兴隆功夫 点亮卖场-商业零售经典案例培训资料.ppt

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1、辽宁兴隆大家庭商业集团,Xing Long kung fu light up the store,“兴隆功夫”是什么 What is Xing Long Kung fu?,兴隆功夫就是员工的服务技能。 每个人针对自己销售的商品和工作的内容掌握技能,成为专家,更好的服务顾客,这就是兴隆功夫。 Xing Long kung fu is staffs service skills, which are related to the goods they are selling or their jobs. Only to be an expert, can they better service t

2、he customers.,功夫明星点亮卖场 kung fu masters light up the store,“兴隆功夫”是什么 What is Xing Long Kung fu?,“打果篮”功夫明星点亮卖场 Fruit basket-packaging Kung fu master light up the store,“兴隆功夫”是什么 What is Xing Long Kung fu?,快速定位气割焊管 quickly fix the position to cut pipe,快速开发票 quickly make out the receipt,“兴隆功夫”是什么 What i

3、s Xing Long Kung fu?,快速写磁 quickly write magnetic cards,快速套垃圾筒 quickly pack dustbin bags away,“兴隆功夫”是什么 What is Xing Long Kung fu?,快速打价签 quickly print price tap,快速盘点 quickly make physical inventory,“兴隆功夫”是什么 What is Xing Long Kung fu?,“兴隆功夫”是什么 What is Xing Long Kung fu?,快速组装童车 Quickly assemble Child

4、rens bicycles,“兴隆功夫”是什么 What is Xing Long Kung fu?,猪肉精分割提高毛利 Accurately split pork to improve margins,“兴隆功夫”是什么 What is Xing Long Kung fu?,开锁王 满足顾客需求 Quickly open the password lock to satisfy customers needs,“兴隆功夫”是什么 What is Xing Long Kung fu?,唐装花样盘扣 Quickly make buttons for traditional Tang suit,“

5、兴隆功夫”是什么 What is Xing Long Kung fu?,花样编绳 Braid ropes in style,“兴隆功夫”是什么 What is Xing Long Kung fu?,花样系鞋带 Tying shoelaces in style,花样打丝巾 Tying scarves in style,提升购物体验 improve customers shopping experiences,“兴隆功夫”是什么 What is Xing Long Kung fu?,领带花样陈列 Pattern display of ties,“兴隆功夫”是什么 What is Xing Long

6、 Kung fu?,床品花样陈列 Pattern display of bedding,快速套被罩 Quickly set quilt cover,“兴隆功夫”是什么 What is Xing Long Kung fu?,花式台球提升购物体验 Fancy billiards to improve customers shopping experience,如今,我们有兴隆功夫345种,功夫明星达6000多人。 Now we have 345 kinds of Xing Long kung fu, and over 6,000 Kung Fu masters.,“兴隆功夫”是什么 What is

7、 Xing Long Kung fu?,兴隆功夫已经成为兴隆服务的特色,成为顾客服务不可或缺的一部分。 Xing Long kung fu has become a service character, and also an indispensable part in serving the customers.,“兴隆功夫”的缘起 The launch of “Xing Long kung fu“,在商品同质化的今天,服务是我们获得竞争优势的重要手段。 As the homogenization of goods is the leading trend of today, service

8、 is an important means to achieve competitive advantage. 提高服务的核心在于拥有一批懂专业、有技能、服务亲切的员工。 The core of improving service is to have a group of professional, skilled and friendly staff .,为了让员工主动、热情的参与到争创功夫明星这项工作中,我们产生了 “兴隆功夫“的创意。 We generated the idea “Xing Long kung fu“ to stimulate staff to participate

9、 in this work actively and passionately.,“兴隆功夫”的缘起 The launch of “Xing Long kung fu“,在中国,功夫深入人心。人们崇尚英雄,崇尚技能,身怀绝技的人深受爱戴。我们把销售岗位上的技能形象的称为“功夫”,让有技能的员工成为“明星”,切合了中国的文化传统和中国人的价值观,奠定了坚实的文化基础。 Kung Fu is very popular in China and people would like to persue heros and skills and a man with unique skill will

10、be respected. We called sales skills as kung fu vividly. We called skilled staff “masters“ which can meet Chinese traditional culture as well as Chinese peoples values, thus build a solid cultural foundation for the idea.,打造“兴隆功夫” Our way to build “Xing Long kung fu“,2003年,我们提出“功夫服务”的概念,倡导员工练功夫,当明星。

11、 In 2003, we bring up the concept of “kung fu sevice“ which proposed staff to practise skills and become masters.,2004年盘锦兴隆大厦推出小行家比赛 In 2004, Pan Jin Xing Long Plaza lauched expert competition.,打造“兴隆功夫” Our way to build “Xing Long kung fu“,我们还专门请来北京市著名的劳动模范张朝和、臧鸿,为员工进行表演和培训。 We also invited Beijing

12、worker model Zhang Chaohe and Zanghong to do some perfomance and training.,2005年北京市劳动模范张朝和到盘锦兴隆大厦表演绝技 In 2005, model worker Zhang Chaohe of Beijing city performed his skill in Xing Long Plaza.,打造“兴隆功夫” Our way to build “Xing Long kung fu“,为了激励员工的参与热情,我们开展了各种各样的功夫比赛,对获奖者广泛宣传,树立榜样。 In order to stimula

13、te staffs participation, we organized various Kung Fu competition. Winners would be the models with great publicity among our Group.,2004年盘锦兴隆大厦推出小行家比赛 In 2004, Panjin Xing Long Plaza lauched expert competition.,打造“兴隆功夫” Our way to build “Xing Long kung fu“,2007年,兴隆功夫就已经在国内小有名气。我们的营业员走上中央电视台,参加挑战并获得

14、大奖,成为全国劳动榜样。 In 2007, Xing Long Kung Fu had been famous in our nation. Our staff challenged their skills and won the prize on CCTV , thus become one of the labor models of the nation.,2009年兴隆功夫央视展风采 In 2007, Xing Long kung fu master performed on CCTV.,打造“兴隆功夫” Our way to build “Xing Long kung fu“,各省

15、纷纷邀请我们的员工前去表演、竞赛,我们的员工真的成为了明星。 Our staff were invited to perform and compete in many other provinces, and they really become stars.,2009年上海大众斯柯达全国技能服务大赛上展风采 In 2009, Xing Long kung fu master performed on volkswagen skoda national skills service competition.,打造“兴隆功夫” Our way to build “Xing Long kung

16、fu“,央视功夫明星“粮食一称准”师徒3人 CCTV Kung Fu Mastersthree masters of “weigh by hands with 100% accuracy“,兴隆功夫不再是一个人的功夫,员工们将个人技能转化成岗位技能,所有的功夫明星都带徒弟,传帮带蔚然成风。 Xing Long Kung Fu is no longer one persons skill, staff turn their personal skills to job skills, and all Kung Fu masters take apprentices.,打造“兴隆功夫” Our w

17、ay to build “Xing Long kung fu“,集团的第一支技能团队 “粮食一称准”团队 First skill team of the Group“weigh by hands with 100% accuracy“ team,打造“兴隆功夫” Our way to build “Xing Long kung fu“,快速织补团队 Quickly darn team,打造“兴隆功夫” Our way to build “Xing Long kung fu“,花样悠悠球团队 Yo-yo tricks team,打造“兴隆功夫” Our way to build “Xing Lo

18、ng kung fu“,企业第一批技能教练聘任合影(2010年11月20日) The first batch of skill coaches appointment photo ( 20th Nov.2010),目前,这样的技能教练有530余名,他们带领自己的技能团队,已经培养出功夫明星6000余名,培养出更多的徒弟是技能教练的骄傲。 Now our Group has more than 530 skill coaches who has taken about 6,000 apprentices, and coaches are proud of taking more apprenti

19、ces.,打造“兴隆功夫” Our way to build “Xing Long kung fu“,我们还推出了很多相应的人力资源政策,保证兴隆功夫长久地开展下去: 功夫明星直接晋级,涨工资。 获得各种荣誉:标兵、优秀等,得到国内外考察的奖励。 获得职务的提升。 Many relevant human resources polices were introduced to ensure Kung Fu program can carry out permanently:Kung Fu stars can raise salary.They can get honors: such as m

20、odel worker, quality staff, who can also go vacationing at home and abroad. They can get promotion.,打造“兴隆功夫” Our way to build “Xing Long kung fu“,19位功夫明星成为光荣的兴隆标兵 19 kung fu masters become Xing Long model workers gloriously,2011年员工云南考察团 2011 Yunnan staff tour,“兴隆功夫”的收获 The results of Xing Long kung

21、fu,提高了服务水平、顾客满意度。 It can improve service level and customers satisfaction.,功夫营销带来客流与销售 Numerous customers and sales generated by kung fu marketing,“兴隆功夫”的收获 The results of Xing Long kung fu,提高了销售业绩,促进了发展。 2003年兴隆集团有7家商场,年销售14亿元。现已拥有21家商场(购物中心、百货店),总经营面积90余万平方米,员工总数4.5万余人;年销售120亿元人民币。已成为中国零售业区域领军企业。

22、It can increase sales and promote development. In 2003, Xing Long had seven stores, with 1.4 billion annual sales volume. Today, we have 21 stores (shopping malls and department stores), the total operating area is over 800 thousand square meters, with more than 40 thousand staffs and 12 billion RMB

23、 annual sales volume.,“兴隆功夫”的收获 The results of Xing Long kung fu,兴隆集团辽宁省战略布局图 The Layout of Xing Long Groups Strategic Development in Liaoning province,“兴隆功夫”的收获 The results of Xing Long kung fu,提高了员工的自信心、自豪感。 It increase staffs self-confidence and sense of pride.,功夫明星成为沈阳市劳模 kung fu master become l

24、abor model of Shenyang city,“兴隆功夫”的体会 Experiences from Xing Long kung fu,服务要有自己的特色 Unique service is highly needed.,兴隆大家庭圣诞60小时不夜城顾客云集 Numerous customers came to Xing Long on Chrismas eve,“兴隆功夫”的体会 Experiences from Xing Long kung fu,服务的理念变得形象和具体才更容易落实。 Vivid and specific service style will be more e

25、asily implemented.,服务最光荣成为广大员工的共识 Consensus of our staff : To sercive be the highest glory,“兴隆功夫”的体会 Experiences from Xing Long kung fu,要尊重和调动员工的自豪感、荣誉感。 You must respect and mobilize staffs sense of pride and honor.,2009年兴隆功夫央视展风采 In 2007, Xing Long kung fu master performed on CCTV.,服务无止境,我们也只是刚刚开始。希望兴隆的每个员工都深怀绝技,为顾客提供更专业、更优质的服务,让“兴隆功夫”成为中国商业的一道亮丽风景。 Service is indefinite. We hope every staff is skilled so that they can provide customers with a more professional and better service, while “Xing Long Kung Fu“ can become a beautiful landscape in Chinese retail industry.,


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