,Period 2,Tastes,2,Module 1 Using my five senses,Look and say,Look and spell,cake,lemon,orange,candy,apple,peach,Ask and answer,How is the apple?,It is big.,It is round.,It is sweet.,It is juicy.,How is the ?,Ask and answer,How is the ?,Ask and answer,How is the ?,Ask and answer,Look and talk,How is the ?,Read and match,It is sweet.,It is juicy.,It is sweet and sour.,It is cold.,It is sour.,It is juicy.,Read and match,It is sweet.,It is nice.,It i。

16、 Unit 2 Touch and feel 课题:牛津英语小学二年级 Module 1 Unit2 Touch and feel 一、学情分析 二年级的孩子已经有了一年的英语学习经验,对英语学习有浓厚的兴趣,他们的接受水平、模仿水平很强,对周围事物有着强烈的新鲜感与好奇心,绝绝大部分孩子有强烈的求知欲和表现欲。对于这些有利于英语学习的积极因素,我们应该注意保护并科学地加以利用,使之为我们的教学服。

17、精心整理 精心整理 UnitOneThisisme! 1.Whatsyourname? 2.Thisis 3.aninstructionbook 4.lookafter 5.makefriendswith 6.introduceoneselftoeachother 7.aprofileofoneself 8.welcometo+n. 9.atBeijingSunshineSecondarySchool 10. Goodmorning(afternoon,evening,night)! 11. 12yearsold=12-year-old 12. livein(aflat) 13. becleverat(begoodat=dowellin) 14. intheschoolbasketballteam 15. intheReadingClub 16. callsb.+name 17. comefrom=befrom 18. bebornin(on) 19. atschool(comparewith:attheschool) 20. havehairinaponytail(h。

18、,Module 1 Using my five senses,Oxford English,Period 1,Colours,1,The Rainbow,Look at the rainbow, The rainbow, The rainbow. Look at the rainbow In the sky. Red, orange, yellow, Green and blue, Purple and violet too. Look at the rainbow, The rainbow, The rainbow. Look at the rainbow In the sky.,What colour is it?,Mix the Colours,Mix _ and _. What colour is it?,It is _.,red,white,pink,Look and say,Mix _ and _. What colour is it?,It is _.,red,yellow,o。

标签 > 牛津英语三年级下册[编号:646303]
