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1、運用創新學習 提升企業核心競爭力,五、結語,四、提出解決方案,一、前言,三、檢討問題,二、分析現況,簡報大綱,十倍速變遷的知識經濟時代,不約而同的未來 (YouTube): 美國勞工部估計 現在的學生未來換第14個工作時,大約38歲 美國前教育部長Richard Riley認為 2010年最迫切需要的10種工作,在2004年時並不存在 網路時代,資訊暴增,即時流通 全世界製造出新資訊,大約比人類在過去5千年所製造的資訊量還多 科技加速變遷 新的科技知識大約每兩年就會成長1倍 終身學習社會已經來臨,五、結語,四、建議解決方案,一、前言,三、檢討問題,二、分析現況,簡報大綱,1952,1960,1

2、970,1980,1990,製造導向,投資導向,創新導向,勞力密集產業,資本密集產業,技術密集產業,知識密集產業,2000,高科技產業發展,產業技術升級與國際化,農業、密集、進口替代的輕工業,動密集產業,出口為導向之產業結構,由密集轉為資本密集。推動產業升級,培育高科技產業基礎,高科技產業萌芽及奠基。電子資訊產業逐漸成為產業發展重點,新興高科技產業起飛期。資訊電子、光電、通訊產業蓬勃發展,以知經濟為目標。研發及高附加價值製造業為推動重點,進入 民生工業,改良 農業技術,建立重化基礎,2010(f),全球競爭 型產業,歷年經濟成長率,註:2008 年以後之經濟成長率為預測值,台灣經濟發展歷程綜覽

3、,GDP%,里昂證券估計2009年 經濟成長率為-2.7%,2010年為 -1.2%,五、結語,四、建議解決方案,一、前言,三、檢討問題,二、分析現況,簡報大綱,資訊通訊科技 (ICT),人力資源發展,企業經營環境,創新系統,績效指標 (生產力/GDP/就業率),知識傳遞 效率,知識掌握 能力,環境成本 與動力,知識創新 擴散,知識經濟 產出,投入,過程,產出,知識經濟衡量體系,五、結語,四、建議解決方案,一、前言,三、檢討問題,二、分析現況,簡報大綱,採購,運籌流通,設計製造,行銷,銷售,服務,供應商,顧客,支援功能的單位(人事、財務),企業應用數位學習提升競爭力,昔日創新應用已成產業共識,

4、千大製造,五百大服務,百大金融,*註:根據中華徵信所96年大型企業數位學習導入率調查報告估計,金融業數位學習 應用率達74.3%、服務業達56.2%、製造業達46.7%,連鎖便利超商業與主要汽車製造業百分之百導入數位學習!,思科(CISCO)成功案例分析,Benefits 成本節省與時間效益: $41M 經銷商回報從銷售增加所貢 獻的毛利: $750M Costs 經營運作的支出費用: $48M Cost-Benefit Ratio 48:791=1:16,資料來源: The Business Case For E-Learning, 2005 Cisco Press,股東報酬回收,顧客價值提

5、升,企業流程精進,數位學習建構人力資本,價值創造利器,訓練品質一致化,知識管理效率化,正隆造紙,產品優質化的要求 全球競爭的衝擊,產業挑戰,設備保養不易,人員設備保養知識不足,學習意願低落,數 位 學 習 應 用,落實TPM降低設備故障 提升生產效能,推動效益,導入結果,運用混成數位學習訓練員工推動全面生產維護管理成效: 設備總合效率(OEE)較去年同期成長2.9 故障時間減少11,945分鐘 單點學習提案件數(OPL)新增739件 經過同時期效益比較,總效益為5,300萬元,ROI為32,現場工作環境嚴峻,厚植企業人力資本與知識資產,改善安衛環境提升員工士氣,建立技術能力激發改善意識,正隆造

6、紙,線上課程,萃取老師傅經驗,品質一致,工廠操作員在電腦教室集中受訓 減少e化落差,混成學習-課後實機操作演練,喬山 案例分析,總體市場衰退 (次級房貸, 暖冬 效應, 大陸勞工 成本提升),擴廠過快,淡旺季員工需求落差大,兼顧品牌行銷 及生產製造,主管能力 有待提升,數 位 學 習 應 用,接班人計畫 企業發展、永續經營,菁英、領袖班培訓 建立喬山人才庫,縮短青澀期 穩定技術品質 建立多能工制度,縮短培訓時空差距 全面培植一級戰將,營業額成長23% (07下半年導入銷售課程後),培訓報酬率提升28倍,準時交貨率提升20%,製程不良率降低4%,建立各層級主管能力,持續推動接班人計畫,產業挑戰,

7、推動效益,導入結果,Asias leader in fitness equipment,Johnson Corporation (est. 1975) designs, produces and markets commercial and home fitness equipment. A traditional Taiwanese company with conservative values. Its equipment is manufactured in China. 8,000 employees worldwide. Most of the employees are in C

8、hina. over 90 retail outlets. top in Asia and the 4th largest international manufacturer.,Fit to the Needs in Johnsons sales and manufacturing employees in China,enhancing manufacturing quality 2005 and 2006 were the heyday of the growth. They expanded factory buildings in China and had full orders.

9、 However, with this fast expansion and purchase of new equipment, the match of employee skill to equipment became unstable. This affected product quality. China is an emerging market, where things change quickly. In the last half of 2007 China passed new labor contract and income tax laws which dire

10、ctly and significantly increase corporate hiring costs. Now, like other businesses operating in China, Johnson faces the tough challenge of decreasing operating costs and enhancing labor quality.,Fit to the Needs in Johnsons sales and manufacturing employees in China,improving professional ability o

11、f sales agent Since 2006, They have set up more than 90 stores and grown very fast in China. However, sales agent ability is low. Customer service attitude is new. Increased revenue depends on increased customer service. Training in traditional way in China would be very expensive. Geographically, i

12、ts a vast territory. This caused huge costs for sales training in the China market.,Design of the Program,Donald Kirkpatrick,Measurable Benefits,Under consultation with the Institute for Information Industry (III), Johnson evaluated the implementation effects of the sales training program (mid-2007)

13、 by using the Jack Phillips ROI model and the IIIs ABCDE Learning Impact Model. This solid evaluation points both to current strengths and areas for future improvement.,Evaluation results,Level 1 Reaction Average satisfaction is above 4.5 (out of 5) Level 2 - Learning The average pre-test score was

14、3.76 Average post-test score was 4.31 Level 3 Application The average score from participant responses was 4.2 The average score from regional directors one month post-training was 4.58. The directors noticed that most participants improved in work, especially in being empathetic to customer needs a

15、nd the handling of objections.,Evaluation results,Level 4 Business impact after the training, the average sales number of each store for September and October grew 38% over August and 12% over the same period in the previous year,Evaluation results,Level 5 ROI Intangible Benefits of the Training par

16、ticipants can be empathetic to customer thoughts enhance brand image enhance employees satisfaction enhance customer satisfaction enhance teamwork enhance performance increase interaction among employees through online discussion forum,2008 Brandon Hall Excellence in Learning Awards,Asias Fitness Eq

17、uipment Leader Meets Manufacturing and Customer Service Needs in China,Johnson Health Tech. Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan (III),Best Results of a Learning Program Silver,數位學習的價值,打造高效率的創新學習環境,加速學習速度與效果。 國際佈局,全球人力資源管理。 面對較短的產品週期、客戶需求的增加、建立敏捷的企業文化,提升適應力。 綠化意識抬頭,快速協助供應商變更其設計、生產流程和產品組合。 與顧客建

18、立密切關係,與供應商及客戶協同運作從產品導向轉移至服務品質導向。,創新應用產業共識,唯有公司核心價值傳承下去,企業競爭力才能延續不絕,數位學習正是傳承知識最佳媒介 中鋼 陳源成總經理 數位學習所使員工商品知識增加,推薦商品引導業績大幅成長OK便利 張宏豪總經理 專利每月至少增加10多件,退貨減少一半,節省數百萬元,數位學習是非常有效的投資中強光電 李有田總經理,五、結語,四、建議解決方案,一、前言,三、檢討問題,二、分析現況,簡報大綱,結語: 未來趨勢,資訊,智慧,公司,全球,資訊網路,社交網路,學習網路,共創智慧,搜尋引擎,資料庫,企業網站,Blog,Wiki,RSS,開放,顧客創新,團隊思

19、維,知識管理,知識庫,數位學習,Conclusion,Teacher-centered,Learner-centered,Performer-centered,Online Learning,Blended Learning,Holistic Learning,Manage Training,Develop People,Promote Fundamental Change,Trained Workforce,Organizational Learning,Speed of Innovation,Commerce 2.0,Media 2.0,E-Learning 2.0,Enterprise 2.0,Device 2.0,


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