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1、广东省阳东广雅学校2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期期中试题考试时间: 100分钟 满分:120分一、 听力理解(本大题分为A、B、C、D四部分,共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)A听单句话(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题。每小题听一遍。( )1. Whats wrong with the speakers father? A B C( )2. Whats Susan doing? A B C( )3. Whats the speaker talking about? A B C( )4. What was Linda doin

2、g? A B C( )5. What will the speaker borrow? A B CB. 听对话(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)根据所听内容,回答每段话后面的问题, 在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。每段对话听两遍。听第一段对话,回答第6小题。( )6. What is Paul doing now? A. Working on the computer. B. Playing a computer game. C. Buying a computer.第二段对话,回答第7小题。( )7. Whats the matter with the girl? A. Sh

3、e hurt her leg. B. She cut her finger. C. She hurt her back.听第三段对话,回答第8小题。( )8. Why is the girl unhappy? A. Because no one helps her. B. Because she failed an exam. C. Because the math teacher is angry with her.听第四段对话,回答第9小题。( )9. How does Cindy feel now? A. Tired. B. Unhappy. C. Nervous.听第五段对话,回答第1

4、0小题。( )10. Who will the girl go for a picnic with? A. Her parents. B. Her classmates. C. Her friends听第六段对话,回答第11-12小题。( )11. Whats the possible relationship between the two speakers? A. Mother and son. B. Father and daughter. C. Brother and sister.( )12. What is the mother probably doing now? A. She

5、 is shopping. B. She is cooking. C. She is doing the housework.听第七段对话,回答第13-15小题。( )13. When did Alice begin to feel unwell? A. Yesterday. B. About two days ago. C. About a week ago.( )14. Whats Alices trouble now? A. She has a headache. B. She has a fever. C. She hates taking the medicine.( )15. Wh

6、at should NOT Alice do? A. Have a good rest. B. Take the medicine twice a day. C. Take the medicine with warm water.C. 听独白(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)听第一篇独白,请根据所听内容, 在每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案。短文听两遍。( )16. Maria _. A. did badly in the exam B. has few friends C. dislikes her teachers( )17. Maria is _. A. quie

7、t B. brave C. cute( )18. Maria is good at _. A. math B. sports C. music( )19. Miss Wang doesnt suggest Maria _. A. play basketball B. answer questions C. help old people( )20. Miss Wang wants to tell Maria _. A. her problems B. her school life C. advice听第二篇独白,请根据所听内容, 在每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案。短文听

8、两遍( )21. The girl stayed in this school for _. A. more than 2 years B. more than 8 years C. more than 8 months( )22. She is going to _ next. A. drop out of school B. study in another city C. begin to work( )23. The girls parents _. A. found new jobs B. dont have enough money C. want her to go to a b

9、etter university( )24. The girl feels _ about the new school life. A. afraid B. happy C. sad( )25. The girl wants to get advice on _. A. how to be more active B. how to prepare for the examC. how to go to the new schoolD. 听填信息(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)你将听到一篇短文,请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。短文听两遍。Amys weekendWeatherIt wa

10、s (26)_ in the morning. It started to rain heavily at (27)_ in the afternoon.ActivitiesAmy was watching TV at home when it rained.Her parents would stay in the countryside until (28)_.Cathy had to look after her little (29)_.Amys feelingAmy felt (30)_ when the rain stopped.二、单项填空(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分

11、) 在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )31.He got _ X-ray yesterday. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )32. I think you should drink some hot tea _ honey. A. with B. to C. of D. for ( )33. We stopped _, but there was not any sound. A. listen B. listening C. to listen D. listens( )34. -Whats the matter? - I _ myself

12、yesterday. A. hurts B. am hurting C. hurted D. hurt( )35. There is some rubbish here. Please _. A. take them out B. take out them C. take it out D. take out it( )36. He didnt finish his homework._. A. So did I B. So I did C. Neither did I D. Neither I did( )37. -How long may I _ your bike? -For a we

13、ek. But you mustnt _ it to others. A. borrow, lend B. keep, lend C. lend, borrow D. keep, borrow( )38. I hope things _. A. give up B. give out C. put off D. work out( )39. What _ you _ at this time yesterday? A. did, do B. are, doing C. were, doing D. do, do( )40. When it _ rain, I _ my mom make din

14、ner. A. begin, am helping B. began, was helping C. begin to, am helping D. began to, was helping( )41. Why not _ a music club? A. to join B. joining C. joins D. join( )42. Could you please _ a few things? A. come out B. help out with C. go with D. go off( )43. Could you please _ some tea _ me? A. pr

15、ovide, to B. provide, with C. give, for D. provide, for( )44. My father _ drive his car to work, but now he _ riding to work A. used to, is used to B. is used to, used to C. used to, used to D. is used to, is used to( )45. He lives in the island by himself, but he doesnt feel _. A. happy B. lonely C

16、. alone D. surprised三、完形填空(本大题有10题,每小题1分,共10) Mark was a farmer. He lived in a village far away. One day he became very ill and everyone knew he would 46 soon. They sent for a doctor. Two days 47 , the doctor came and examined the sick man. The doctor asked for a pen and some paper to write 48 the n

17、ame of the medicine. But there was no pen 49 paper in the village, because no one could write. The doctor 50 up a piece of burnt wood from the fire and wrote the name of the house. “Get this medicine 51 him,” he said. “And hell soon get 52 .”Marks family and friends did not know 53 to do . They coul

18、d not read the strange words. Then a young man 54 an idea. He took off the door of the house, put it on his carriage and drove to the nearest hospital. He bought 55 there, and Mark was soon well again.( )46. A. run B. cry C. die D. live( )47. A. before B. after C. behind D. later( )48. A. up B. down

19、 C. to D. in( )49. A. and B. or C. then D. also( )50. A. picked B. held C. made D. looked( )51. A. to B. with C. at D. for( )52. A. better B. worst C. bad D. good( )53. A. where B. what C. when D. which( )54. A. thought B. caught C. called up D. came up with( )55. A. the paper B. the house C. the me

20、dicine D. the village四、阅读理解(本大题有15题,每小题2分,共30分)阅读A、B两篇材料,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在提前括号内。AYesterday afternoon, it was very hot. Mr. Green, with his family, decided to go swimming. There was a new and large swimming pool near their house. It was free for the first week. So they wan

21、ted to have a try there. When they got to the swimming pool, they were told to read the notice first.Swimming Pool Rules Regulationsl The swimming pool is open from 8:00 till 22:00.l Wear a swimming suit before using the pool.l Take a shower before entering the pool.l Dont smoke in the whole area.l

22、Watch your children all the time while swimming.l Dont move the sun chairs or umbrellas without permission(允许).l Diving(跳水) into the pool is not allowed.l Stay away from the deep area if your swimming skills are not so good.l People who have drunk, caught colds or skin diseases cant enter the pool.A

23、fter reading the notice, the Greens were all very clear about what they should do and how they could keep themselves safe in the swimming pool. They enjoyed themselves there all the afternoon.( )56. The Greens were told to _ first when they got to the pool. A. go swimming B. read the notice C. fill

24、in the form D. buy the tickets( )57. According to the results, Mr. Green should _ before entering the pool. A. take a shower B. move the sun chairs C. smoke a lot D. send the children back( )58. The rules tell the Greens NOT to _ when they swim in the pool. A. watch the children all the time B. wear

25、 a swimming suit C. carry umbrellas with them D. dive into the pool( )59. People who _ are allowed to enter the pool. A. have drunk water B. have drunk wine C. have skin diseases D. have caught colds( )60. From the passage, we know that _. A. the swimming pool is open from 7:00to 20;00 B. people can

26、 stay in the deep area if the cant swim C. people can smoke in the pool D. the Greens family spent the whole afternoon in the poolBMr. Jenkins liked all kinds of delicious food. As an important officer, he was often asked to dinner. The shopkeepers tried their best to fawn on (巴结)him. They knew it w

27、as good for their business. Now the officer got fatter and fatter. He could hardly go upstairs at home and had to sleep on the first floor. He often felt tired if he walked or did some housework. He was worry about it and had to go to a doctor. “Stop eating much fat and sugar, Mr. Jenkins,” said the

28、 doctor. “Or it will be worse for your health!” It was difficult for the office to do so. He wouldnt do as the doctor said. He found something was wrong with his heart a few months later. Now he thought the doctor was right. And he had to be in hospital. “You must lose weight, sir,” said the doctor.

29、 “Unless you want to die soon!” “ Could you tell me a way to lose weight, please?” “You must do some exercise first.” “Which exercise?” “To move your head from side to side when you are invited to dinner!”( )61. Mr. Jenkins was often asked to dinner because _. A. he liked the delicious food B. he wa

30、s ready to help others C. he was friendly to the shopkeepers D. he was helpful to their business( )62. What did Mr. Jenkins do? A. A doctor B. A cook C. A businessman D. An officer( )63. What happened to Mr. Jenkins after being invited? A. He got fatter and fatter. B. He hardly went upstairs. C. He

31、often felt tired. D. All above are right.( )64. It was difficult for Mr. Jenkins to do everything, so _. A. he didnt go to dinner B. he began to do some exercise C. he went to ask the doctor for help D. he had to take some medicine( )65. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The doctor told Mr. Jenkins

32、 not to do exercise. B. The doctor told Mr. Jenkins to move his head. C. The doctor told Mr. Jenkins not to go to dinner.D. The doctor though Mr. Jenkins would die.C阅读配对 请阅读上栏的信息,然后与下栏的内容相匹配,其中有两项是多余的。( )66. Judy like travelling all over the world. But she has to make a plan for it, since she just s

33、tarts working and has not saved so much money. She needs to look for a cheaper one.( )67.Mr. Black enjoys doing sports in order to keep fit. As he is very busy during the weekdays, and he has to play sports on weekends.( )68. Pat likes English and enjoys reading English newspapers and magazines, and

34、 watching English Programs on TV.( )69. The Browns wants to have dinner in a restaurant. The best restaurant for him is to see the sea while enjoying some delicious food and good service as well.( )70. Sandy wants to have sport activities, such as playing basketball, football and table tennis every

35、day.A. Sports Club: You can learn how to play basketball and other sports. That makes you relaxed. Welcome to be a member of basketball club. Every day 3:30-5:00.B. International Travel Agency: It can help you who like travelling make vocation plan. America 7 days tour, Canada 6 days tour, Europe 14

36、 days tour with cheaper price this month. Welcome to join us!C. Center Library : There are many kinds of books in it, including some English books. There are also many English TV programs in it, such as English films, English news and so on. You can enjoy yourself in the reading room.D. English Cour

37、ses: There are some English courses for school students in our center, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. 300 yuan per month.E. Welcome to Tian He Sports Centre. You can learn how to swim, how to play football, basketball, table tennis and so on. It opens from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. o

38、n Saturday and Sunday.F. Five Star Hotel International Hotel: Near the seaside, with different kinds of comfortable rooms and good restaurants to provide you with many kinds of sea fishes. You can not only see the sea, but also enjoy the seafood.G. Tao Yuan Restaurant: With many kinds of delicious f

39、ood and good service. Add: No.1 Zhongshan Road, Tel: 8881638.五、短文填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)请用适当出词完成下面的短文。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。It was the first day when we moved into this house. My son Roy ran around with great excitement and tried to move 71._ own things into the house. Suddenly, he knocked a bottl

40、e of paint off the bookshelf. The tidy floor and the white wall are in72._ mess. “Oh, my God!” My wife rushed in right away and she was really 73._ with Roy. I looked at my son, and he was so nervous.I smiled, held his hand and said, “Take it 74._, Roy. Now lets do something to make it look nice.” I

41、 came up 75._ an idea and took out a brush. “Dad is a magician. I can change it into a big tree,” I said. We 76._ the whole afternoon painting and laughing. In the end, 77._ beautiful forest with plants and small animals showed on the wall. That day, everyone in the house knew something special 78._.Many years later, before Roy left for Harvard University, he asked me if I still 79._ that day. “Since then Ive never worried about making mistakes,” he s


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