
Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema,BOOK5,Reading: The Steamboat,Guess : (look at the picture) 1.Who are they? 2.Where are they? 3.What is


1、Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema,BOOK5,Reading: The Steamboat,Guess : (look at the picture) 1.Who are they? 2.Where are they? 3.What is the boy pointing at? 4.What will they do?,Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks:,midnight,middle,steamboat,sinking,paddled,panicked,persuaded,Fast-Reading: Number the events in the order they happen. Book P22 Activity ,1. 2. 3. 4.,5. 6. 7. 8.,d,b,g,a,f,c,h,e,Careful-reading: choose the best answers,We saw the steamboat in the middle of the 。

2、Period 1,Module 4 Great Scientists Introduction Reading & Vocabulary,禄澈坦求昆蜀恍耿习捧驼娘锥馋携傻史念蛰邀焉茨腊饱辰筛堕缩喂惶羔哺英语:Module4GreatScientists课件(外研版必修4)英语:Module4GreatScientists课件(外研版必修4),Introduction-1 Brainstorm(5ms) What great scientists do you know?,Name: _ Nationality: _ Major: _ Inventions /discovers: _ When did they invent/discover: _,Qian Xuesen,Chinese,Physics,Chinese atom bomb,In 1964,Name: _。

3、必修一Module1 My First Day at Senior High2一、知识点2二、知识点练习6Module 2 My New Teachers8一、知识点8二、知识点练习14Module 3 My first ride on a train15一、知识点15二、练习18Module419一、知识点19二、练习24Module 525一、知识点25二、练习34Module 635一、知识点35二、练习38必修一综合测试题39Module1 My First Day at Senior High一、知识点1. enthusiastic adj. 热心的,热情的 (1) She is an enthusiastic admirer of the film star. be enthusiastic about/for sb/sth 对.热心热情 (2) He is enthusiastic about si。

4、走向高考英语语 路漫漫其修远远兮 吾将上下而求索 外研版 高考一轮总轮总 复习习(七省专专用) 蛹 跺 氯 败 侥 苫 爱 补 掷 撩 撮 想 舟 片 臆 去 扎 猫 固 震 硒 霹 泳 吏 房 尊 毅 连 妹 巷 殷 毋 M o d u l e 4 G r e a t S c i e n t i s t s 外 研 版 必 修 4 呜 喀 数 毕 蕾 缺 柜 虞 膏 找 摄 烦 牧 球 拴 罪 讹 毒 樟 傅 幌 煤 锤 虞 颅 缺 辗 拨 辣 啪 刊 芯 M o d u l e 4 G r e a t S c i e n t i s t s 外 研 版 必 修 4 儒 迸 俗 舔 落 巩 各 澈 蛮 吭 马 睁 潍 早 絮 挟 税 誓 剐 拄 黎 潭 镑 盐 彻 宜 喂 译 汐 戎 竖 闭 。

5、高中英语外研版必修四Module1教学案高二英语学案 姓名: 小组: 日期: 执笔者:潘新启 审核者:蒋艳玲 乔丹 时间:Sep 2, 2013 内容:必修4 Module 1的Module 1 Life in the Future中有关内容 Teaching aims: (1)能在阅读中识别新学词汇,获取主要信息并能摘录要点。 (2)学习掌握课文中的知识点。 Important language points: (1) Important words: prediction, certain, alternative, limit, attach (2) Important phrases: for sure, care for,runout,relyon/upon,getridof,load.with,place orders, free of charge, carry out (3) Important 。

6、走向高考英语语 路漫漫其修远远兮 吾将上下而求索 外研版 高考一轮总轮总 复习习(七省专专用) 紧 浸 簧 刷 击 缩 匝 城 铝 塘 着 地 婉 趟 辱 阑 仕 潞 于 淀 涎 芝 师 等 海 赠 彪 螟 午 荷 潭 坑 M o d u l e 4 G r e a t S c i e n t i s t s 外 研 版 必 修 4 那 顾 鳖 酿 隔 磐 哩 者 袒 焚 烟 贵 衷 沫 锯 持 瞪 鸥 厌 渴 抹 童 耿 绵 胸 淌 彪 衰 读 孟 寂 靡 M o d u l e 4 G r e a t S c i e n t i s t s 外 研 版 必 修 4 悬 劲 凄 绚 渔 宠 通 声 诧 艰 宗 睦 臀 澄 肤 但 谴 胶 侍 诞 梧 啪 所 缉 陶 廖 虫 虐 垄 户 锹 摇 。

7、高中英语 Module2 corner 教案 外研版必修1Module 2 Corner 教学设计 一、教材分析 The emphasis of this period will be placed on the important new words, expressions in the part of Corner. And get the students to find out the meaning of the title , then give some explanations about them , and offer practice to make students master the important words of usage. To consolidate the contents of the reading passage , students should be required to retell the text in their own words .In order to arouse stu。

8、英语:Module1EuropeListening教案(1)(外研版必修3)英语:Module1EuropeListening教案(1)(外研版必修3) Step 1 Presentation. The teacher ask some questions. “1) Do you know the city of Edinburgh? 2) Which country is it in? 3) Do you know anything else about it ? The teacher ask some students to answer these questions and then speak out their opinions freely. At the same time the teacher show some pictures about these places on the screen. Step 2The teacher says: “ You are going to hear three peopl。

9、英语:Module1Europe教案(2)(外研版必修3)英语:Module1Europe教案(2)(外研版必修3) ?. 教学内容分析 本模块以Europe为话题,介绍了几座著名的欧洲城市。通过模块教学,学生要学会运用所学词汇描述自己所了解的城市,介绍城市的所在位置;教师要引导学生正确认识和看待欧洲经济的发展,激发学生努力学习、建设祖国的雄心壮志。 Introduction 部分通过填充欧洲地图,使学生对欧洲一些国家的国名、首都及地理位置做一个初步了解,引发学生进一步探究的兴趣。 Reading and vocabulary部分通过阅读对Paris, Barcelona, Florence,和Athens 四。







16、Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World教案I教学内容分析本模块以Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World为话题,介绍了天池怪物,中西文化中的龙,尼斯水怪,喜玛拉雅山雪人,恐龙的灭绝等内容,旨在通过模块教学使学生进一步认识我们所处的世界,培养他们不断探索自然奥秘的精神。同时通过学习本模块内容,学习搜集和区分信息等能力,利用所学词汇,可以表达描述自然现象。Introduction 部分通过四则小短文描述四种神秘的怪物,并且结合短文学习词汇,引起学生对本模块学习的兴趣。Reading and Vocabulary 部分通过。

17、Vocabulary and ReadingThe General Idea of This PeriodIn this period,well learn something about a famous Chinese scientistYuan Longping,who is called “the father of hybrid rice”.The teacher may ask the students to get the main idea of each paragraph in the course of fast reading.Then the teacher may show them on the screen,such as staple,leading,nickname,species,etc.By guessing from the whole context they will have a good sense of enlarging their vocabulary and this is very important in lea。

18、英语:Module1Europe语法教案(1)(外研版必修3) 第三课时Grammar: Direct Speech and Indirect Speech直接引语变间接引语的时态变化:直接引语中所用时态间接引语所用的时态一般现在时一般过去时一般过去时过去完成时一般将来时过去将来时现在完成时过去完成时现在进行时过去进行时过去完成时过去完成时如:a) Linda said, “I am not the girl you are looking for.”Linda said (that) she was not the girl I was looking for.b) He said, “Your younger brother broke it yesterday.”He said that my bro。

19、英语:Module1EuropePeriod 5教案(1)(外研版必修3) Period 5 SpeakingPronunciation and everyday EnglishGoals To learn about tag questions To role-play a conversationProceduresStep 1: Learning about Tag QuestionsA tag question is a special construction in English. It is a statement followed by a mini-question. The whole sentence is a tag question, and the mini-question at the end is called a question tag.We use tag questions at the end of statements to ask for c。


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