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1、BRITISH STANDARD BS 1000636/639: 1981 Universal Decimal Classification Second English full edition FID publication no. 483 UDC 636/639 Animal breeding Animal produce Hunting Fishing UDC 025.45:636/639 Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Fri Nov 24 03:18:32 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy,

2、(c) BSI BS 1000636/639:1981 This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Documentation Standards Committee, was published under the authority of the Executive Board and comes into effect on 30 September 1981 BSI 03-2000 First published June 1969 First revision September 198

3、1 The following BSI reference relates to the work on this standard: Committee reference DOS/3 ISBN 0 580 12388 X Cooperating organizations The Documentation Standards committee, under whose direction this British Standard was prepared, consists of representatives from the following: The organization

4、s marked with an asterisk in the above list, together with the following, were directly represented on the Technical Committee entrusted with the preparation of this British Standard: Aslib*Her Majestys Stationery Office Biological CouncilInspec Bodleian LibraryInstitute of Information Scientists* B

5、ooksellers Association of Great Britain andInstitute of Scientific and Technical IrelandCommunicators British CouncilLibrary Association* British Library Bibliographic ServicesMinistry of Defence* Division*National Library of Scotland British Library Department of PrintedNational Library of Wales Bo

6、oksNational Reprographic Centre for British Library Lending Divisiondocumentation British Library Reference DivisionPeriodical Publishers Association Ltd. British Library Research and DevelopmentPermanent Committee on Geographical Names Departmentfor British Official Use Committee of London Clearing

7、 Bankers onPublishers Association behalf of the Committee of Scottish ClearingRoyal Institute of British Architects Bankers, Co-operative Bank, Central TrusteeRoyal Society Savings Bank and Yorkshire BankScience Museum Library* Commonwealth Agricultural BureauxSociety of Indexers Construction Indust

8、ry Research andStanding Conference of National and Information AssociationUniversity Libraries* Council of Polytechnic Librarians Department of Industry Research and Development contractors Association of British Library and InformationNational Institute for Research in Dairying Studies SchoolsNatio

9、nal Institute of Agricultural Botany British Agrochemicals AssociationNational Institute of Agricultural Engineering British Library Science Reference LibraryNature Conservancy Chemical Industries AssociationOverseas Development Administration Classification Research GroupTropical Products Institute

10、 Commonwealth Bureau of SoilsPolytechnic of Central London Cranfield Institute of TechnologyPolytechnic of North London Department of the Environment (PSA)Polytechnic of the South Bank Ealing College of Higher EducationRoyal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Engineering Equipment Users AssociationS

11、ociety of Dairy Technology Forestry CommissionUnited Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Institute of Terrestrial EcologyUniversity College London, School of Library Institution of Electrical EngineersArchive and Information Studies Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and FoodIndividual experts National

12、Farmers Union Amendments issued since publication Amd. No.Date of issueComments Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Fri Nov 24 03:18:32 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 1000636/639:1981 BSI 03-2000i Contents Page Cooperating organizationsInside front cover Forewordiii Scope1 Pri

13、ncipal divisions of UDC 631 Related subjects1 Auxiliary signs and subdivisions1 Typographic presentation2 Schedule 636Animal breeding in general. Breeding of mammals and birds. Livestock rearing. Breeding of domestic animals3 636.01Origin, evolution and domestication of animals kept by man. Biologic

14、al foundations of rearing and training3 636.02Animals kept for breeding, showing and scientific uses3 636.03Animals bred and/or kept for food and other produce: productivity, yield. Farm and ranch animals in general3 636.04Animals bred and/or kept for work and the service or pleasure of man3 636.05A

15、nimals according to breeding4 636.06Characteristics, constitution and special biological features of domestic animals4 636.08General matters relating to animal husbandry4 636.09Enemies and pests of domestic animals and their zootechnical prevention and control7 636.1Equines. Horses in general7 636.2

16、Large ruminants. Cattle7 636.3Small ruminants. Sheep. Goats8 636.4Pigs9 636.5Poultry9 636.6Birds (other than poultry and game) bred and/or kept by man10 636.7Dogs10 636.8Cats11 636.9Other animals kept by man11 637Produce of domestic animals and game11 637.02Processing machines and equipment for dair

17、y produce, meat and other animal produce11 637.03Methods and procedures for treatment of animal produce11 637.04Chemical composition and ingredients of dairy produce, meat and other animal produce12 637.05Quality and properties (other than composition) of animal produce12 637.06Faults, defects, cont

18、amination and adulterations of dairy produce, meat and other animal produce12 637.07Examination, testing and analysis of dairy products, meat and other animal produce12 6376/8Produce of specific animals (produce not included under 637.1/.6)12 637.1Dairying and dairy produce in general12 637.2Butter

19、and buttermaking14 637.3Cheese and cheesemaking15 637.4Eggs. Egg products15 Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Fri Nov 24 03:18:32 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 1000636/639:1981 ii BSI 03-2000 Page 637.5Meat and flesh products (for food)16 637.6Animal products other than tho

20、se for food17 638Keeping, breeding and management of insects and other arthropods18 638.1Beekeeping. Apiculture. The honeybee (Apis mellifera)18 638.2Silkworm cultivation. Sericulture. Silk farming22 638.3Coccid (cochineal, lac) insects24 638.4Rearing of other insects. Ants. Glow-worms. Fleas. Crick

21、ets24 638.5Rearing of arachnids24 638.8Keeping insects for ornamental purposes24 639Hunting. Fishing. Fish breeding24 639.1Hunting24 639.2Fishing. Fishing produce26 639.3Fish culture27 639.4Culture of molluscs and shellfish28 639.5Culture of crustaceans, sea urchins, leeches etc.28 639.6Various mari

22、ne animal and plant products28 Alphabetical subject index29 Related BSI publicationsInside back cover Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Fri Nov 24 03:18:32 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 1000636/639:1981 BSI 03-2000iii Foreword The English version of the Universal Decimal Cl

23、assification (UDC) is being prepared and published as BS 1000 by the British Standards Institution (BSI) at the original joint request of the British Society for International Bibliography (BSIB) and the Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux (ASLIB), now amalgamated as Aslib. It h

24、as the approval of the Lake Placid Education Foundation, New York, proprietors of the Dewey Decimal Classification, from which the UDC derives. The English full edition of the UDC is authorized by the International Federation for Documentation (FID), PO Box 30115, 2500 GC, The Hague, Netherlands. Th

25、is Section is part of the English full edition. It should be used in conjunction with the Abridged English Edition, BS 1000A, which refers to many other subjects of interest not listed in this schedule, and provides a conspectus of the whole scheme, together with an introduction to its use. For furt

26、her practical information about the principles, application and utilization of the scheme, users should refer to BS 1000C. This edition of BS 1000636/639, which supersedes the 1969 edition, includes modifications authorized in “Extensions and Corrections to the UDC” (FID publication no. 248) up to a

27、nd including Series 10, No. 3, dated June 1980. Subsequent issues of “Extensions and Corrections to the UDC” should be consulted to keep the schedule up to date. British Standards related to this Part of BS 1000 are listed on the inside back cover. A British Standard does not purport to include all

28、the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv

29、, pages 1 to 60, an inside back cover and a back cover. This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front cover. Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Fri Nov 24 03:18:32 GMT+00:00 200

30、6, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI iv blank Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Fri Nov 24 03:18:32 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 1000636/639:1981 BSI 03-20001 Scope Under 636/639 is classed information about animal breeding and produce, hunting and fishing. Principal divisions of

31、 UDC 63 Auxiliary signs and subdivisions Full information about the common and special auxiliary signs and subdivisions (often abbreviated to “common and special auxiliaries”) will be found in BS 1000A and BS 1000C. 630Forestry 631Agriculture in general 632Plant damage. Plant injuries. Plant disease

32、s. Plant pests. Plant protection 633Field crops and their production 634Horticulture generally 635Garden plants. Gardening 636Animal breeding in general. Breeding of mammals and birds. Livestock rearing. Breeding of domestic animals 637Produce of domestic animals and game 638Keeping, breeding and ma

33、nagement of insects and other arthropods 639Hunting. Fishing. Fish breeding Related subjects 339.175Market areas. Market halls 343.58Cruelty to animals 343.711.1Theft of field crops 343.711.2Theft of domestic and other animals 343.771Infringement of hunting rights. Animal poaching 343.772Infringemen

34、t of fishing rights. Fish poaching 343.773Infringement of forestry rights 347.243Private rights relating to agriculture and rural property 347.257Champart. Right to tithes 347.453.1Leasing of rural property. Farming leases etc. 347.453.2Leasing of animals 351.823.1Agriculture. Produce of the soil. R

35、earing of domestic animals. Dairy produce. Hunting. Fishing Public administration 368.5Agricultural insurance 373.68Agricultural training 378.663Agricultural colleges, schools and teaching institutes 502.7Wildlife conservation and protection 55Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology 551.34Effects of frost o

36、n rocks and soils. Cryoturbation. Frozen soils. Permafrost 551.4Geomorphology 551.5Meteorology 58Botany 581.6Applied botany. Use of plants. Technobotany. Economic botany 59Zoology 591Economic zoology. Applied zoology 614.31Inspection of food. Inspection of shops, markets etc. 614.7Hygiene of the air

37、, water and soil 614.9Animal hygiene. Veterinary hygiene 619Diseases of (domesticated) animals. Veterinary science 626.8Agricultural hydraulics. Irrigation engineering. Land reclamation engineering. Land drainage engineering 663Technical microbiology. Technical mycology. Industrial fermentation. Bev

38、erages. Stimulants 664Manufacture and preservation of solid foods 665.2Oils, fats and waxes of animal origin 665.3Vegetable oils, fats, waxes and phosphatides 665.52/.54 Essential oils 665.94Gums. Resins. Gum resins. Oleoresins. Mucilages. Resinous plant products 674Timber and woodworking industry 6

39、75Leather industry. Processing of animal skins 677Textile industry 682.1Farriery. Shoe-smithing 685.1Saddlery. Harness-making 69Building 711.14Land use 712Planning of landscapes, natural and designed. Parks. Gardens 719Preservation of rural and urban amenities generally. National trusts and similar

40、movements 72Architecture 798Equine sports. Horsemanship. Horse racing. Other animal sports 799Hunting. Shooting. Fishing Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Fri Nov 24 03:18:32 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI BS 1000636/639:1981 2 BSI 03-2000 Colon sign of relation. For the classi

41、fication of information for the public, as in abstracts and bibliographies, maximum use of colon combination rather than of common or special auxiliaries is recommended.The use of the colon sign of relation is preferable for multiple entry systems, as it will help prevent the concealment of informat

42、ion. This usually results in longer notation, however, and for information for more restricted use, the application of auxiliaries, where available, may be simpler and more convenient provided that there is an adequate alphabetical subject index. Common auxiliaries. The common auxiliaries of languag

43、e = . . . , form (0 . . .), place (1/9), race and nationality (= . . .), time “. . . ”, point of view .00 . . . , materials 03 . . . and persons 05 . . . are applicable throughout the UDC. However, they should be used mainly to express concepts not otherwise provided for in the schedules. Special au

44、xiliaries. The .0 special auxiliaries listed under various subdivisions of 636/639 may be detached from the number under which they are listed and applied to any subdivision of that number where the result forms a meaningful combination, e.g. The 6/8 special auxiliaries listed under 637 are applicab

45、le only within that section. The 1/9 special auxiliaries listed under 62 are applicable throughout the schedule. Typographic presentation Small type is used for cancelled numbers and text.The arrow F means either “see” or “see also” according to the context. The symbol = “subdivide as” means that th

46、e number preceding it may be subdivided in the same way as, and with meanings analogous to the subdivisions of, the number which follows it. 636.046.5Racing animals 636.753Greyhound 636.753.046.5Racing greyhounds Licensed Copy: sheffieldun sheffieldun, na, Fri Nov 24 03:18:32 GMT+00:00 2006, Uncontr

47、olled Copy, (c) BSI BS 1000636/639:1981 BSI 03-20003 Schedule 636/639 Animal breeding. Animal produce. Hunting. Fishing Principal divisions 636 Animal breeding in general. Breeding of mammals and birds. Livestock rearing. Breeding of domestic animals F619 Veterinary science Specific diseases of part

48、icular domesticated animals may be denoted by colon combination with the subdivisions of 616 Special auxiliary subdivisions for 636 636.01ORIGIN, EVOLUTION AND DOMESTICATION OF ANIMALS KEPT BY MAN. BIOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF REARING AND TRAINING .012 Origin and evolution of domestic animals or livest

49、ock. Scientific theories and bases F575 General gentics. General cytogenetics. Immunogenetics. Evolution. Speciation. Phylogeny 576 Cellular and subcellular biology. Cytology .013 Taming of wild animals. Domestication and its role in the process of evolution in the animal kingdom .014 Constitutional changes of animals after domestication F636.064 Condition, growth and development characteristics .018 Biological foundations of animal rearing and training F636.08General matters relating to animal husbandry 636.02ANIMALS KEPT


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