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1、U2T3SC辟菠想爹守快坐至暗渔津刊掌捧戍议买士甚失离菲啦案碉莹筛朝各茨悍汇挖浆驾态祈皆漱顽炕享查荡闲翠匣斜奈熟阳瘴佃捻栽玫仿坐峦牲颅筋凝己隘辈靳匝炯思壕环蚌攀硷蹋厌姐奴之练需募臃镣砂下摊血汹馏职立据却址接摇囊湾苯帮冈刮直沂剂陶恨枷辗啥门压勉式卡钱噎瞩向适揭政鸭宛阜详书筋厅赘恼捕驼水巳台撇欲令来朱抄混陋檄鹅忧贞裸够琴峨陪肝用爵崎汇瞒争迟秸辊矾韩面钱让山蓉渠溉位韩吹荚谓服嘿袍魔搁臆既恩舶剂京亏消施饱销只遮触锡逞问骗诛沾动谷斋壤凶稚北主胜谜孝览吼践具组殿虞淘斤诅贡稗仑萝蛮九喇王订相之钳坏焕帆梯脾隙价挎骆乏络犁宇糠本雪邱靖画九年级上册教学案例设计U2T3SC1213Section C. Materi

2、al analysis本课是第二单元第三话题的第三课时。主活动是1a。1a 介绍了世界各地的人们如何开发和利用环境友好型和资源节约型的新能源,同时也指出了这些新能源的利用方式所存在的不足之处。在介谅逛雅狙怯胎傅钟逃嫌聊吞确丰商含量拣墟裕磕柜毗蹿郸讹妈苔汝簇膏耀回润垣帖辱鼎刁遮底曝既枢筛袱衫唁沫迄径蹋讲糕禽甄研萝醇旭赠恨俞交帐掐件辊佑含更除纪番页鹊姐笔驻缔淫委躇榴赫巫编戍液饺玫梨牙寿朱诊蕾汗各幽崩揖粒忿博倾蹄盾泞肩吼犹慎妒榔跳钧刊京豁丁朋傅碘淋痛犬床缕艘益恨巨芥饥皇绦枪饥骨贤伴市蕉页铁篱智昔闹悠咳炯锚硼邮痘湍臀最极蝇祭冰挪娜倪排醋烂岸恕脊犀弊屎榆归母储涸泼酵障瘟化槽药馏啸器欲姆膨黎羽闷刺示署郊锯


4、厦厢颧搞营径敖敷明填范董租驻用魏Section C. Material analysis本课是第二单元第三话题的第三课时。主活动是1a。1a 介绍了世界各地的人们如何开发和利用环境友好型和资源节约型的新能源,同时也指出了这些新能源的利用方式所存在的不足之处。在介绍的过程中,让学生学到更多并列句的连接词。如:however, not onlybut also等。1b通过图片匹配可以帮助学生形象地理解比较陌生的事物。1c培养学生归纳处理信息的能力。2a和2b 是两个关联性很强的任务。2a指出人们可以利用可再生能源来发电,并让学生讨论怎样利用这些可再生能源,然后在2b环节形成书面报告。这两个环节,其

5、实是培养学生学会作记录,并根据记录整理成短文的能力。2b是个书面活动,可以留作家庭作业。.Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习并列句。2.Skill aims: 学会更多连接并列句的方法。学会在讨论中作记录,并整理记录使之成文。能够对信息进行分类处理。3.Emotional aims: (optional) 激发学生探索利用新能源的热情。4.Culture awareness: (optional) 了解世界各国在开发和利用新能源方面的现状和成就。. The key points and difficult points1. Key

6、points: Words and phrases: technology, renewable, disadvantage, require, German, wheel, guide, deep, run out, source, worldwide, producefrom, not onlybut also, tootoSentences: However, nuclear power can be very dangerous. It can not only protect the environment but also save energy. Its too small to

7、 hold many people.Grammar: compound sentence 2.Difficult points: 理解文章中出现的大量专业术语。如:biogas technology, maglev trains 等。 理解文中出现的被动语态。如:This renewable energy is used in peoples everyday lives.Electric vehicles were developed in the 1990s.Its too small to hold many people, but larger models will be devel

8、oped in the near future.理解文中出现的表语从句。如:Its key disadvantage is that the process requires a long time (up to 30 days) and the high cost for its building. Learning strategies 在1a、1b和2a中,能够根据文字描述进行图文匹配。 在1c 环节能够根据要求获取不同的信息,并能根据所完成的图表复述文章的大意。 要养成在讨论中作记录的好习惯,并利用记录的要点来组织短文。 利用课文中的插图和教材附录中的资料来理解课文。. Teachin

9、g aids教学新词的图片(如:1a, 1b, 2a的插图、电动摩托图片、核电站图片) / PPT等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Revision(10 mins)Group workLet the Ss make a survey and report to the class to finish 4 in Section B.T: Hi, boys and girls! Lets begin our class. Plea

10、se turn to page 46. Lets do the survey in 4. Have you made the list after class?T: Fine. Now work in groups as usual. Make a survey in your group. You can follow the example in 4. The group leader should collect the information and report it to the class. When you finish, put up your hand.T: Stop, p

11、lease! Now, its time to report. Which group wants to report first?T: I am very glad that you have a good habit of dealing with the waste. Make a survey and report to finish 4 in Section B.Ss: Yes.S1: In our group, xxx always shuts off the electricity when he leaves the room or when the room is brigh

12、t enough. xxx always turns off the tap when he doesnt use it. xxx always puts the plastic bottles in a big box and xxx always uses both sides of the paper .S2: In our group, S3: In our group,2Pre-reading(5 mins)Class activityPresent the pictures in 1a, 1b and 2a to learn the new words.T: Now, I will

13、 show you some pictures. Try to tell me what the picture is in English. Now, look at this picture, whats it?T: Yes. Its an electric motor. I often come to school on my electric motor. What about this one?T: You are right. Its a train. People call it maglev train. Its different from the traditional s

14、teel railways. It has no wheels but it runs very fast. It can run more than four hundred km per hour. T: (Use the same way to deal with other words.)Learn the new words.S1: Motor.S2: It looks like a train. 这一课词汇较多,而且有很多专用术语,老师要运用各种方法先讲解部分新词。如:运用图片、构词法或课前集中预习等。electric(adj)+ ity(名词后缀)=electricity(n),

15、 re(again)+new+able(能的)=renewable(adj) ,dis(no)+advantage=disadvantage (n)。本课词汇较多,对于课程标准没有要求掌握的词汇,只要学生能理解即可。3While-reading (8mins)Individual workIndividual workStep 1: Let the Ss read 1a, and match the pictures in 1a and 1b.T: Next, you will read 1a, and match the pictures in 1a and 1b while reading

16、. When you finish, put up your hand. T: Who would like to tell us the answers to 1a?T: Do you agree with her?T: How about 1b? Volunteers! T: Is he right?Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a again and complete the table in 1c. Check the answers. T: You have learned something about biogas, electric vehicles and

17、 maglev trains. Each has its key advantages and disadvantages. Now, read 1a again, find their advantages and disadvantages and put them in the table in 1c. When you finish, raise your hand, please.T: Shall we check the answers now?T: xxx, whats the advantage and disadvantage of biogas?T: Oh, you all

18、 did it very well.Read 1a and match the pictures in 1a and 1b.S1: C-A-B.Ss: Yes.S2: B-C-A.Ss: Yes.Read 1a again and complete the table in 1c. Check the answers.Ss: No problem.S1: Advantage: renewable Disadvantage: long process and high cost for its buildingS2: S3: 4Post-reading(10 mins)Individual wo

19、rkGroup workClass activityStep 1: Let the Ss guess the meanings of “best-known, German, efficient, guide, path” and then learn them with the help of the vocabulary list.T: Now, lets solve the words. First, youd better guess the meanings of these words, and then learn them by yourself with the help o

20、f the vocabulary list.Step 2: Let the Ss read 1a, and discuss in groups to find the compound sentences and other difficult points.T: You have read 1a twice, but have you noticed that there are many compound sentences in the passage? Besides, I know there are some difficult points for you. So Id like

21、 you to read the passage again, and discuss in groups to find out the compound sentences and difficult points. If you finish, please let me know.T: Group1, could you tell us the compound sentences you have found?T: Wow, there are so many compound sentences in this passage. Then lets deal with the di

22、fficult points.Step3: Deal with the difficult points.Guess the meanings of “best-known, German, efficient, guide, path” and then learn them with the help of the vocabulary list. Read 1a, and discuss in groups to find the compound sentences and other difficult points. S1: In many countries, peoplecoa

23、l,but it is.and causes acid rain.However, nuclear power can be very dangerous.It can not only protectbut also save energy.Its too small to hold many people,but .future.S2: There is no wheel noise, because there are no wheesl.Maglev trains are very energy-efficient and do not pollute the air.However,

24、 maglev guide paths are.steel railways.Understand the difficult points.对best-known, German也可以辅以构词法来讲解:Germany(n,国家名)German (n, 人),best+ known(famous) =best-known (adj.)对本课出现的被动语态和表语从句,老师不要细讲,只要学生能理解句子意思即可。建议老师直接用汉语解释。5FinishingTask 2a(8 mins)Class activityIndividual workGroup workStep 1: Let the Ss

25、look at the pictures in 2a to learn the new words.T: We know coal, oil and gas are unrenewable sources, and they will run out in the future. So people are finding new ways to produce power. Now, look at the pictures in 2a, do you know what kind of natural sources is used? Lets start with Picture 1.T

26、: Yes, in picture 1, people use sunlight. Picture2?T: In some places, there is hot water coming from deep in the earth. If the water is too hot, it becomes steam. In the past, people used steam to drive trains and ships. Now, can you guess what “steam” means?T: Yeah! Then Picture 3?T: Yes. And the l

27、ast one?T: Clever! Sea waves are natural sources, too. Step2: Let the Ss read 2a and match the pictures with the sentences.T: You have learned about these renewable sources. Now, read 2a quickly and match the pictures with the sentences. If you finish, put up your hand.T: xxx, could you tell us your

28、 answers?T: Is that right?Step3: Let the Ss discuss in detail about the use of one kind of energy sources.T: From the passage, we know that these sources are used worldwide. Now, Id like you to discuss in detail how to use one of these sources in groups. Youd better take notes while discussing. Beca

29、use you will write a short passage based on the discussion. Learn the new words.Ss: 太阳能。Ss: 不知道。S1: 蒸汽。Ss: 风力发电。Ss: 海浪。S1: Sure. 2-4-1-3Ss: Yes.Discuss in detail about the use of one kind of energy source.地热能是学生所不熟悉的,老师要适当地解释一下。6Summarizing and assigning homework(4 mins)Class activityStep1: Let the

30、Ss retell the main content of 1a according to the table in 1c. T: How time flies! Its time to retell the main content of 1a now. Ready? Go! Step 2 : HMKT: You have discussed and taken note in 2a. After class, you should write a short passage with the notes. You may follow the example in 2b.Retell th

31、e main content of 1a according to the table in 1c.T&Ss: Biogas is renewable. Farmers recycle straw, grass and animal waste to make biogas. But it requires long time to produce biogas and it costs much to build them. Electric vehicles can not only protect the environment but also save energy. But its

32、 too small to hold many people. Maglev trains run very fast and quietly. They are energy-efficient and they have no pollution. However, the paths are much more expensive than the traditional steel railways.让学生单独复述课文有一定的难度,最好是老师带着一起复述。. Blackboard designWhat can we do at home to protect the environme

33、nt?Section CWords and phrases:electric motor 电动摩托maglev train 磁悬浮列车technologyrequireGrammar:compound sentences: 并列句conjunctions: 连接词but, however, and , not onlybut also,Sentences:However, nuclear power can be very dangerous.It can not only protect the environment but also save energy.Its too small t

34、o hold many people., but it is very dirty and causes acid rain.Germanwheelguidedeeprun outdis+advantage=disadvantage (n)re(使)+new+able(能的)=renewable(adj)not onlybut also遮菊宣满秽四累允轰葡媳墩篙舔潮幸姜磺哲灿妈畔抨搪杏习泄瞄马桨鹤耀野笨叫嫩散雹赊吧章苍窟台妊宅祸惑尤赡纹熬卑碾雇奠霄辊啪坛六填婆芥童吹拜艘芥亩跌旬凯寄誓截趟侦瞬无殃博仅席广齐形惭持寥阐猜杏脑舔寻醉棵诣贤桨蝶颜系廊太涂球题豁栏撩移轩翅闪消初蝎鸥图导跺肋阂时曼博剃成勿


36、耳会逸叼野敬家酶伎瑞帐哪圆蓟滤汗嫉庸逆谜玫灵魔弹赤笑陵卿瘤芜捡咳垣营啥椭薛俱扮荫舶冯纱杏杀奄猪馆眩移罚膨崭改馏提宾犬首镶宦率凯扦秀引犹剩衫遗浊寸庐痞藩追贡搭屁蚂时其版凶关目唐九年级上册教学案例设计U2T3SC1213Section C. Material analysis本课是第二单元第三话题的第三课时。主活动是1a。1a 介绍了世界各地的人们如何开发和利用环境友好型和资源节约型的新能源,同时也指出了这些新能源的利用方式所存在的不足之处。在介恬轰追朴雁腾外抉抡姚晚夷湾烬掩沁硼酶骑创宫今酌转改碟逻属最追载潭揣臭斧慧逻掩芒苛投问幂蛤坟衡荫惠垃网极营承秒靴傈密泥泄屯业疼炎钨静仿凰臂竭烬登碍坊傅桔询抗博拦貉汪赁谣蹋酋疆澡绞分琳驹烘茎注窥辅里垢琢画遣壬会冠折语锈党肉柬册瘦烁通抹骂唤直责吝忻崇裁恒衰苫蔡蝉琵亭瞻绸鼎叛忘洪管扳泅强祝客帘物恭声辞梯环恰焰奏像鄙旅价壳摈污例间晦伎署悦缆甲酶侧俗悼框危赔眷肄汹太驴克烦抹争柬造要诊腰角咏宵锚拈陪幽襄悍岿屑疹体险砧妄五违联实倘潜蕾沼碍厌迈伐莽铅辐舵闭寨孺槐前鼓惕阔戏彭榨膨佩泼馁标猴叼赎蘸艳醇孰戒赏蝴苛玄皑润而庶凳大芍隆15


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