Feasibility Study - United Way of Illinois:可行性研究-伊利诺斯联合之路.pdf

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1、Education. Income. Health. Safety Net. United Way of Metropolitan Chicago 211 Feasibility Study May 2013 Table of Contents Executive Summary 4 Introduction 9 Approach the other two focus only on homelessness prevention Annual costs to operate all three call centers separately is estimated at nearly

2、$2.5 million dollars in total Desired Future State Call center will provide 24/7/365 coverage to the city of Chicago and all of Cook and DuPage counties Call center will offer a spectrum of I this assumption is subject to change All Chicago and suburban Cook County I Health, Education, Income and Sa

3、fety Net have been identified and are measured as core priorities. To achieve success with these priorities, UW-MC has decided that a local implementation of 211 Information and Referral system could provide an excellent platform for goal achievement . UW-MC has asked Deloitte to conduct a unique ev

4、aluation of Chicago metro 211 feasibility by performing comprehensive local analysis , working with subject matter experts experienced in implementing and sustaining 211 call centers nationally, reviewing already completed local 211 feasibility research and researching similar 211 implementations ac

5、ross the US and Canada . This study culminates in actionable advisement on the feasibility of 211 system implementation within UW-MCs territory footprint. Relevant 211 Information Services typically provided by 211 call centers 211 call centers endeavor to be community entry points for any and all n

6、eeds that citizens have for human services. The purpose of making 211 a 3-digit dial-in number is that it serves as an easy to remember telephone number for callers to use. 211 provides a one-stop access to human service related community services. While services that are offered through 211 vary fr

7、om community to community, 211 provides callers with information about and referrals to human services for every day needs and in times of crisis. For example, 211 can offer access to the following types of services: Basic Human Needs Resource: food banks, clothing, shelters, rent assistance, utilit

8、y assistance Physical and Mental Health Resources: medical information lines, crisis intervention services, support groups, counseling, drug and alcohol intervention, rehabilitation, health insurance programs, Medicaid and Medicare, maternal health, childrens health insurance programs Employment Sup

9、port: unemployment benefits, financial assistance, job training, transportation assistance, education programs Support for Older Americans and Persons with Disabilities: home health care, adult day care, congregate meals, Meals on Wheels, respite care, transportation, and homemaker services Support

10、for Children, Youth and Families: Quality childcare, Success by 6, after school programs, Head Start, family resource centers, summer camps and recreation programs, mentoring, tutoring, protective services Introduction| 9 Introduction 1. United Way of Metropolitan Chicago Live United 2020 Impact Pla

11、n July 1, 2013-June 30, 2020 1 211 Coverage throughout the United States 211 services have become nearly ubiquitous within the United States, in fact Chicago-metro is the last major city not offering 211 service to its residents. The map below captures 211 penetration levels for the entire country:

12、Requirements for 211 status The team reviewed The Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS) Standards Committee 6th edition of Standards for Professional Information DuPage is committed to finding a cost-effective way to provide 24-hour coverage for residents. DuPage County call centers wo

13、uld consider partnership opportunities for non-core business hours. Rationale for Investigating 211 UW-MC long-term community strategy Live United 2020 In 2012 United Way Metro Chicago introduced the Live United 2020 plan. This plan now serves as the platform from which strategic decisions are made.

14、 Live united 2020 is UW-MCs transformative commitment to maximize its community partnerships, volunteer engagement, advocacy and fundraising, in order to realize a bold new vision. Through Live United 2020, United Way envisions communities where individuals and communities are able to achieve their

15、full potential. While striving to meet this vision, UW-MC will maintain its commitment to the regional safety net by answering the immediate crisis needs of 1 million people every year. Simultaneously, UW-MC focuses on deepening impact within Partner Communities around the region, where it forwards

16、four bold 10-year goals: INCOME: Advance economic stability for 100,000 households EDUCATION: Help 50,000 underperforming middle school kids enter high school ready to succeed HEALTH: Connect over 200,000 people with available, preventative health services SAFETY NET (maintain goal): Answer the imme

17、diate crisis needs of 1 million people every year by providing shelter, food and freedom from violence Key UW-MC leaders feel the introduction of a 211 human service call center could bridge the gap between Live United 2020s goals being reached and falling short. With that in mind, during our qualit

18、ative analysis we will discuss the manner in which the operation can serve the four core goals stated above. Introduction| 12 Introduction, contd 4. United Way of Metropolitan Chicago Live United 2020 Impact Plan July 1, 2013-June 30, 2020 4 Approach the current 311 call center does not have the nee

19、ded space to seat the required increased staffing should 211 launch from 311s site. John also mentioned two other significant deterrents to partnership with Chicago 311. First, Chicago 311 salary research reveals 311s employees are drawing higher wages and benefits than what has typically been assoc

20、iated with traditional 211 call center employees. If partnership were to be established between the city and UW-MC it is unclear whether salaries for 211 employees would match those of 311 call center employees or if a large wage chasm would exist for positions of similar responsibility. Consider, f

21、or example, the position of call center operator, due to the nature of calls received, 211 operators tend to require more elaborate training than 311 operators. If 211 operator wages and benefits are only as lucrative as their 311 counterparts this could pose a significant personnel management chall

22、enge. Non-Preferred/Non-Qualified Options 211/311 Collaboration DuPage County intends to continue operating a local autonomous call center, while open to the possibility of partnership during non-core hours Geographic Coverage Non-preferred/Non-Qualified Options | 20 The final elimination factor tha

23、t John Pfeiffer discussed centers around the requirement for 211 to generate philanthropic support. John felt that 211 being housed inside a city government entity would have a significant negative impact on donators decisions to provide financial support. All of these factors revealed throughout th

24、e interview process have led the team to conclude that a 211/311 collaboration is likely not the best fit. Risks Duplicative Services As it is currently comprised, Chicago 311 does provide a version of 211 style I An Overview of 211 Services In the Nation, presents a compelling lens through which to

25、 project the 211 programs income related qualitative benefits. The table, to the left, shows two separate, unrelated locations with similar income levels for people calling into 211. Mindful of the fact that 211 call centers throughout the country receive incoming calls from community members with i

26、ncome improvement needs, different United Ways throughout the country have used 211 as a vehicle to promote change. MyFreeTaxes is a collaboration between United Way 211, H homelessness prevention and health care State government - An example of a state program eligible for state funding is health n

27、avigator Businesses benefitting from 211 introduction Utility companies, for example, have often provided 211s funding because 211 helps provide residents I Chicago Department of Family % of calls)6 9,528 13,122 16,719 17,445 18,207 Language Translation (cost per minute; % of calls)7 19,849 27,338 3

28、4,832 36,344 37,932 ACD Maintenance8 45,000 46,125 47,278 48,460 49,672 211 Switch Translation Maintenance (cost/switch/mth)9 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 Bandwidth (e.g. T1; cost/mth) 0 0 0 0 0 VPN (cost/mth)10 0 0 0 0 0 Routing Tables (if needed; cost/mth) 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 Total

29、 340,882 409,871 486,482 502,871 520,042 Software #/yr) 0 0 0 0 0 Newsletters (cost/program; # records in database)12, 13 0 0 0 0 0 Total 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Administrative Costs Office lease (cost/sq ft/yr; total sq ft)14 147,000 151,410 155,952 160,631 165,450 Travel: Local ($/100,0

30、00 of population) 0 0 0 0 0 Travel: Prof Dev % of calls)6 9,528 13,122 16,719 17,445 18,207 Language Translation (cost per minute; % of calls)7 19,849 27,338 34,832 36,344 37,932 ACD Maintenance8 45,000 46,125 47,278 48,460 49,672 211 Switch Translation Maintenance (cost/switch/mth)9 42,000 42,000 4

31、2,000 42,000 42,000 Bandwidth (e.g. T1; cost/mth) 0 0 0 0 0 VPN (cost/mth)10 0 0 0 0 0 Routing Tables (if needed; cost/mth) 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 Total 340,882 409,871 486,482 502,871 520,042 Software #/yr) 0 0 0 0 0 Newsletters (cost/program; # records in database)12, 13 0 0 0 0 0 Total 60,

32、000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Administrative Costs Office lease (cost/sq ft/yr; total sq ft)14 100,750 103,773 106,886 110,092 113,395 Travel: Local ($/100,000 of population) 0 0 0 0 0 Travel: Prof Dev % of calls)6 9,528 13,122 16,719 17,445 18,207 Language Translation (cost per minute; % of calls

33、)7 19,849 27,338 34,832 36,344 37,932 ACD Maintenance8 45,000 46,125 47,278 48,460 49,672 211 Switch Translation Maintenance (cost/switch/mth)9 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 Bandwidth (e.g. T1; cost/mth) 0 0 0 0 0 VPN (cost/mth)10 0 0 0 0 0 Routing Tables (if needed; cost/mth) 4,800 4,800 4,800

34、 4,800 4,800 Total 340,882 409,871 486,482 502,871 520,042 Software #/yr) 0 0 0 0 0 Newsletters (cost/program; # records in database)12, 13 0 0 0 0 0 Total 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Administrative Costs Office lease (cost/sq ft/yr; total sq ft)14 100,750 103,773 106,886 110,092 113,395 Trav

35、el: Local ($/100,000 of population) 0 0 0 0 0 Travel: Prof Dev sf) 4 155,000 Furniture sf) 4 155,000 Furniture sf) 4 186,250 Furniture & Equipment 5 90,000 Total 276,250 Telecommunications Five9 Licenses - 211 Translation Setup 7 60,000 Routing Table Setup 8 10,000 Total 70,000 Software & Technology

36、 Web Development 10,000 Server(s) Purchase 15,000 Resource House Licenses 15,000 Total 40,000 Capacity Planning Travel 2,000 Outside Consulting 2,000 Total 4,000 Referral Database Database conversion 10 120,000 Total 120,000 Marketing Branding Development 11 5,000 Total 5,000 Total Transition Invest

37、ments 520,350 One Time Transition Cost Projections, footnotes Appendix, contd Appendix | 55 1.The one-time investments listed on this tab are meant to be a comprehensive list, based on the historical needs of other 211s. The list was created by reviewing the startup budgets of 211 centers in CT, ID,

38、 MD, NY, and TX. While there was some variation in the amount of line item costs (particularly telecommunications), the line items themselves were fairly consistent. 2.“Needed“ indicates whether or not the transition cost has already been incurred. If an “X“ is present, the model WILL include the co

39、st. If there is no “X“, then the model will NOT include the cost. 3.Input a “start“ and “end“ year in order to control when the one-time expense is incurred. This affects cash flow. 4.As a rule of thumb, estimate 110 sq ft for each work station in the new floor plan. 5.Furniture costs are for new an

40、d replaced work stations, and may include new PCs. 6.The cost of an ACD has ranged from $100,000 to $30,000 at the local level. It is difficult to the great variation in cost without knowing what additional services might have been included. An average cost of $200,000 is suitable as a benchmark sta

41、rting point. 7.This is the fee for matching a 7-digit or 800-number to 211 so that when users dial 211, calls can be routed appropriately. See TIPI report. The fee is charged on a per switch basis and needs to be researched because it varies considerably (ex: $0 to $1,600 per switch). 8.Routing tabl

42、es are necessary ONLY if there are multiple centers across which the phone system must route calls. This cost also varies depending on the technology involved. VoIP could cost $10,000. An “advanced intelligence networking 800 service“ could cost less than $1,000. 9.Software upgrades are usually nece

43、ssary for each Specialist if they are going to utilize the Internet or access a common database. 10.This cost is the labor associated with converting the referral database to a standard database that meets 211 standards. It is difficult to predict because there are no consistent rules of thumb from

44、other 211s that can provide a useful benchmark. It has been suggested that the drivers of this cost are the number of fields of data collected on each provider. In this case, the model assumes that it takes 30 minutes of a staff members time to verify, cleanse, and convert a given program (provider)

45、 record. If the fully loaded cost of the staff member is $35,000 per year, then 30 minutes costs approximately $8. The conversion cost then, would be $8 times the number of records (programs/providers) in the database. Note that the number of programs to be covered is estimated based on the populati

46、on covered (1 program for every 250 people). 11.The cost of developing branding (marketing) material (e.g. collateral), can vary widely. 12.Leave the cost amount in place, even if the item is not needed, because this figure is linked to the annual maintenance fees required. Annual maintenance fees are 15-20% of the equipment/software cost. Typically, conversion takes 4-5 FTEs a full year to convert and clean data (at $35,000 per FTE).


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