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1、Expressions & Patterns,diagnose v.,(sb) be diagnosed with /as.,Pattern,1.诊断 2.判断,The doctor can not diagnose what is wrong with that dog.,diagnose v.,医生不能诊断出那条狗到底得了什病。 2. 老师找出了那孩子阅读上困难的原因。,2. The teacher diagnosed the reasons for the boys reading difficulties.,Translation,diagnose v.,e.g. The soldie

2、rs were diagnosed with/as having flu.,士兵们被诊断为患有流感,diagnosis n. Make a diagnosis/ diagnosis of An exact diagnosis can only be made by obtaining a blood sample.,in the late 1990s 二十世纪90年代晚期,in the middle of 1990s 二十世纪90年代中期,Para 1. Line 2,in the early 1990s 二十世纪90年代初期,in the first half of the 19th cen

3、tury in the second half of the 19th century,世纪之交,How to say?,at the turn of the century,19世纪上半叶/下半叶,infect vi.,Para1. Line 4,携带这种病毒的人可能毫无症状,却仍可能传染他人。,e.g. People with the virus may feel perfectly well, but they can still infect others.,1.传染(疾病) 2. (情绪等)感染(别人); 使受影响,be infected with,Pattern,Lucys ent

4、husiasm soon infected the rest of the class.,e.g. 露西的热情很快就感染了全班同学。,infect vi.,H1N1 is a highly infectious flu.,Translation,伤口虽然很小,但还是感染了。 It was only a small cut, but it became infected.,Para 1. Line 4,expect vt.,think, believe, or hope sth/sb would do sth. 1. 预料;预计 2. 期望;要求,expect sb. to do sth/to

5、be,I didnt expect so many people to be in the room.,Who broke that cup? I expect it was the cat.,Pattern,expect vt.,2. 不出所料销售部经理今天辞职了.,2. As expected, the sales manager quit today.,Translation,Lationos Whites Blacks,Language and Culture People in America,拉丁美洲人 (Latin American/Hispanic西班牙人) 白人 (Mains

6、tream in USA) 黑人,Expressions & Patterns,constitute vt.,make up, form or compose,12个月构成一年,法律是为保卫人民的权利和财产而制定的。,e.g. Twelve months constitute one year.,e.g. Laws are constituted to protect individual rights and properties.,constitute vt.,Nowadays, many people think that fancy car, splendid house and lo

7、ving family constitute a happy life.,当今很多人认为, 豪华汽车, 华丽住宅 以及和睦的家庭构成幸福生活.,Translation,Expressions & Patterns,segment n./v.,n. section, part of sth. 部分 V. divide sth into 分割,Pattern,A segment of segment sth. into,e.g. There are many segments drawn on the map.,e.g.Those fruits are segmented into pieces.

8、,segment v.,synonyms,cut, divide,Expressions & Patterns,alarming adj. 令人惊恐的;令人担心的,feel afraid or anxious unpleasant or dangerous might happen.,e.g. He looks alarming. 他看上去很惶恐.,e.g. This is an alarming face.,alarming health condition,alarming envirement polution.,alarming numbers,e.g. alarming cat,al

9、arming a.,在方面缓慢,迟钝的,Para 3. Line 10,be slow in sth./doing,e.g. It is said that the adults are slower in learning foreign languages than children .,据说成人在学习外语方面比儿童迟缓.,e.g. Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing.,择友不宜快,绝交更须慢。,Expressions & Patterns,slow in implmenting programs to stop the spr

10、ead of AIDS.,在实施艾滋病防治计划方面行动迟缓,implement vt.,1. vt. carry out, put into practice 2. n. a piece of equipment or tool,e.g. He said his plan had the virtue of being the easiest to implement.,他说他的计划的优点是简单易行.,implement. vt.,e.g. What implements are needed for gardening?,园艺需要些什么工具?,synonyms,Carry out, put

11、into practice, enforce, exercise, apply,Expressions & Patterns,emerge vt.,(the fact,the situation) come out, come forth (某种状态.事实)出现,显露,It has emerged that he stole the money.,e.g. 现在终于发现,是他偷了那笔钱。,The sun emerged from behind the clouds,e.g. 太阳从云层后面露出来了。,Translation,emerge vt.,When spring comes, the t

12、rees will emerge from the earth.,春天来临之际, 万木破土而生,按照古老的传说,夜晚大西洋的海面会出现奇异的水怪.,According to the old legend, a freaky monster would emerge on the surface of the Atlantic.,combat vt./n,1. vt. fight against 2. n. fighting,e.g. The government hasnt worked out the effective measures to combat unemployment.,政府

13、还没有找出对付失业的有效措施。,那只船正与风浪搏斗。,e.g. The ship is combating the wind and waves.,Expressions & Patterns,Translation,运动在抵抗疾病方面起着重要的作用.,combat vt.,Taking exercise plays an important role in preventing and combating disease.,Expressions & Patterns,(the orgnization ) suffers from a lack of money,该组织 (遭受) 缺乏资金.

14、,She is suffering from a severe cough in recent days.,e.g.,forcing it to use its resources creatively,and this make the organization use its people, materials and ideas in a creative way.,(这) 迫使该组织创造性地使用其资源,Tip,-ing 现在分短语表结果,Structure,Language and Culture,beauty shop,A beauty shop(美容院) is a business

15、 place where women go “to have their hair done,” i.e.,washed, curled, colored, etc., or their fingernails or skin treated. women should feel/look more beautiful after a visit to the beauty shop. They often have weekly appointments with the stylist (发型师/ 形象设计师) there.,watch,Its amazing how many peopl

16、e she has educated on the job .,Its amazing (that) there are so many people she has educated when she is working.,Structure,她在工作的同时使许多人受到了教育, 这一点着实让人惊叹,on the job: doing a particular job 在工作, has conclude several ways / approaches (which are) useful to other groups (who are) doing the similar work.,

17、The organization has developed several techniques () useful to other groups () doing similar work.,Para.7,这一组织总结出了一些对其他从事同样工作的团体颇 有裨益的方法.,Expressions & Patterns,literacy rate :,Pay attention to the following expressions using “rate”,high,a low rate of literacy,受教育比率,a low literacy rate,high,death ra

18、te,birth rate,(un)employment rate,success rate,divorce rate,出生率 死亡率 离婚率 成功率 失业/就业率,How to say?,making impossible ( passing out AIDS literature and expecting people to read it.),Structure,making (sth) imposible (),这使得向他们散发艾滋病资料,希望他们自己阅读这一做法不切实际.,illustrate v.,Expressions & Patterns,e.g. Our textbook

19、is very well illustrated . 我们的课本插图丰富。,Show the meaning of sth. by giving pictures or examples 举例或做图解说明,e.g. Teachers usually use examples to illustrate difficult points.,Expressions & Patterns,relate v.,中国人很难把猪和聪明联系在一起.,e.g. It is difficult for Chinese people to relate the pig with smartness.,e.g. T

20、he person to whom we can relate our sadness is called a dear friend.,好友就是我们可以向之倾诉忧伤的人.,(formal) give an account of 讲, 叙述 have to do with or be relevant to ( with/to ) 与有关, 使联系,relate v.,She related her tale of living rough in the marriage.,她诉说了家庭生活的辛酸.,孩子们因该学习如何和其他孩子相处.,Children need to learn to rel

21、ate to other children.,Translation,“buster” or in form of “-buster” combines with nouns to form new nouns to mean someone or something that fights or overcomes the specified crime or undesirable activity.,buster n.,Expressions & Patterns,a crime-buster 惩治罪犯的人 /罪犯的克星,AIDS buster,mosquito-buster,Expre

22、ssions & Patterns,(AIDS) 101,e.g. AIDS 101 photo shop 101 computers 101 Training your dog 101 爱犬训练法大全,The Phrase “101“ is used for an example on how to do or operate something at its most basic level.,Basic / essential tips,Expressions & Patterns,redefine v.,If you redefine something, you cause peop

23、le to give sth. a new definition or consider sth. in a new way. 重新定义/界定/思考,Most of people will redefine the love after getting married.,很多人在结婚之后会重新界定什么是爱,e.g.,Once getting into the college, students need to redefine the relations between the freedom and self-discipline.,redefine v.,一旦经入了大学, 学生需要重新考虑

24、自由与自觉的关系.,我们现在要做的,是重新定立我们的目标和方针。,What we well do now is to redefine our goals and objectives.,e.g.,Translation,at risk,Expressions & Patterns,in danger,At your own risk. 自行负责,e.g. The whole future of the company is at risk.,公司的整个前途受到威胁,at ones own risk at any risk at the risk of,He said it is at the

25、 risk of losing his job.,It must be done at any risk.,status,Expressions & Patterns,1. social standing in a society = position 2. a state at particular time = condition,Social status Marriage status Economic status Job status Legal status Mental status,社会地位,婚姻状况,经济状况,就业情况,心理/精神状态,法律地位,plague n.,a ve

26、ry infectious disease which usually results in death. 瘟疫, 鼠疫,灾难 epidemic 2. an annoyance 麻烦,烦恼,那时一场大瘟疫正在该城肆虐。,e.g. A great plague was then prevailing in the city.,Expressions & Patterns,plague n.vi,e.g. Hes been avoiding me like the plague since our quarrel.,我们吵架以后, 他一直如避瘟疫似的躲著我.,plague vt. make sb

27、annoyed, suffer from 使苦恼,折磨,e.g. Fears about losing a job plague nearly half the employees.,Expressions & Patterns,have a right to do have a right to sth have the right to do,be qualified to do or to own sth.,每个人有权利享受自由,更有权利享受人生。,Everyone have a/the right to enjoy his freedom, still more his life.,T

28、ranslation,You have a right to your income so you can spend it as you want.,你有权按自己的意愿支配自己的收入.,have a right to,Translation,cure v/n.,v. to make sb.who is ill well 治愈 n. a medicine or medical treatment 药, 疗法 ( for) ,疗效,e.g. When I left hospital I was completely cured.,e.g. A cure for cancer,Expression

29、s & Patterns,threaten v.,Pattern,threaten to do sth.,Expressions & Patterns,threaten sb/sth with sth.,threaten sb/sth,threaten that,e.g. Every time they quarrel, she threatens to leave.,他们每次吵架时,她都威胁说要离开.,e.g. I am threatened with the fight if I dont give him money.,我被威胁,不给他钱就要挨打,threaten,take ones a

30、ttention from 使分心,使受影响,distract v/n.,Pattern,distract sb. from sth.,e.g. Dont let social activities distract you from your study.,不要让社会活动影响你的学习,Expressions & Patterns,e.g. He was a little distracted in class today.,他今天上课有点心不在焉的.,Translation,厨房的饭菜香味让很快让他分心了, 以致不能专心做作业.,The good smell of the hot dishes in the kitchen soon distracted him from his homework.,distract v.,


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