外研版高中英语book 1 module 4 reading and Vocabulary课件.ppt

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1、Module 4 Book 1 Reading and Vocabulary,A Lively City,学生课前准备,一、物质准备 1、课本 2、学案材料 3、课堂记录簿 4、练习本 5、钢笔等各种书写工具 6、字典等工具书 7、物品摆放有序的课桌桌面 二、小组准备 4-5个学生组成一个组 三、精神准备 1、饱满的精神状态 2、注意力的集中 3、良好的听课状态,良好的开端是成功的一半。 课前准备程度与课堂学习成功率成正比。,Guess the name of the city,It is a city on the coast(海岸).,It is located in(位于) Fujian

2、 Province.,It is famous for Gulangyu Island.,A lively city,-Xiamen,Learning Aims To understand the passage completely by learning new words and using reading skills To learn how to introduce a city from different aspects(方面) using what we will learn in this period To enjoy the beauty of our country

3、and love our homeland,location (位置),climate,history,people,economy (经济),local products,places of interest,architecture,traffic,Brainstorming When we introduce a city, what aspects(方面) will we talk about?,Skimming: Which aspects of Xiamen are mentioned(提到) in the passage?,location (位置),climate,histor

4、y,people,economy (经济),local products,Places of interest,architecture,traffic,Fast-reading,3,Read the passage quickly and finish activity1 on page 33.,Keys : 1.a 2.b 3.b,Careful-reading,10,Reading Skill: When you meet a new word , try to guess its meaning from the context(上下文,语境) !,Tasks 1-3,John and

5、 Xiao Li havent seen each other for six years. ( ) John has never been to China before. ( ) XiaoLi enjoys living on the coast. ( ) There are very few tourists in Xiamen in the summer. ( ) There are a lot of new high-rise buildings in Gulangyu Island.( ) There are some interesting buildings on Gulang

6、yu Island.( ),Task 1: Frue or false (Activity 2 on page 33 ),the business district,T,F,T,F,F,T,many,Task 2: Answer the questions.,Whats Johns first impression of the city? How does Xiao Li find the tourists? Why does the writer call it a lively city?,Whats Johns first impression of the city?,This is

7、 one of the most attractive places Ive been to. Its so lively, and everyone seems so friendly.,2. How does Xiao Li find the tourists?,They can be a nuisance in the summer because there are so many of them,3. Why does the writer call it a lively city?,People:,City:,Places to visit,the business distri

8、ct the western district Gulangyu Island,Buildings:,attractive/ lively/ interesting,friendly,lots of high-rise buildings and great shopping malls,Task 3:,1.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one? The last time we met was six years ago.,2.Translate the sentences into

9、 Chinese. This is the first time Ive visited your hometown. I feel very fortunate living here.,Its been six years since we last saw each other.,生活在这里我感到很幸运。,这是我第一次拜访你的家乡。,Post-reading,Fill in the blanks according to the text.,Xiamen is one of the most 1_cities on the 2_. The climate is 3_ hot and we

10、t in summer, but it can be quite 4_in winter. Every year, many 5_ come to Xiamen to spend their holidays, especially in summer. Recently a lot of 6_buildings have been put up in its business district. And there are some great 7_ _. The western 8_ is the most interesting part of the city. Its got som

11、e really 9_ _. Xiamen is famous for Gulangyu Island. Its a gorgeous island with some really interesting 10_.,attractive,coast,pretty,cold,tourists,high-rise,shopping malls,architecture,pretty parks,district,Role play Make a dialogue,An introduction of Tengzhou,What have we learned in this class?,Sum

12、mary,Assessment,Write a description of our hometown using what you have discussed in your dialogue. ( about 100 words) Finish Activity 3 and Activity 4 on page 33.,Homework,We are proud of our country and our hometown and also we should try our best to make it more beautiful.,See you!,What have we l

13、earned in this class?,1.The introduction of Xiamen; 2.How to introduce a city;,Summary,Assessment,1,Make a dialogue,Task 3: write some key words in the table.,attractive/lively/interesting,friendly,hot,wet,cold,high-rise,shopping malls,business,architecture,western,Gulangyu,parks,southeast coast,Who

14、 can retell the passage about Xiamen ? For example, Xiamen is a city.people .location.climatebuildings places of interest,location,climate,people,local products,Places of interest,food,impression,How to describe a city,business district,population,Summary,Pre-reading,Translate the words into Chinese

15、. Then read together.,1.survey _ 2. neighbourhood_ 3.local _ 4. suburb _ 5.hometown _6. attractive_ 7.fortunate _8.pretty_ 9. sound _10. tourist_ 11.bother_12 .nuisance _,调查,四邻,地方的,城郊,家乡,有吸引力的,幸运的,很,相当,听起来,旅游者,打扰,烦扰,令人讨厌的人或事,XIAMEN-XiaoLis hometown,The City The People Climate Buildings Places of int

16、erest Two different districts,_, _ and interesting,_ in summer and _ in winter,Lots of _ and great shopping _,_ , _, with some interesting architecture,The _ district and the _ district,Attractive,Pretty hot and wet,quite cold,high-rise buildings,malls,Gulangyu Island,business,western,lively,_,Friendly,gorgeous,Impression,Food:,People:,City:,attractive/ lively/ interesting,friendly,on the coast,Summer: Winter :,Climate,Location ( 位置 ):,The _ district The _ district _ Island,Places to visit,a nice little fish restaurant,Consolidation:,hot, wet,cold,business,western,Gulangyu,


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