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1、7A unit3 Reading一、 翻译下列词组1. 欢迎来到某地_ 8. 干净而明亮_2. 欢迎回家 _ 9. 这边请_3. 领着我们四处转转_ 10. 那儿的建筑_4. 在。前面(外部)_11. 穿白衬衫的男士_5. 在。前面(内部)_12. 开会_6. 在一楼(英语)_ 13. 准备好做某事_7. 在一楼(美语)_ 1 4。 去报告厅_二、用所给词型填空1. Can you show _ around your house? (I)2. We can see many tall _ in our city. (build)3. Our teachers often have _ in

2、the school hall. (meet)4. What a _ school. (wonder)5. Tina is a _ girl and she dances so _. (beauty)5. There are two _ in our school. (library6. Our school is _ nice and we all like it.7. Eddie is _ at maths and he does _ in Chinese too. (good)8. We always have a sports meeting at the _ of the tearm

3、(学期)。 (begin)9. Do you know the _ names? (boy)10. Which _ do you like ? (good) 三、句型转换1. Our school has a new and modern hall (同义句)_2. Today is 9 October. (提问)_3. Its 3:30 now. (提问)_4. The meeting begins in the school at 1:30. (提问)_5. Parents watch our lessons after the meeting. (提问)_6. I like Englis

4、h best of all the subjects. (提问)_7. Jack isnt good at swimming. (同义句) _8. One and two is three. (提问) _9. That building over there is our library. (提问)_10. My classroom is on the ground floor. (提问)_.1. Your school looks beautiful. 译:_思考 looks在句子中是系动词,意思是_, 后面接形容词; e.g.He looks _(强壮) (unit2) look _ (现

5、代化) look _ (年轻) looks做名词,意思是_(unit1)链接 look at_ look after_ look like_练习 a.看那个小男孩,他正在照顾他的妈妈。Look _ the little boy, he is looking _ his mother. b.那个男孩长得像他妈妈。 The boy looks _ his mum. c. She has good looks and looks modern. 译:_2. The playground is so big. 译:_解析 so - 如此,这么(修饰形容词或副词) 链接 so做连词,意思是_ 练习 a.

6、 You are so clever. 译:_ b. She dances so well. 译:_ c. He sings so well, so many people like his songs. 译:_3. Let me show you around. 译:_解析1 let sb. do sth. - 让某人做某事 解析2 show sb. around - 带某人参观某地练习 a. 现在让我来帮助你。 Let _ _ _ now. b. 让他带着你参观一下我们学校。Let _ _ you _ our school.4. We are now in front of the cla

7、ssroom building. 译:_解析 in front of - 在(事物外部的)前面 拓展 in the front of- 在(事物内部的)前面练习 a. The playground is _the classroom. b. The blackboard is _the classroom. 5. There are 18 classrooms in the building. 译:_解析 此句使用了there be 句型,其结构是“there is/are + 主语 + 介词短语”表示“某地有某人/某物” 练习 There is a tree in front of the

8、classroom. 译:_变为复数句 There _ some _in front of the classroom.变为否定句 _ _ _ trees in front of the classroom.变为一般疑问句并回答 _ _ _ trees in front of the classroom? Yes, _ _.6. Whos that man in the white shirt? 译:_解析 that man in the white shirt - 那个穿白衣服的人(介词短语作后置定语)练习 a. the boy under the tree _ b. the woman i

9、n a black T-shirt_c. the students from Grade 7_ d. the glass on the desk_7. We also have an art room, a music room and two computer rooms.译:_解析 also - 也,常位于系动词,助动词和情态动词之后,实义动词之前 辨析 too - 也,用在句子末尾 练习 a. He can swim. I can swim, too. = He can swim. I can _ _. b. I like reading. He also likes reading. = I like reading. He _ _


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