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1、Module 7 Feelings and ImpressionsUnit1 That smells delicious!教 学 设 计课型Listening and speaking教材分析This unit is the first part of this module. It presents a conversation in which the structure “sense verbs+adj” is focused.教学目标To listen and understand sentences with sense verbsTo understand the conversa

2、tionTo learn to use sense verbs知识与能力1. To master the new words about “feelings”.2. To get both main idea and details of the listening material3. To practise the key structures-“sense verbs+adj.”.过程与方法1. Communicative approach 2. Input and output are closely connected to help the Ss. speak with the t

3、arget structure “sense verbs+adj.”情感、态度与价值观To make the students be aware of caring about others. 教学过程教学步骤活动目的教师活动学生活动1. Warming up & listening1) To get students prepared for the topic of this unit.2) To lead in the structure “sense verbs+adj.” 3) To train Ss listening skills.1) Before the class, pla

4、y a piece of music and ask Ss: How do you like the music? Help them to say It sounds beautiful.2) Show more pictures and lead out new words on Bb in the same way. The teacher may use body language if possible. 3) Read the new words aloud and ask Ss to repeat.4) Play the tape and ask them to number t

5、he pictures.5) Ask the Ss to match the sentences with the pictures.1) Ss listen and answer questions as required.2) Ss try to describe the pictures with the new words on Bb.3) Read the new words after the teacher.4) Listen and number the pictures.5) Match the sentences with the pictures. Check answe

6、rs with a partner.2.Vocabulary Practice1) To recognize the new words about feelings.2) Prepare for the conversation.1) Show the table of Act6页:2应该是Act6吧? on Bb and ask the Ss to complete it. 2) If they can give the new adjectives, help them to add more.3) Lead the Ss to read them aloud.1) Students c

7、omplete the table as required.2) Students try to give the relevant adjectives as many as possible.3) Read aloud the new words after the teacher.3. Listening and reading 1) To find specific information through listening and reading.2) Consolidate the new words in the conversation3) Present the struct

8、ure “sense verbs+adj.”1) Books closed! Show some questions about the conversation on ppt. Ask ss to listen and answer them. Then check the answers.2) Play the tape again and ask Ss some detailed questions. 3) Books open! Ask Ss to read in characters and finish Act 5.4) Show Everyday English to Ss an

9、d ask them to find them in the conversation and try to make a mini talk in pairs.5) One minute for Ss to find the structure “sense verbs+adj.”in the conversation.1) Students listen and answer questions.2) Listen and search for details. Ask and answer in pairs.3) Act.5. Practice reading in characters

10、. Check answers.4) Find Everyday English in the conversation and try to make a mini talk in pairs.5) Find the structure “sense verbs+adj.”in the conversation and tell the meaning.3. Pronunciation and speaking 1) To master the intonation of the sentences with “sense verbs+adj.”2) To practice speaking

11、 with correct pronunciation.3) To consolidate the structure “sense verbs+adj.”1) Act 7. Play the tape for Ss to listen and repeat.2) Ask them to do Exx. 2 on p60 and then read aloud.3) Ask Ss to do Exx 1 on p136 in pairs. They may add more words to describe.4) Act. 8. Group work. Make a survey in gr

12、oups.1) Read after the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.2) Do Exx 2 on p60 and then read aloud. 3) Make short conversations about Exx 1 on p136 in pairs. They may describe other things with body languages.4) Ask and answer about the things in Act 8. Make a survey in groups.

13、 Report it to the class.板书设计Module 7 Feelings and ImpressionsUnit1 That smells delicious!Vocabulary:Look: smart, pretty, strongSmell: delicious, fresh, sourFeel: comfortable, softSound: nice, quietTaste: delicious, fresh, strong, sweet, sour, saltyKey Structure:That smells delicious!It tastes too st

14、rong.It feels very comfortable.You look very smart.She sounds really nice.Everyday English:Whats the matter?Im afraid IHave a try!You must introduce me toSure we will.Whats he like?=What does he look like?作业布置WB P136 Ex 2,6Preview Unit 2 教学 反思天津市南开中学 王瑾建议:1. 这是一堂听说课。在听力活动的设计和Listen and read的处理上非常到位,

15、注意到了层次设计和每一遍听的目的性。2. 说的活动,从机械性操练到意义操练,环节清楚,结合Workbook也不错,但似乎形式方面的操练过多了些,能否整合成一个说的机械性操练活动,然后过渡到Act. 8,并给学生充足的时间来做Survey的report?(教师要考虑到给学生补充一些他们可能会应用到的对食物味道、人的印象等进行评论的词汇)在做Act6部分时要求学生给出更多的相关词汇,老师可以帮助补充,为Act. 8做铺垫,人的印象的词汇属于第二单元内容,暂不涉及。做Act. 8之前先做Exx 1 on p136,实际上给了学生一个structure,便于学生使用目标语言自然的完成Act. 8的Su

16、rvey。3. 由于本堂课实际上涉及到很多感觉和感受,能否在呈现词汇和句型的时候,除了图片以外,适当加入一些body language或者实物地呈现和学习方式,增加课堂的趣味性?见教案开始部分,在授课中会注意。4. 对话学习过程中没有体现对知识点的讲解,比如:were going to the airport to meet my friend Sally from London. 和And then were coming back here to have something to eat.以及Whats she like?在山东培训时许多老师对如何讲解知识点有疑问,既然是示范课,最好能体

17、现关于这个问题,我个人认为第一单元对话中除了所学的语法和everyday English之外,涉及的语言点很少,并不是授课的重点,也不是考查重点,没有必要单独列出,教师在教学过程中帮助学生理解正确的含义即可,少量的语言点如Whats she like?可以补充在everyday English,毕竟都是口语中常用的。第二单元应该有如何讲解语言点的体现。5. 从教案设计中看,内容含量较多,可能比较适合您的学生,但是作为光盘观摩课,要照顾到全国各层次的教师、学生,希望对这种情况有所考虑。删掉了开始时描述书上图片的过程,增加了以图片及body language的自然呈现,另外还剪掉了60页的练习三,

18、但仍然觉得内容有些多,所以act8可机动一些,时间不够则作为作业布置,可以吗?毕竟Exx 1 on p136中学生可以增加描述内容,已经达到了灵活运用的目的而不只是单纯的机械操练,为不同水平的学生提供展示的机会。6基本没有语言错误。任课教师:天津南开翔宇学校 英语教师 任萌使用教材:新标准英语(外研版)初中二年级上册Module 7 Feelings and impressionsUnit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese.教 学 设 计课型Reading and vocabulary教材分析This unit, the second part of

19、Module 7, mainly focuses on the reading of a letter. Its function is to determine whether students can absorb useful information such as vocabulary, grammar, and data retention. In addition, students should be able to use the information to write a descriptive paragraph about people you know using t

20、he sense verbs.教学目标To enhance their reading ability To be able to describe a persons appearance and feelings about what happens.To describe the person they know in speaking & writing.知识与能力1. To be able to use “sense verbs+adj. ” to express their feelings 2. To learn to write about a person过程与方法1. As

21、sociating what they have just learnt to their real life would arouse students interest in learning.2. To teach in several parts of reading so that students can get writing skills on how to describe a person. 情感、态度与价值观Through reading about others self-introduction, teachers can help students understa

22、nd others better and even know how to show cares to others. 教学过程教学步骤1. Warming-up / Lead-in 活动目的1) Review and consolidate the vocabulary students have learned before. 2) Train students reading skill 教师活动Show pictures and descriptions on screen then have them do the match 学生活动Match the descriptions w

23、ith the pictures of famous person2. Reading extensively 1) Go through thewhole passage get the main idea2) Help them know its a passage of a letter3) Get the main idea of each paragraph4) Extra reading helps students know how to summarize the paragraph 1) Ask and find out which picture is presented

24、in the passage 2) Ask another Question: “Who does Sally write to?” 3) Have them open the books and do exercise, then ask them how to get the answer4) Show another passage on WB P138My new teacher1) Answer the question and give the reason 2) Answered by individual 3) Do Activity 3Match the questions

25、with the paragraphs.4) Summarize each paragraph and then give the reason 3. Reading intensively 1) Consolidate the sense verbs and learn how to express feelings.2) Use the words theyve just learn in real life3) Consolidate the usage of sense verbs 4) Teach them how to describe a person according to

26、the passage1) Show match on the screen,have them do ask and answer with the sentence pattern “ How does Sally feel when she”待添加的隐藏文字内容22) Give the instructions of Activity 6 3) Play the tape, have them find out language points at the same time. Show them on the screen.4) Give the key points to descr

27、ibe a person, meanwhile show other extra words about description on the screen. 1) Quick to find the answer, then do ask and answer in pairs 2) Work in pairs. Ask and say when you feel3) Find out sense verbs and key phrases in each paragraph by themselves. 4) Do Activity 4, describe the girl in othe

28、r photo. Then describe any student in class, others guess who he/she is 作业布置(1) Write a reply to Lingling and describe yourself (Activity 7) (2) Describe a person you like best 教学反 思下面是我的基本教学步骤,望您给与指点,谢谢! 1. 导入: 展示几张明星图片,让学生对明星进行match . 仿照 同步评价手册 P53 A题 2. a. 互联网比较发达,网友见面需要描述长相。 今天看看课文中Sally怎样描述自己?

29、你能在机场认出她吗? 学生打开书,问文章描述的是哪一个图片? 回答问题: Who does Sally write to ? b. 学生打开书快速阅读,做 Activity 3 (问学生是怎样找到的?) c. 给学生再展示一篇文章(WB P138), 让学生概括每段的意思. 从哪判断出来?3. a. 展示match : Activity 5 ,学生快速寻找 用句型 -How does Sally feel when she.? - She feels . when she. (两个人对话) 延伸: Activity 6 -Work in pairs b. 打开书,边听录音,学生找语言点。(重点

30、是系表结构和词组) 同时教师将重要的语言点打在屏幕上. c. 看细节, 课文是怎么样描述一个人的? (身高-头发-衣着-携带的物品) 让学生描述Activity1 第一个图片- 在屏幕上展示描述长相的关键词! 给学生时间,描述班上的一个同学, 其他同学猜是谁? 4. 作业: 仿照课文 Write Activity 7 on Page 59Module 7 Feelings and impressionsUnit 3 Language in use设计教师:天津南开中学英语教师 杜明环使用教材:新标准英语(外研版)初中二年级上册教 学 设 计课型Revision and application教

31、材分析This unit is to summarize and consolidate the grammar pointssense verbs and adjectives so that students will be able to express their feelings and impressions upon people and things. Thats the key point and also the difficult point for students. 教学目标To summarize and consolidate the use of sense v

32、erbs and the new vocabulary知识与能力1. To summarize and consolidate the use of sense verbs.2. To summarize the adjectives used to describe persons. 3. To understand the description of a person both in reading and listening.4. To know how to describe a person.过程与方法1. The practice should be smoothly trans

33、formed from focusing on form to focusing on meaning, so that students can use language naturally. 2. Associating what they have just learnt to their real life would arouse students interest in learning.情感、态度与价值观Help students to better understand each other through their self-description so that they

34、 may get on better with each other in future life. 教学过程教学步骤活动目的教师活动学生活动1. Grammar focus1. Review and consolidate the sense verbs and adjectives learnt in the former two units1. Show a picture and ask students to do Activity3.2. Group students and ask them to do Part1.1. Talk about the picture in Act

35、ivity 3 with sense verbs and adjectives.2. Do Part1 in groups.2. Vocabulary revisionReview and consolidate the vocabulary about describing a person. 1. Brainstorming of words “what he/ she looks like” and “what he/ she is like” (Activity 4)2. Pair the students and ask them to do Activity 5.3. Get st

36、udents to do Activity 6 individually and then ask several pairs to act it out.1. List words related to the two questions.2. Do Activity 5 in pairs.3. Do Activity 6 and then act it out. 3. Speaking and listeningPractise listening and speaking about feelings.1. Instruct them on how to play the guessin

37、g game of Activity 7. 2. Play the tape twice for them to do Activity 8.3. Pair the students and get them to talk about a party they went to. ( Assessment Book P51 B)1. Play the guessing game in teams. 2. Do the listening exercises in Activity 8页:9Activity 8 and tell the answers in full sentences.3.

38、Tell their partner about a party they went to.4. Around the world 1. Get students aware of the western culture, and introduce how Englishmen greet each other. 2. Use the vocabulary in the context.1. Ask students to read “Around the world” and then do Activity 9 and check the answers.2. Let class do

39、Ex B (P53, Assessment Book)3. Get students to talk about what they know on this topic.4. Check the answers of Ex 5 on WB and help them summarize this topic. 1. read “around the world” and then do Activity 9 individually and then check answers in class. 2. Do Ex B (P53, Assessment Book) together and

40、check answers. 3. Students present what they know about greetings.4. Check answers and summarize how people greet each other in different places. 5.Module Task1. Practice writing. 2. Output what they have learnt in this module.3. Motivate students by doing the real task. 1. Get students to write ind

41、ividually.2. Exchange in groups and do peer correction.3. Ask several students to read their work in class. 1. Do the writing individually.2. Share their work in groups and correct the mistake for each other. 3. Volunteer to show their work in class. 作业布置Write a description of your favorite teacher

42、and give examples of things they do. 教学 反思说明:1 教案的教学过程上做了很大的改动。2 基本上按照课本的顺序呈现的,只是在活动的处理上稍作改动(例如:Activity 1,4).3 Activity 2 、10省略了,因为和Activity 1 和3有些重复。4 Activity 6 和9 以及WB 上的EX5可以要求学生课下预习时完成,可以节省课上的时间。5 Around the world 上花费的时间较多,不仅涉及了文化意识,还在语境中练习了词汇,也能提高学生的阅读能力。6 时间比较紧,对于Module task 极有可能完不成,可以说明如何去做,然后让学生课下做,然后下一节课上进行展示,以便学生有充裕的时间把这个模块任务完成得更好。


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