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1、ATTACHMENT FOR CONTRACT (TECHNICAL AGREEMENT) 合同附件(技术协议) :TECHNICAL AGREEMENT技术协议甲方(买方) :江苏九龙汽车制造有限公司 The Buyer : Jiagsu Joylong Automobile Co., Ltd.乙方(卖方)The Seller丙方(制造商)The Maker :2014年3月 12日CONTENT目录Technical Agreement 技术协议书Attachment 1: Supply scope sheet 附件一:供货范围Attachment 2: Machine Specifica

2、tions 附件二:机械参数Attachment 3: NC Unit specification 附件三:数控参数Attachment 4: Pre-acceptance Test Record of machine accuracy 附件四:机床预验收精度检验书Attachment 5 :Technical Proposal 附件五:技术方案TECHNICAL AGREEMENT技术协议Jiagsu Joylong Automobile Co., Ltd. (The End User) will purchase 17sets Horizontal Machining Centers fr

3、om, the machine is made by . After full discussion by three sides, we work out the technical agreement as follow: 江苏九龙汽车制造有限公司(需方)设计、制造的卧式加工中心 17 台,经友好协商就有关技术问题达 成如下协议:I. Buyer duty 买方负责:a) After receive the foundation drawing, should finish the foundation in advance. 在收到平面基础图后,提前做好基础b) is responsib

4、le for foundation checking and punching and buyer should help maker to installation and commissioning. 负责地基的核实以及地基打孔工作同时买方应配合制造方进行机床的安装与调试。should provide all necessary foundation components for the machine installation, such as anchor plate leveling plate and chemical bolts提供设备安装所需的所有地脚零件 如地脚垫块,水平调整

5、,化学螺栓等。c) Buyer shall be responsible for machine installation and commission. The buyer will supply the lifting equipment for machine 机床安装就位由买方负责并无偿提供起重设备。II. Maker duty 制造商负责:Provide 17sets Horizontal Machining Center, the type are NHP5500(2 sets)& HC505(15 sets). 提供卧式加工中心 NHP5500 (2台),HC505(15台)。a

6、) Supply scope 供货范围:Refer to Attachment Supply scope sheet 请查阅供货范围附件。b) Standard accessories 标准附件:Refer to Attachment Machine & NC specification 查阅附件机械 &NC 参数。c) Manual with machine(three sets, English and Chinese language and three sets electrical copy.): maintenance manual, using manual, operation

7、 manual, parts and assembly simple drawing, circuit diagram, ladder diagram, NC instruction, operating manual.随机说明书( 3套,中、英文各 3套,电子版 3套) :维修说明书、使用说明书、操作说明书、零件 及装配示意图、电器图、梯形图、 NC 说明书、操作手册。d) should provide the energy (power, compressed air) connection interface data to buyer for install inletand outl

8、et pipes hang down ceiling 须提供设备(动力电,压缩空气)的详细接口信息,买方将负责至设备端的电缆和气管的安装。III. Installation 安装 :1. 设备到场后由买方负责卸货及安装就位,卖方派人员进行现场支持2. 设备基础采用二次灌浆,二次灌浆水泥由买方提供;卖方提供地脚螺栓,买方按要求准备安装所需 的垫块。IV. Acceptance 验收:1. Standard 标准:a) Machine standard 机床标准:DIC & DIYs machine tool accuracy testing form, KSB4404 出厂标准。b) Machi

9、ne accuracy is according to Attachment 4; 机床的精度符合附件 4。2. Pre-acceptance 预验收:Including items 内容包括:a) Equipment and accessories inspection 设备配套情况;b) Accuracy inspection 各项精度检测;c) CNC control system function 数控系统各控制功能;d) Provide the report of the pre-accepta nee in clude the above items提 供包括以上各项检测收报告。e

10、) Buyer will send persons to for pre-acceptance and also accept the initial technical training. The period is 5 working days. The charge will be borne by the buyer 买方派人员到工厂预验收及接受卖方的初次技术培训,为期 5 天。 该费用由买方承担。f) machine 50 pieces of workpiece which were provided by Buyer for testing to meet the requirem

11、ent during pre-acceptance预验收期间买方提供 50 个工件给用于试加工和预验收以满足所提图纸要求。g) Buyer should send * pieces of workpiece to factory within * days after singing the commercial contract, the expenses shall be borne by the buyer.买方需在 4 月20 日提供设计样件 1件,6月 25日提供试切件 10 台,8月 10日提供验收件 40件 至工厂,该费用由买方承担。3. Final acceptance and

12、 Training 终验收及培训:1) Final acceptance will be carried out at end-users factory. shall dispatch electrical and mechanical engineers to the end-users factory to supervise the unpacking,installation, commissioning, the final acceptance till the hand over. The end-user should arrange concerning personnel

13、 to co-work with makers engineer.终验收在最终用户工厂进行。应派机电专家到最终用户工厂指导进行开箱、安装、调试及终验收 直至交付使用。最终用户应安排有关人员配合工作。The final acceptance include 终验收包括:a) Machine exterior inspection and accessory inspection 机床外观及配置检查。b) Equipment installation 设备安装调试 :c) Accuracy inspection according to Horizontal Machining center Te

14、st Record (Attachment 4) provided by mamufacturer.机床精度检验按照制造商精度检验书(附件4)验收。d) Dry-run 8 hours to check machine performance 空运转 8 小时,检查机床性能。e) Provide the report of the pre-acceptance include the above items. 提供包括以上各项检测报告。f) Should machine 30 pieces of work-pieces per pallet continuously for detecting

15、 machine performance during final acceptance period, machining process refer to attachment files.终验收期间连续加工 30 件/每工作台 工件用于机床性能检测已满足图纸要求,加工内容见附件。g )When the machine is sent to buyer site, will be in charge for final acceptance. At the same time, must train the buyer s operators which is held in the bu

16、yer s site, the maker is responsible for mechanical maintenance, electrical maintenance, CNC programmers and operators to be trained, until the buyers operators have mastered the equipment maintenance, programming and operating capacities. Training time is 5 days. 负责培训甲方人员技术培训。技术培训在买方工厂进行,由负责对买方机械维修

17、人员、电气维修 人员、 CNC 程序编制人员及操作者进行技术培训,直到买方人员能基本掌握设备维修、 编程及操 作能力为止。时间为 5 天。h) will send 1 technical engineer to customer site to accompany production with customer after final acceptance, totally time for the accompany period is 30 days.设备终验收完毕后将派遣 1 名技术工程师到客户工厂进行陪产, 陪产时间累积 30 天。V. Quality guarantee and A

18、fter-sales service 质量保证和售后服务a) From the date of signing the final acceptance, the equipment warranty is one year, numerical control system warranty is two years, during the quality guarantee period, if any parts was damaged, should be replaced free of charge within 20 days( if there is no inventory

19、in factory then we can not promise) until the equipments runs well.自最终验收签字之日起,对该设备质保一年,数控系统质保两年。在质量保证期内,如有零部件 损坏,应在 20天(如工厂没有库存,则最长需要 3 个月)内无偿更换,直至该设备正常运行 .b) The after service must be borne by. must give the technical advice if receiving buyers equipment problems within 4 hours ,and when a quality

20、problem coming up, engineer should arrive at the site within 24 hours to resolve faults, the service shall not be contrary to their service mode and commitment. 设备的售后服务由负责 .必须在买方设备出现问题后的 4 小时内 响应用户的技术咨询,若发生质 量问题,工程师应在 24 小时内到达现场解决故障,售后服务不得违背其服务方式和承诺 .c) After machine warranty period, required to pro

21、vide extensive benefits of technical support. 。 机床保修期过后,要求能提供广泛优惠的技术支持。d) This agreement is become effective after sign by three sides. Others not mention things should be kindly discussion by three sides.本协议待合同签字后同时生效。未尽事宜三方协商解决。甲方(买方) :江苏九龙汽车制造有限公司The Buyer : Jiagsu Joylong Automobile Co., Ltd. 签字 (Signature) :日期:乙方(卖方) :The Seller :签字 (Signature) :日期:丙方(制造商) :The Maker :签字 (Signature) : 日期:


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